Rate the last movie you watched (DON'T POST SPOILERS Y' EEJITS)

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I didn't care about your 'point' you spout it endlessly and while I agree somewhat I have come to find grating your ever-present holier-than-thou-unless-though-art-samon attitute and strawman attacks implying that anyone who disagrees with your opinion by any noticeable degree is a slack-jawed yokel.

Do you care about your horribly constructed run-on sentence?

I wouldn't be able to call you a "slack-jawed yokel" if you didn't give me a seemingly endless supply of ammunition.
The success of Jackass owes more to slapstick than the petty obsessions of other reality shows. And I've never heard anybody try to "justify" it as anything more than the stupidly entertaining trash it is. You know why Patrick Stewart likes Beavis and Butthead? Because he's not so high and mighty that he can't laugh at a lame boob joke.

I don't really have a problem with your opinion of Jackass (even if I don't understand it), but what does grind my beans is how you try to infer baseless shit about its audience. To think I somehow can't comprehend your brand of humor is pretty arrogant, particularly since it's patently false since I do like a lot of the same movies you do. I don't shell out money for summer action movie garbage or indulge the shrieking lunacy of reality television.

Jackass is symptomatic of nothing. It's an inevitability of increasingly lax television standards that wouldn't allow so much as a dirty word a few decades ago. Humans have always laughed at painful comedy, whether the performers are in some hairbrained stunt or getting a hit to the jimmies. You know why Jackass is funny and bad parenting isn't? Because the only people Johnny Knoxville and his pals are hurting is themselves.

Jackass neither affects or reflects the life of anybody who watches it except for some morons and a few Darwin Award candidates
Oh dear lord Yorick I apologise for my 1.30am sentence not conforming to your standards. Please, show me the light.
I promise, this time I'll try not to drool on myself when I fall asleep during Bill Murray standing around with a blank face for an entire film, just give me another chance.
I disagree with most of what you're saying, Absinthe. But since I don't want to go overboard derailing this thread again, I'll keep this short.

You know why Jackass is funny and bad parenting isn't? Because the only people Johnny Knoxville and his pals are hurting is themselves.

That would only be true if it wasn't on the television / internet and was just some thing some retards did in their own backyards. You have to admit that media and television have a strong impact on people, whether positive or negative.

To think I somehow can't comprehend your brand of humor is pretty arrogant, particularly since it's patently false since I do like a lot of the same movies you do. I don't shell out money for summer action movie garbage or indulge the shrieking lunacy of reality television.

I was generalising. If you like some of the same things I do, good for you. I don't have a problem with people disagreeing with me or having different tastes, which is what I meant about Patrick Stewart's tastes. I do have a problem with the way it's done.

For instance this thread is apparently rate things by "how much you enjoyed them" instead of "how good they actually were". Which people don't seem to understand. I'd explain it more but I already have multiple times this thread and it's not like you'll listen anyway.

Instead I get to read replies like this that don't even warrant the time it would take to reply.

Oh dear lord Yorick I apologise for my 1.30am sentence not conforming to your standards. Please, show me the light.
I promise, this time I'll try not to drool on myself when I fall asleep during Bill Murray standing around with a blank face for an entire film, just give me another chance.
For instance this thread is apparently rate things by "how much you enjoyed them" instead of "how good they actually were".
Yes, it is. Now do us all a favor and stay out of it.

And to rate a movie...

Meet Joe Black... you gotta be in the right mood for this one (it's over 3 hours), but if you are, it really is great. Especially the end.
Tranformers Revenge of The Fallen- 8.5/10

Plot is straightfoward with more action than the last movie, but a few characters are left underdeveloped or aren't used much.
I thought we all knew that our opinion didn't matter when it comes to Yorick and Samon and that we were always wrong. You guys need to get your shit in gear. They're elitist assholes, sure; but they're our elitist assholes.

Little Children: 9(.5)/10
Usually movies degrade as you rewatch them, but this is a different story. Sure there are low points in the story (and that became ever evident in the third viewing) but they're completely covered and disregarded by just how damn good the rest is. The pacing is impeccable, which keeps you moving right along. And that goddamn narrator is so moving.

I put the .5 in parenthesis only because I don't really think it is more than a 9 (firm believer in 10/10 = perfect movie, which is no movie), but that's what I rated it last time. So it's a little more. You get it.
Samon recommended it some months ago and I finally got around to it this morning.

O_o Samon? :O

Should I check out the one you mentioned?

