RDKF leaked

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Davroz, how about you get off emporio's nuts for once in your life.
oh yes, and i dont feel the need 2 string unneccessarily 'correct' sentences together, in the Queens own English (oh wait you appear 2 be some American George Bush voter so u may not know that England has a queen - i understand u lot r abit sloooow) - you seem 2 be forgetting that we are in the world of computing now where it is perfectly acceptable 2 abbrieviate and shorten stuff to reduce the amount needed 2 type mate ok. also yes, i guess you are correct abt the banning issue but ah well if taking the effort 2 re-register means i get the joy of chatting 2 u lot then its well worth it! i mean u r all so damn sound it really is unbelievable!
you seem 2 be forgetting that we are in the world of computing now where it is perfectly acceptable 2 abbrieviate and shorten stuff to reduce the amount needed 2 type

Actually, not really. It is only possible now to abbreviate, but in most places not acceptable.

I mean what's the point of typing like "2" instead of "to"? Are you going to save the world in the time it takes to push one extra button? Honestly now, it's not that hard to type in an English which is easy for everyone to understand. You also need to think that some people don't have English as their first language, so if you do all these abbreviations, then they probably won't know what they mean...

Oh, and please use the Edit button... There is no point in double, triple, etc posting...
Davroz said:
lmao! nice research Pi Mu Rho!

Research? You make it sound like there was time and effort put into it.
Information flows freely. It flowed freely in my direction from...somewhere else.
Now, if what I disseminate turns out not to be completely accurate, it bothers me not one whit. After all, who believes what?
So, if you'll excuse me, I'll just go and sob into my cornflakes because you're doubting the veracity of my statements. Wub wub.

Oh, and why would I ban you? You're entertaining everyone here. It would be a shame to end that.
nice one davros , stick to those yanks in that oh so overwhelming grammer school (i can talk up my own arse, and believe my poo is gold ) idealist way but think realisticly. (btw grades mean squat, i went to mgs(uk) and it doesnt mean a thing)

if you are asking people to agree abbrieviating is right then dont abbreviate in your posts.

secondly if you want people to see your point of view dont piss them off, its a convienient stereotype to think all americans are idiots for voting bush, take into account the proportion of america that didnt vote, we find that only 1/4 of america can be accounted for bush-mania

nuf said :p
i'd like 2 take this oppotunity to say how impressed I am at how punctual your responses are! I type a msg, then suddenly I have new email notifying me of a relpy! Yes and i deeply apoligise to the very small minority of people who find understanding that I might mean 'to' when I use '2' very hard. Yes really muffin-man, i'm deeply sorry. sorry 2 pick on you but you could have at least thrown in an argument or two against me before insulting me - that may have earned u a slight slight degree of respect but alas no. Pi Mu Rho, i reckon you are secretly an active poster on the emporio forums, and your true identity is hidden from the masses here at halflife2.net. Oh yes, 1 other point of information I wanted to put across was that I bet every single one of you (yes EVERY single 1) has at least 1 illegally obtained file on their computer (e.g downloaded Music, software, games, etc) or a file which will be used for unlawful reasons (e.g. Program cracks etc.). Now why is this any better than getting a cracked version of Rag-Doll Kung-Fu. If I had paid money for it I would have found myself an extremly aggrevated person! To start off with, I used emporios version of half-life 2 and subsequently CSS, but after playing it extensivly and getting to love the game - I went out and bought it in the shops. Now if I hadnt downloaded it in the first place, I would never have known how good the game was, and if I would really want to play it. Demo's never really suffice. Basically the reason I bought it was because I liked it AFTER using an illigitimate version. VALVe only got my money because of EMPORiO and for that you theoretically should all be pleased! Right - finallly seeing as new posts keeeep coming - I go to a state school and firmly believe that my poo contains no precious metals, and sorry abt the anti-Bush statement but hes a tosser and so are all who voted 4 him. (By the way, emporio still owns u all)

^ long post that 1 ^

EDIT: aww crap, forgot to use the edit feature to say what i have in this post. Shame.
Davroz said:
i'd like 2 take this oppotunity to say how impressed I am at how punctual your responses are! I type a msg, then suddenly I have new email notifying me of a relpy!

That's because we have several thousand active users, unlike the emporio forums.

Davroz said:
Pi Mu Rho, i reckon you are secretly an active poster on the emporio forums, and your true identity is hidden from the masses here at halflife2.net

Close, but the other way round.

I love your justification by the way - you sum it up so neatly with "Demo's never really suffice". Which is a huge cop-out - a demo suffices perfectly well to give you a sample.

