Rays of Light



Alright, I alredy know how to use the sprite to make spot light glows and what not but what i need is like rays of light that come in through a window. For a better example look at the trainstation at the begining of HL2 or the inside of the dome on de_dust. Just curious as to how to make rays of sun. Thanks in advance.
theres a ent called env_sun , try this, i havent used it but i guess if u look at it in game u get blinded like u would .. irl.. + it migh have the rays, if theres no rays, they may of just used the point_spotlight, set to a white/yellow, i havent pld the map for ages as i dont like css but iguess that would give the effect
Actually you name the sun something like Sun or Sun1 or whatever, then you place and info_target entity and in its parent name you put the name of ur env_sun entity and it should shine in that direction.
In the train station I think they used the prop models/volumetric_light. something like that. Not sure if they just put it in as a static prop and turn off collision.

In dust, it may be a point_spot.
just use prop_static and change the world model to models/effects/volumetric_light