Ravenholm or Lowlife

Ravenholm vs Lowlife

  • Ravenholm

    Votes: 37 50.0%
  • Lowlife

    Votes: 37 50.0%

  • Total voters


May 15, 2004
Reaction score
Favourite Zombie chapter?

For me, it's got to be Lowlife. A decaying underground network of sub-tunnels and abandoned car lots, littered with the undead. Not mention one of the best stand-offs in gaming; stuck within a poorly lit chamber, bumbling through the dark in search of the power switch, only to have to wait for the elevator to arrive as the Zombies pour in. Sheer awesome.
Agreed, I prefer the whole atmosphere of Lowlife to Ravenholm, Especially the Car Lot when the lights go, had me crapping myself for a good 30 minutes or so :p
Lowlife? Is that a part of episode 1?

...Damn overpriced computers!
I liked Ravenholm purely because of the atmosphere, seemed much more zombish setting considering all the broken stuff, decaying bodies, blood everywhere.
i prefer ravenhold because of the atmosphere and the fact that u had traps to kill the zombies, even though the "zombine" were a nice addition in ep 1.
which part are we talking about... i remember episode 1... but i dont rememer the chapter names, i was too busy liveing the whole world and what not.
which part are we talking about... i remember episode 1... but i dont rememer the chapter names, i was too busy liveing the whole world and what not.

where your fighting a bunch of zombies beneath the surface in the dark areas.
When I first played Ravenholm, man I thought the atmosphere was so cool. Lowlife topped the atmosphere and intensity by 100. Ravenholm was cool and creepy, but unfortunately you didn't get into an all out brawl.
I prefer Ravenholm, but Lowlife was fantastic for one reason, that being Alyx making zombie noises when the torch goes off. Not funny lady!
i liked Ravenholm more, the dark creepy thing i love, the pitch black.. not so much... whats the point of makeing a kickass game with hardcore graphics if half the games gonna be in almost pitchblack darkness. I like to see where im going and that rinky dink flash light on the HEV suite just didnt cut it...

EDIT: Oh sh*t! i made it 50/50
Hah, close poll. Lowlife had great atmosphere, but to me Ravenholm was something really new. There were tons of zombies and hardly any ammo, but tons of stuff to throw with the gravity gun. So most of it for me was physics gameplay, which was something really new.
i liked Ravenholm more, the dark creepy thing i love, the pitch black.. not so much... whats the point of makeing a kickass game with hardcore graphics if half the games gonna be in almost pitchblack darkness. I like to see where im going and that rinky dink flash light on the HEV suite just didnt cut it...

EDIT: Oh sh*t! i made it 50/50

1 Chapter is hardly half the game tbh ...
Ravenholm scared my pretty good. So much that when I stopped playing to go to bed every night, I had to check the corners for headcrabs.

Lowlife had me pissing my pants as I fought. I recently ran through it again, though, post-patch, and it lost the gusto. I was freakin out, looking over my shoulder, expecting zombies to pour around the corners every time. Only a small fraction showed up, though :(

Oh well, Lowlife still gets my vote!
Definitely Ravenholme. The darkness in Lowlife got a bit old after a while...
Ravenholme had a lot more variety in gameplay - buildings, walkways, rooftops, the graveyard, etc.

Ravenholme scared me way more than Lowlife... but that was probably because I already knew what to expect from the zombies while playing Episode 1



I'd have to say Lowlife, but not by much. But personally, I thought the most fun zombie part of the game was the hospital. If only it were longer. :(
Yeah I was kinda dreading the hospital, based on stuff I read...was afraid Id get overwhelmed...but it actually went by pretty fast...slowest part was probably with the gunship blasting the zombies...
Man...I remember I died in Lowlifes...and I turned the game off because I didn't want to play it again. But I get spooked easily in games. *shivers*
Man...I remember I died in Lowlifes...and I turned the game off because I didn't want to play it again. But I get spooked easily in games. *shivers*

haha, that's cute.

Half-Life 2 doesn't scare me anymore for some reason, and I just played Episode 1 for the first time on Sunday.

Ravenholm definetly did the first time I went through it. Those fast zombies are/were freaky :O

Doom 3 stills freaks the hell out of me though D:

FEAR too, but I JUST played that through a couple weeks ago.
Ravenholm definetly did the first time I went through it. Those fast zombies are/were freaky

I agree, the second time i played through, i knew where all the zombies emerged from and awaited them with my trusty shotgun. But the first time they allways caught me in surprise :)

Lowlife was quite different than ravenhold, besides that there were many zombies. The level was entirely open urban, while lowlife was dark closed underground. In ravenhold i felt completely alone and away from any civilization, good there was Father Grigorii :), while in Lowlife i knew that Alyx is allways next to me and could kill alot of bastards if needed, and the surface is just a few meters up. But the zombines are definitely cool!

Why noone mentioned the hospital, i liked it much more than lowlife in a matter of zombies. The whole athmosphere there, white walls, clinical stuff, like i almost felt the smell of the phenylphenol. And then the blood trails on the walls and all the staff and pacients turned into zimbies.
Lowlife because it had Alyx and it's more terrifying then Ravenholm.
I thought Lowlife was cool, but to me, it doesn't even touch Ravenholm. Neither scared me very much, but while Lowlife seemed somewhat repetitive, Ravenholm was just completely f*cking awesome.
Aaaah, but it didn't have Father Gregori and his... "Congregation!" Bwua, haha, hahahaaaaaa!!!!
Yes, but he's just funny, not terrifying. Neither is Alyx, quite the opposite... but
I prefer Alyx. :D
I thought both were just outstanding. I would have to with Ravenholm though, when playing through it first nothing ever was at it seemed, I felt like I was constantly being watched, seeing all the traps and tools laying around that were obviously experiments against the zombies, then there were the loud zombie screeches that could be heard in the air, then the fast zombies leaping across me the roof only to have me say, "WHAT!....was THAT!".

Lowlife had better action that Ravenholm, fighting zombies with little ammo in dark, small spaces. Then the lift battle at the end, the flashlight goes out, "OH SHIT!" was the first thing I blurted out. Plus having Alyx as your companion really made the scenerio for me with her kick ass abilities but her occasional flirting, the bad 'Zombine' joke and when she teases you with making zombie noises behind you, really added a great new texture to the scenerio.

However, what decided it for me was Grigori in Ravenholm, pure genius of a character, adding much more atmosphere to the already atmosphere driven scenerio, and it just put the icing on the cake for one of the greatest gaming chapters I have ever played.
Alyx was better at killing zombies. At least she was there 100% Grigori just kept running around laughing like a maniac, popping random shots. But he's still a relief for Ravenholm.
I would sit back when shotty ammo depleted and let Alyx do it. Although the other day when I was playing I found my favourite weapon to kill zombies: G. Gun + Brick. I hauled a brick from Lowlife till Exit 17 :p
I think Ravenholm wins for me. :)

Both were good though.
I hate both. Zombies are way too scary for me to enjoy them :(
I voted Lowlife because of Zombines.

I have made it 22:21 in Lowlife's favour. Lowlifers, you can now commence to <3 me now.
Lowlife mainly becouse of Alyx. I thought it was cool to fight alongside with her. "Light it up!"
Lowlife = Boring + repetitive
Ravenholm = Nearly crapped myself 10 times
Ravenholm wins.
For me it's Ravenholm. Lowlife was just meh. I mean those dark areas weren't scary at all they were just horribly ANNOYING! The flashlight didn't help, constantly flickering and going out. I wish they would stop making extremely dark areas in games, it's not SCARY! It just makes your eyes hurt:frown: .