I merged your pointless and deliberate extra post in with the one above it. Shame.
oh good you've corrected my mistake thanks I owe u 1! Now i assure you that demo's really don't suffice - they never give you a big enogh taster, and also that the majority of valves 'mod' games of half-life (2) do not have demos in which you can experience the gameplay - for exampe Counter-Strike.
Now you're just arguing opinion. It's not a universally-accepted fact that demos don't suffice, and as for the mods - you can sample the exact same gameplay for free with their HL-based counterparts. Bonus!
no i guess not, but its definatly a Davroz-accepted fact :P - and as for the mods, since when can you experience the gameplay of CSS on HL2?! they have a completly different feel and are far from similar...
Far from similar? Lay off the crack pipe there, junior.
nah mate, cmon - apart from the source engine and menu screen they are completly different games with contrasting gameplay! You cant get a feel for CSS playing HL2! Maybe graphically yes, but not the gameplay.
lol davroz, they are very similar games, mainly because they run off the same engine :p rofl
Pi Mu Rho said:
Far from similar? Lay off the crack pipe there, junior.

In the past month, 2,528,318 people disagreed.


Can you name similarities shared between HL2 and CSS aside from the ones always shared between games of the FPS genre?
Davroz said:
oh yes, and i dont feel the need 2 string unneccessarily 'correct' sentences together, in the Queens own English (oh wait you appear 2 be some American George Bush voter so u may not know that England has a queen - i understand u lot r abit sloooow)

What in the **** are you going on about? Try removing your head from your ass, kid.
Davroz said:
Hmm...2 whoever said i was a dumbass etc. and that i am grammer illiterate - although i yes am only 17, I have obtained 5 A*'s and 1 A at GCSE, 2 of the A*'s being at English Literature, and English Language - so **** u!
and you still type like a ****ing retard.
Reaktor4 said:
and you still type like a ****ing retard.

Don't mess with him, man. He gets A's across the board. If I were you, I'd be trembling in the shadow of his towering intellect even though he's displayed the mental capacity of a chimp.

Apparently it's no longer cool to type properly. My my, are we behind the times.
Davroz said:
to sinkoman: nice try at looking intelligent with your overuse of imagary, similies, metaphors and the like, but reli it dusnt work because you'll always be a complete n00b! (sorry sum1 had 2 say)

I love how you keep calling me stupid, and keep saying how good you are, yet you post 3 times in a row and your grammar (mr A+ student) steadily degrades with each post.

I also enjoy your use of the words "similies" and "reli" in the same sentence.

The words your looking for are "similes" and "really" mcguyver.

Yes, abreviating words can be ok, but that's when you're in a chatroom, where you're trying to get your point accross before the other guy gets his post out. This is a forum, you have all the time in the world. Hell, sometimes I spend a few hours on a post, making sure all my facts and grammar are/is correct.

If you guys are so smart, here's my ip:

Go ahead, take a swing at it.

EDIT: Oh and I and I know of a few other people on the forums *points at AS* who agree that it can be ok to pirate a game to test it out, then buy the full version.

But no, I don't agree in pirating music and such. Yes, I have a few pirated songs that friends have sent me, but my entire collection is CD's. I can't stand MP3 quality and use an LAME compile to rip all my CDs.
Davroz said:
Hmm...2 whoever said i was a dumbass etc. and that i am grammer illiterate - although i yes am only 17, I have obtained 5 A*'s and 1 A at GCSE, 2 of the A*'s being at English Literature, and English Language - so **** u!

Your arguments all suck majorily againt mine so give up
Man, you wrecked yourself so badly with that following sentence. Seriously, you really do need to get a girlfriend.
TheSomeone said:
In the past month, 2,528,318 people disagreed.


Can you name similarities shared between HL2 and CSS aside from the ones always shared between games of the FPS genre?

Uh, what? I was comparing CS and CS:S
Davroz said:
oh yes, and i dont feel the need 2 string unneccessarily 'correct' sentences together, in the Queens own English (oh wait you appear 2 be some American George Bush voter so u may not know that England has a queen - i understand u lot r abit sloooow) - you seem 2 be forgetting that we are in the world of computing now where it is perfectly acceptable 2 abbrieviate and shorten stuff to reduce the amount needed 2 type mate ok. also yes, i guess you are correct abt the banning issue but ah well if taking the effort 2 re-register means i get the joy of chatting 2 u lot then its well worth it! i mean u r all so damn sound it really is unbelievable!

Like thats teh cool and I can type real bad man like yeah. My grammar skills are amazing eh!

Type properly dammit.

Davroz said:
i'd like 2 take this oppotunity to say how impressed I am at how punctual your responses are! I type a msg, then suddenly I have new email notifying me of a relpy! Yes and i deeply apoligise to the very small minority of people who find understanding that I might mean 'to' when I use '2' very hard. Yes really muffin-man, i'm deeply sorry. sorry 2 pick on you but you could have at least thrown in an argument or two against me before insulting me - that may have earned u a slight slight degree of respect but alas no. Pi Mu Rho, i reckon you are secretly an active poster on the emporio forums, and your true identity is hidden from the masses here at halflife2.net. Oh yes, 1 other point of information I wanted to put across was that I bet every single one of you (yes EVERY single 1) has at least 1 illegally obtained file on their computer (e.g downloaded Music, software, games, etc) or a file which will be used for unlawful reasons (e.g. Program cracks etc.). Now why is this any better than getting a cracked version of Rag-Doll Kung-Fu. If I had paid money for it I would have found myself an extremly aggrevated person! To start off with, I used emporios version of half-life 2 and subsequently CSS, but after playing it extensivly and getting to love the game - I went out and bought it in the shops. Now if I hadnt downloaded it in the first place, I would never have known how good the game was, and if I would really want to play it. Demo's never really suffice. Basically the reason I bought it was because I liked it AFTER using an illigitimate version. VALVe only got my money because of EMPORiO and for that you theoretically should all be pleased! Right - finallly seeing as new posts keeeep coming - I go to a state school and firmly believe that my poo contains no precious metals, and sorry abt the anti-Bush statement but hes a tosser and so are all who voted 4 him. (By the way, emporio still owns u all)