Oh yeah, seriously one of my fav anime ever :)

EDIT: it also made me cry ;(
I am a bit of a sap though
Using my super-powers I give you the objective truth of how good Terminator 4 was, no matter what anyone else's subjective opinion of the film is:

Sadly predictable plot. Dialogue and acting mediocre in most places, cringeworthy in others. Special effects good I guess but this isn't the 70's, I wouldn't expect anything less.
Natural Born Killers - 8/10

At first i rubbed my eyes and I thought it was a Quinton Tarentino flick but it was Oliver Stone who made this crazy ass movie. I think it really goes to show how desensitized our media is these days, also Rodney Dangerfield was hilarious!
Tarantino did draft the script for it, but Oliver Stone rewrote a lot.
Little Children: 9(.5)/10
Usually movies degrade as you rewatch them, but this is a different story. Sure there are low points in the story (and that became ever evident in the third viewing) but they're completely covered and disregarded by just how damn good the rest is. The pacing is impeccable, which keeps you moving right along. And that goddamn narrator is so moving.

I put the .5 in parenthesis only because I don't really think it is more than a 9 (firm believer in 10/10 = perfect movie, which is no movie), but that's what I rated it last time. So it's a little more. You get it.

Bleh, I'd rate that movie on the other end of the scale. I personally thought the narrator was annoying as heck (like the filmmakers were too lazy to show you what the characters were thinking via FILM so they just had some dude read it to you). It was like the narrator was trying too hard to be quirky/clever. Halfway through, I was wondering why I was still watching it. I don't watch the show Desperate Housewives, but I imagine this movie is what that show would be like.

Anyways, it appears the same director is working on a film adaptation of Blood Meridian, which doesn't seem like a book that should ever be put to film at all. I just hope that if he does make it, there won't be some dude narrating everything.
Fair enough. If Housewives is anything like Little Children, then I've been missing out. :P

The Breakfast Club: 9/10

Always a great watch.
Fair enough. If Housewives is anything like Little Children, then I've been missing out. :P

Haha, well like I said I've never seen Housewives. But now that I think about it more, I expect Little Children was much more on the darker side with the whole storyline with Ronnie, and Housewives is more just suburban women being unhappy and cheating on their husbands or doing wacky things or whatever it is that bored suburban women supposedly do.....

My Sister's Keeper - 8.5/10

Saw this because my sister wanted to see it. Go see this one if you want to cry like a baby in your theater seat. There were these two ladies bawling behind me, and I think even a grown man in a suit sitting at the end of the aisle cried a little too :P.

The main things I disliked were (1) the scrapbook thing was kind of sappy, but maybe only because I recently saw Up (which also has a scrapbook) and also I know the guy who did My Sister's Keeper also directed The Notebook, so I was thinking, "Dude, make a movie that doesn't have some kind of book as a major element in your film?"; (2) I think half the film was narrated... although the actual characters were narrating, which is at least better than Random Non-character Omnipotent Person narrating; and (3) another 1/4 of the film was just songs playing over the visuals :|

But apart from that, it was pretty good. I read that they changed the ending from the book, but I never read the book (or knew one existed) so I didn't notice or care.
Rolemodels - 7/10

Better than the recent crop of American comedy's such as the dire Zak and Miri or Sarah Marshall.
transformers 2 - 3/10

I think it is almost on par with T4 (yes I rated T4 a 4/10 but I think I want to change that to a 3 now).

It has a laughable script, anticlimactic ending, reuses some of the concepts from the last one, potty humour throughout and crap jokes, numerous annoying characters, music that is too loud over what the characters are saying, plot holes, its way too long, incomprehensible fights and all the characters look the same O_o

Seriously I found it hard to tell megatron and starscream apart. Plus the opening scene I was really confused I thought the heroes where shooting other heroes but I got mixed up cos one of the cars looked almost identical to the villain one :flame:

There's plenty of Bay references like bad boys II posters and I swear the army hangar looks just like the hangar from armageddon. Also some spoilers now but specific points that ticked me off.

1. The scene where the soldier throws the orange smoke *facepalm*

2. Why can some robots teleport?

3. starscream is different now and is like wormtongue. Megatron acts like darth vader and the fallen is emperor *rollseyes*

4. Robots use canes and get dementia

5. The scene where the massive transformer "chokes" on a transformer and then it beats it up from the inside.

6.No one can see anything for **** :flame: No one sees a metallic puma thing infiltrating a base or transformers leaving a boat with people on it.

