Ravenholm Frights *minor spoiler*

Oct 23, 2004
Reaction score
Been playing the game on Hard and taking it slow. Just got to Ravenholm tonight (had to work all weekend), and geezus christ I have never been this scared in a game. I'm playing at night, bymyself with teh lights off in teh room....holy shit.

THe part with D.O.G. and the whole attack on BLack Mesa East was pretty cool. But holy crap, maybe it's my fear of spiders, but those new freaky-ass poison headcraps scare the living shit out of me. they are really fast, and the sound they make is like a spider...

i had to pause the and go take a break after killing those things....did anyone else find these as scary as I did?

oh and I'm only at Ravenholm so please dont' talk about any new monsters or anything.
That zombie with the five or six poison headcrabs on him... man. I'm gonna see that bastard in my dreams. Thanks, Valve. :(

That and the fact that he can take serious amounts of punishment.
i had so much fun w/ killing those in many different ways after it scared the shitzors outa me. setting them on fire, blowing them up, chopping them in half, chucking shit at them... all fun
You guys seriously need to get a copy of system shock2 I have not been scared in a game since that one. THE MEMORIES SCARE ME!!!
Besides its a classic (possible con, uses the THIEF engine thief 1 not the new fangled ds one)
Ravenholm was my favourite...I'll give you a hint: Gravity gun + circular saws... line them up.

Yea that zombie with about 6 toxic headcrabs on his head freaks me out when he pops out of no where.
So do these fast running monkey-zombies, who scream/cry when they run at you at rape you.
Those poison head crabs freaked the shit out of me to but thats only because I really hate spiders.
Rofl, they had me screaming like a little byatch! The game is the greatest EVAR!!!
I like that ravenholm can be scary and not 90% black like Doom3.
Saintaw said:
Ravenholm was my favourite...I'll give you a hint: Gravity gun + circular saws... line them up.


Totally! My other favorite was the radiator!
[46] pushit [2] said:
Been playing the game on Hard and taking it slow. Just got to Ravenholm tonight (had to work all weekend), and geezus christ I have never been this scared in a game. I'm playing at night, bymyself with teh lights off in teh room....holy shit.

THe part with D.O.G. and the whole attack on BLack Mesa East was pretty cool. But holy crap, maybe it's my fear of spiders, but those new freaky-ass poison headcraps scare the living shit out of me. they are really fast, and the sound they make is like a spider...

i had to pause the and go take a break after killing those things....did anyone else find these as scary as I did?

oh and I'm only at Ravenholm so please dont' talk about any new monsters or anything.

lol spiders don't make noises audible to the human ear.
It was mildly jumpy in parts on Ravenholm...i remember reading a Ravenholm scarier than Doom3 omgz!! thread (complete utter bullshit) before playing HL2 and when i got to Ravenholm i thought i was gunna be scared....as for the new headcrabs looking/sounding like spiders is shit as well because im arachnophobic and if they was even slightly related to a spider i would'nt of been able to even look at them.
I hate this little black poison headcraps.
Oh and i hate this fast zombies... Standing on the rooftop, waiting for the "priest" to send me this "elevator thing" an hearing this freaking fast zombies...
That’s it ! I’m sueing Valve for years taken off my life cause of Ravenholm lvl ! :flame:

Oh and a liitle quote from the review of HL2 at THG (I hate that site but the review is ok)

Doom III is the perfect example of why great graphics and even great gameplay don't make an epic game. A great graphics engine can only throw so many textures over a weak and tired story. For a game to be epic, it needs to have drama, not just inspire fear.

Xcuse my english
Ravenholm didn't scare me at all, in my opinion it's the most annoying part of the game. I hate those poisened spiders and the zombie that throws them, and these monkey zombies are most annoying. I'm replaying the game and made sure I rushed through Ravenholm to get it done as quickly as possible.
Ravenholm was fun. Gives me a good rush I suppose.
Love the priest and the saw blades.
Rushing to get something to throw at the zombies with your grav gun is good.
I passed it on hard first time through, and i remember playing ravenholm at 12 midnight (cos i got the game late that day and couldnt stop playing) with headphones on and id keep turning around to make sure there wasnt any headcrabs in my room :D
and yeh, the zombies that carry a billion headcrabs take a -LOT- to kill
The part of Revenholm that scared me the most are those little fast Headcrabs that move just like spiders... and ****, I HATE SPIDERS! *shivers*... damnit, I hate those buggers :(
The fast zombies was scary as hell, especially when I first hear em climb the pipes and when I blocked a door for a fazt zombie and that bastart came through the glass ceiling instead.
Alig said:
It was mildly jumpy in parts on Ravenholm...i remember reading a Ravenholm scarier than Doom3 omgz!! thread (complete utter bullshit) .

That was my thread and it wasn't bullsh1t - I really did find it scarier than Doom3 and not just Ravenholm either, the whole game.

The only thing that scared me about Doom 3 was how sh1t it was after all the hype!
I was anticipating Ravenholme to be really scary due to what I had heard in various forums. But it wasn't that bad, and I am really jumpy. But those damn fast zombies, that sound they make, just horrid. Fun chapter.