
I went through most of Ravenholm using only the sawblades. Those were so nice.
I enjoyed this level and like other people loved being able to cut the zombies in half using the saw blades.
Oh that level was great. Those fast zombies are a scare. Once I though I was confident in killing them, leaning over the drain pipe, I fell to the ground!
I got mauled but I lived. ;)

Headcrabs or fast zombies on fire is even more spooky as you just don't know if they will die before they get to you or you kill them. Looks spooky too. I just use the man. gun to shoot the headcrabs now though. That and my pistol.
Knocking a jumping zombie out of the air and watching its lifeless um... lifeless body plummet to the ground is a delectable joy.
Not to mention cutting a jumping zombie in half, mid-air.. ooooh.. me like...
Ahh yes i too enjoy blowing zombies in half. My only complaint is that i wish Ravenholm was actually longer. It was fun having to be on guard all the time being careful of the fast zombies.
this level was to easy i could beat all the zombies bown with crowbars on hard
Where else can you pick up a big meathook, hurl it at a zombie, knock him over, wait for another zombie to show up and kick the hook at you, catch it just before it hits you, fling it back at his face, and then say something lame like "hooked on phonics worked for you!"? :p
krushdbug said:
Not to mention cutting a jumping zombie in half, mid-air.. ooooh.. me like...

Just before i got to the church, i randomly fired a sawblade into the air and a fast zombie jumped at the same time, they both collided and the lifeless torso fell next to me, it was awsome.

Best bit though has to be when i tried gathering all the zombies on a level around one of the Spinning Fans by lureing them, i had about 8 or 9 standard zombies and 2 poison, ran in switched on the fan, 2 zombies cut then the blade snapped off and flew over a roof somwhere.. utterly sugared myself.
Lobster said:
Best bit though has to be when i tried gathering all the zombies on a level around one of the Spinning Fans by lureing them, i had about 8 or 9 standard zombies and 2 poison, ran in switched on the fan, 2 zombies cut then the blade snapped off and flew over a roof somwhere.. utterly sugared myself.

Yeah, I did the same thing at that part. Zombies closing in on me on all sides with me crouching under the blade thing, I'm just thinking "this is too perfect!", as soon as they get close I turn it on and the damn thing breaks. Apparently it was too perfect. :p
Ravenholm was good fun, no doubts about that, but it was also piss easy.

Taking down zombies that move incredibly slowly is so easy, I don't think I even broke into a sweat until the fast moving four legged bastards.

Also, am I the only one that didn't find it even remotely scary? just found it mildly creepy. I think it's because I find enemies scarier when they are a bigger threat.. if zombies could grab you, or shuffle a bit faster they would be a lot scarier, plus some good old fashioned ambushes would have been nice too.
I don't understand how anyone could get stuck on this game (let alone this level) for any length of time.

Ravenholm roxors my boxors.
ravenholm = hommage imho

After playing thru ravenholm and the mines it dawned on me that it feels like a hommage to They Hunger, that single player Resident Evilish mod that came out shortly after HL1's release. Am i crazy or did anyone else get that feeling?


and btw i thought the the ravenholm section was some *excelent* designing
After playing thru ravenholm and the mines it dawned on me that it feels like a hommage to They Hunger, that single player Resident Evilish mod that came out shortly after HL1's release. Am i crazy or did anyone else get that feeling?

I totally did. That was a damn good mod too.