Ravenholm - In hilarious mode

  • Thread starter Thread starter morradioh
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Here's your chance to have a ball and lots of laughs! And most important: get your revenge on the zombies and headcrabs.
Try this (which I did out of curiousity when I played the map for the first time yesterday).
Let Dog's ball (Mega Labs) stick to your g-gun after playing with him and leave it there so you can bring it with you when you leave for Ravenholm.

By using Dog's ball; Ravenholm will turn into a joyride with ball-obsessed zombies. The two things I used to kill the zombies was the ball and the crowbar. And to top off my amusement a lot of paint.


One warning though: protect the ball during the cementary sequence from that trigger-happy-priest from the moment you join forces with him. You will understand what I mean by this when you reach that sequence. One tip: To get the ball over the fence to the priest you have to go to the left and aim for the big oak? tree.
LOL, are they actually obsessed by that ball?! :P
Zombies turned cute like silly kittens. <3
i did this the first time i played--but unintentionally, the ball followed me all the way till the elevator shaft--so i carried it up with me.
Hey i'm entering ravenholm for the 2nd time =) guess i'll load back so i can bring the ball :D
(i lost the ball both times, cause i sent it to high so dog could catch it :p)
Keep it away from fire and explosions and Grigori. :)

Was fun while it lasted though.

The snipers will shoot at it too. Good decoy.
It's Frank!

If you guys read the GameFAQs board, they've started calling the ball 'Frank'. There's an online petition going on to Valve to officially NAME it Frank.

I think it's a good name. ;)
Not "Wilson"?

I called it "Happy Fun Ball", a Saturday Night Live reference about a seemingly ordinary but incredibly deadly little ball, and found that a friend of mine had been calling it the same thing. Do not taunt Happy Fun Ball!

Also, great find, morradioh! I never would have thought to bring Dog's ball all the way to Ravenholm.
lol, nice one. Will try it tonight...

can you spawn it like a weapon? Or is it not in the list...
ranmafan said:
If you guys read the GameFAQs board, they've started calling the ball 'Frank'. There's an online petition going on to Valve to officially NAME it Frank.

I prefer the name 'Ball' :)

Oh yeah, that trick with dog's ball doesn't work if you play the game with the super gravity gun. It just makes copies of the ball when you try to pick it up, you can only shoot it away. (If you use the super gravity gun on game characters, it also makes copies of them, funny stuff.)
Is is a glitch so that all AI NPC try to get/kill the ball!? thats just hilarious