7. Didn't they say in the last movie that the depth and pressure of the water would destroy megatron?

8. The movie builds up to sam saying i love you but we never see it just the scene after it

9. robot heaven, nuff said there

10. the matrix disintegrates to dust, sam carries it in his sock whilst spilling half of it everywhere and then it comes back together? >_>

11. Some of the transformations were just weird. A human? A puma thing that doesn't transform at all? Also Bay it was ok the first time the small little transformers when you did it once but seriously there is something like 9 different mini transformers in this movie.

12. You really expect us to believe that the whole first movie was covered up?

13. Why do about 10 decepticons appear from the sky when megatron just shouts loudly?

14. If the all spark brings life to machines then why do all the machines turn into decepticons? Not only that but they seem to have existed for mere days but know in depth decepticon knowledge O_O

15. the fallen knows things he shouldn't know at the time like prime dying

16. Why can only a prime kill the fallen?

17. the 2nd allspark shard wasn't needed so why did they go after it? It was forgotten about anyway! Plus these shards are just mcguffins that seem to do whatever the plot thinks up. It can bring people back to life but also kill them and gives visions.

18. Where was that decepticon place in space?

19. That stupid ****ing lecturer!! In fact it's the stupidest college I've ever seen, I'm amazed no one thought something strange seeing 3 people arguing whilst whispering hiding in a corner in a fully populated library!

20. Some characters were not introduced at all or returned for one scene like scorponok before dying >_>

The only good things were megan fox and
shia dying even if it only lasted for a minute

It's now official that the only good film I have seen over the summer was star trek now, which I was surprised at cos I don't like star trek or JJ Abrams >_>
The Hangover - 7/10
Goddamn hilarious, loved it.

The Taking of Pelham 123 - 7/10
Entertaining, intense, good performance by Travolta and Denzel as per usual, but not terribly inspired.

Top Gun - 6/10
Too close for missiles, Goose... I probably would have given this a 10/10 if I had seen it in the early 90s when I was a little kid, but alas I did not.

Ace Ventura 2 - 7/10
I love Jim Carrey and Ace Ventura is one of his most awesome characters.
Star Trek 7/10

Enjoyable popcorn movie, nothing more and nothing less.

The Taking of Pelham 123 - 7/10
Entertaining, intense, good performance by Travolta and Denzel as per usual, but not terribly inspired.

There is a remake? The original from the 70's is one of my favourite action flicks ever.

EDIT Checked IMDB and it seems the original was raped by Tony Scott. Oh well.
Why are all your opinions so completely backwards?

What, because I enjoyed this more than the ones listed? It was a better film than the humourless attempts that I gave. IMO of course.

Or maybe you'd like to explain your comment.
Transformers 1 - 0/10

I have never seen the cartoon, but I hated that movie. Hated.
Transformers 1 <0 / 10

I loved the cartoon at a kid and the movie I just watched was a complete ****ing abomination. It was awful in every goddamn sense of the word. Probably one of the worst movies I've ever seen in my entire life.
There are alot of people that don't like movies like... that. I think the movie is moderate.

Movies like what? The acting was terrible. The story was horrifyingly bad. The Transformers had no depth, no personalities. There was no chemistry between anyone. Optimus Prime was portrayed as a clumsy ****ing comic character. NO. EVERYTHING ABOUT THIS WAS WRONG.
Movies like what? The acting was terrible. The story was horrifyingly bad. The Transformers had no depth, no personalities. There was no chemistry between anyone. Optimus Prime was portrayed as a clumsy ****ing comic character. NO. EVERYTHING ABOUT THIS WAS WRONG.

Its based off a wellknown toy/cartoon, and made into a movie that looks nothing like it is for kids, but is greatly directed towards children who do not understand what makes a good movie from a bad movie. I don't mind watching them. Most of them are alright.
Its based off a wellknown toy/cartoon, and made into a movie that looks nothing like it is for kids, but is greatly directed towards children who do not understand what makes a good movie from a bad movie. I don't mind watching them. Most of them are alright.

It is my opinion that everyone over age 12 should be sophisticated enough that THAT kind of a movie would not entertain them. Maybe I just give all you ****ing monkeys too much credit.
It is my opinion that everyone over age 12 should be sophisticated enough that THAT kind of a movie would not entertain them. Maybe I just give all you ****ing monkeys too much credit.

Thank you sir. I, like every human, am entitled to my own opinion. I'm not talk 12 year olds, I am talking 9-10 year olds. The only things cool to me then were explosions and some kind of superhero. Monkey out. I'm gonna go eat my banana and my credit.
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