Ravenholm or Lowlife?

Which one is scarier?

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I have never played lowlife but form what i heard it doesnt seem scary. Havnt you guys evr player those flash shooter games where the enemy jumped up and you would shoot at it? Like the game Area 54 at the arcade. some enemies you dont see until the last second and all you have to do is shoot them. I havnt playe dit but lowlife sounds more boring then scary. But to supprot my case with Ravenholm beig scarier. Thids may just be my TV, but the shading and darkness is extremly good. That Zombie by the porch, i didnt really see until it came at me. Its night time, and most the light in the game is either coming form the moon or the fires. You gotta admit around the first time playing it, when you didnt know where it was, but you could here the crying of the zombie . That was creepy and added to the fear as you wait to here more cries erupting from anywhere around you. I'd hate to get scientific here but, your awarness will be heightened , now understanding that you can never be sure where teh yare coming from(first time ever playing) and the stimulus will shock you when they DO come. Basicly it come swith this univeral fear of what could be in the next room, hiding in one of those dark corners you may fidn your self backing up into.
I've played both on my 5.1 CMSS system and well...i'm used to ravenholm...but it still hold it higher because alyx isn't there with her bad jokes...Zombines...please is that the best she can come up with.

If only gordon said that to her...then..there would be a real boss fight.
I voted for Ravenholm, would have been a harder choice if Valve didn't change the elevator scene and made it easier.
Yeah, the Tunnel Scene in Sand Traps is quite scary. :eek:

One thing I like about Ravenholm (and the subsequent Mine Level) is the "end" of it, when you exit the Mine.

At first, the Sun is blinding you, then you exit the Darkness and find yourself in warm, comforting Sunlight, and this awesome Theme starts to play.

I always imagined that Gordon would collapse into the Grass and be like... "I made it... it's over... i'm alive..."...

... and when the Theme stops, you can hear the Wind howling trough the narrow Passage and notice that there is a looming Darkness...

I think that is my favourite Scene from the entire Game, next to the Arrival at the Hydro Plant with the Airboat.
next to the Arrival at the Hydro Plant with the Airboat.

That is a great scene. There's so much to see, and the lighting is beautiful. Most of all, I like the strange, eerie feeling of calm that sets in after the frantic chase and chopper fight.
I loved that scene. I think it did what the buggy chapters failed to do; bring the vehicles chapter to an actual conclusion. Whereas in Sandtraps you just sort of brought the buggy to a shed, all it marked for me is a closure to the repetition that made up the majority of the chapter. Water Hazard, and in a way Route Kanal, came to a very neat and polished conclusion at the end. Knocking off the chopper really brought closure to the day, and I think the Buggy was sort of missing that.
I liked Lowlife more just because I enjoyed the setting. When you break Ravenholm down, all it is a few convieniently placed building-to-building walks (most of which are just rooms, bit of blood, crates, zombie, etc) and the odd street. It was a cool level, but Lowlife was so much more detailed and atmospheric to me. Perhaps I just prefer urban complexes to villages.
Hmmm, yeah. Another oft-voiced complaint about the buggy chapters is that Highway 17 resumes after the dark tunnel interlude at what is nominally the end of the stage. The fact that you're basically back on track doing the same stuff as before (bypassing roadblocks, visiting random houses, and ugh--that agonizing hunt for the battery) is quite anti-climactic after the set-piece action on the bridge. Personally, I'd have preferred ditching the buggy there and continuing on by some other means. "Sandtraps" winds up being one of the more maligned chapters in franchise history, despite the fact that the antlion sequence at the end is a classic of game design.

But this is getting off topic...
What would've been a good end for the buggy would have been some sort of chase sequence in the buggy.

/EDIT Like a REAL chase sequence, although i guess in many ways that would just echo the Waterboat fight. Damnit... there's got to be another way.
What would've been a good end for the buggy would have been some sort of chase sequence in the buggy.

/EDIT Like a REAL chase sequence, although i guess in many ways that would just echo the Waterboat fight. Damnit... there's got to be another way.

APC battle?

Maybe in Episode Two, if theres a turret on the buggy, like the Halo Warthogs or something. Like I do the driving while Barney does the shooting, or the other way around.
Maybe they could have had a buggy V gunship on the highway battle, like in Codename Gordon.
Codename Gordon was awesome.

Never defeated the strider though, thats because the first time i played i was a nooby eight year old :p and now i cant be assed enough to reach the strider.