


wat exactly is the m rating for????
would it be okay for a younging (13) to play?
M stands for Mature (17+ I belive). If it would be ok depends entirely on that person, maturity != age.
i mean really did they over rate it for wat is in it. is it really as gory as like gta saint andreas or vice city? when ppls head fly off and it looks like a fountain ect.
come on guys i need to know so i can tell if i should let my youngings play
There were loads of burn gory bodys, was abit nasty.
How old are they? If they are 11- i dont think you should let them play it

There are a few parts with swearing (no F bombs)
In the level "Ravenholm" it is a bit gorey, it has quite a bit of blood and scares.

As long as they are not too young, let them play it, if they are kinda young, you could just beat that part for them :p
it's not really gory, just realistic. Personally i think that is more influential on a young mind than gore that looks blocky and plastic.
Thatguy said:
wat exactly is the m rating for????
would it be okay for a younging (13) to play?

Say no now, but let them play it in a few years. 13 is really too young for a game like HL2, no matter what their maturity level. They'll probably be temporarily disappointed, but it'll make for a more well-balanced, intelligent kid as they develop. There will be expansion packs and HL3 for them to look forward to in the future.

To answer your question specifically, there's some profanity (not much at all), lots and lots of blood, body decals (looks kinda nasty if someone gets shot in the face), mutilated and burned human remains, halved humans and zombies, and a few scares in Ravenholm that would probably give some younger kids a bad dream.
Directly From The ESRB

"Blood,Intense Violence"

Half Life 1 was....

"Blood,Gore,Intense Violence"

I say its fine as long as they dont play ravenholm.That honestly freaks me out a little bit.