^ long post that 1 ^

Ever heard of game reviews? They tend to help in the decision making process of buying a game. Even if you havn't heard of Half-Life it's one of the biggest series out there, it's hard to ignore in the gaming world.

My father downloaded the leaked beta and final version of Half-Life 2. I hate him for doing that, I've tried making him purchase the game to no avail.

Finally why didn't you comment on my earlier statements, they brought up some good points.
Pi Mu Rho said:
Uh, what? I was comparing CS and CS:S

Oh, but you were replying to a post where Davroz was comparing HL2 and CSS, so who got mixed up first? Davroz?
This guy is comedy gold.


Davros, grow up and get off of emporios nuts.
Some people are sad. Emporio needs to realize that they're wasting their lives, and that they aren't cool, or "1337". Davroz, you're a tool and a jack-ass.
JoeCLawrence could u define wasting their lives? cause emporio r real people doin real things like others would except different type of stuff,
emporio is part of life and thats just the way it is.
btw it would be so boring to read a thread if it was all perfect writing.

i dont get why the moderators delete posts when the truth comes out.
is it cause they r afraid?
Yes, we're quaking in our collective boots. In fact, we're so scared that we're all huddled together in a small room, trembling.

Or maybe it's just because we don't endorse or condone what emporio does...
RASU said:
JoeCLawrence could u define wasting their lives? cause emporio r real people doin real things like others would except different type of stuff,
emporio is part of life and thats just the way it is.
btw it would be so boring to read a thread if it was all perfect writing.

i dont get why the moderators delete posts when the truth comes out.
is it cause they r afraid?

They're wasting their lives, costing companies lots of money.
If they keep that up, (highly unlikely scenario) the company they're stealing from could go bankrupt... and therefore, no more games from them.

Honestly, You people are complaining about $13/$15 for a solid game.
Get a ****ing life... or a job for that matter... hell, get lunch money from your parents!
RASU said:
JoeCLawrence could u define wasting their lives? cause emporio r real people doin real things like others would except different type of stuff,
emporio is part of life and thats just the way it is.

Doesn't make what they do any less pathetic and unethical. You can't afford something? You don't get it. It's that simple. Material posessions cost money. If you're going to condone what Emporio does, you might as well condone any type of thievery.

btw it would be so boring to read a thread if it was all perfect writing.

This makes no sense, and it certainly isn't true. It would be far easier to read as opposed to wading through your shit pile of mangled language.
RASU said:
btw it would be so boring to read a thread if it was all perfect writing.
yeah its so exciting reading posts by people who sound like 4 year olds
i dont get why the moderators delete posts when the truth comes out.
what did the deleted posts say?
The truth, obviously. We're just afraid that you might read it.
Pi Mu Rho said:
The truth, obviously. We're just afraid that you might read it.

They might hack my computer!!1111 IM SO AFRAID!!!oneone :(
All that emporio does is take away support from game companies. So, supporting emporio means you support the decline of gaming. If you use emporio, you're helping to tear the industry down.

- Ennui
It's great that all emporios fan club have the spelling of chimps.
RASU said:
btw it would be so boring to read a thread if it was all perfect writing.

Let me guess. Your one of those preteen sounding guys who has his mike on full volume? :flame:

Get a life.

This can be acheived via various paths.

A. Get a girlfriend and continue a sold relationship.

B. Enter a profitable career and excel at it.

C. Stop being a jerk.
Kyo said:
Let me guess. Your one of those preteen sounding guys who has his mike on full volume? :flame:

Get a life.

This can be acheived via various paths.

A. Get a girlfriend and continue a sold relationship.

B. Enter a profitable career and excel at it.

C. Stop being a jerk.

A is irrelevant. I don't have a girlfriend, and i'm 14, but you don't see me waddling around like a 5 year old still sucking momies tits.

B and C are very good options :)

Going back to grade school would also be a good option. As are the many teen care programs at your (davroz and RASO) local highschool (assuming you, as you have said, are a graduate).

The Teen Care course you're looking for is Social Acceptance. If you tell them you act like 5 year olds, i'm sure they'll take you in despite age. Having a conversation with the receptionist should also get my point accross.
Kyo said:
Let me guess. Your one of those preteen sounding guys who has his mike on full volume? :flame:

Get a life.

This can be acheived via various paths.

A. Get a girlfriend and continue a sold relationship.

B. Enter a profitable career and excel at it.

C. Stop being a jerk.

D. Throw your computer out the window.
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