
So, we are a sim game played by a super-human, who is also in a sim game, played by a super-super-human,who is in a sim game, played by a super-super-super-human, who is in a sim game, played by a...etc.
So, we are a sim game played by a super-human, who is also in a sim game, played by a super-super-human,who is in a sim game, played by a super-super-super-human, who is in a sim game, played by a...etc.

it just might be so.
In before yet another god-dammed (lol pun) religious debate.
The scary thing is, while this is an extremly unlikely situation, is that this could go on forever - they could be a simulation, etc. And then we create our own, nad then cycle contiues. And if they're running more than one, you get a massive spider web of simulations. :O
It makes the assumption that the mind is independent of the brain which is imo incorrect.

Your mind is your brain, when you change brains you change minds, when you build an artifical brain and transfer onto it, you are killing one mind a creating another one that would think it was the old one.
It makes the assumption that the mind is independent of the brain which is imo incorrect.

Your mind is your brain, when you change brains you change minds, when you build an artifical brain and transfer onto it, you are killing one mind a creating another one that would think it was the old one.
It also assumes that we will become bored of everything and ask ourselves "Why continue?" Whereas I have always preferred to ask myself "Why NOT continue?" You suckers on the other hand are all gonna kill yourselves.
That Asimov story is ****ing awesome
"Your flesh is a relic, a mere vessel. Hand over your flesh, and a new world awaits you. We demand it."

Is suicide the inevitable outcome of evolution?
Of course not! At least not in biological evolution, DNA controled and kept alive our ancestors for 4 billions years on biological level, now skip evolution and jump into metal and silicon bodies?
I'm fan of transhumanism but this article is lame excerpt from very good books of Ray Kurzweill...
this is a huge topic to talk about.

can anybody perceive how would a conscious, creative computer think?

given proper tools he'd probably reinvent everything humans did in 2 million years in just a few hours.
You know, one could argue that by replacing our minds with computers and our bodies with... err... smoke, we would have already "killed" ourselves. Atleast we wouldn't still be alive in the same way we are today. So yeah, I could see how it might be a less impactful decision to terminate our existence.
i read the Asimov story....****ing marvelous!
I considered and dismissed this possibility independently as a kid.

Whether it's true or not, it's completely irrelevant to our existence.
I am anoyed to read all that so what the deal?
Ok, so I read the article, and thought "why copy our minds into a computer and kill our bodies, when we can create another world, leave our bodies, and when we're done, we go back to our physical bodies... THE MATRIX". I'm serious. I'd rather have the option to go back to my physical body or just not upload my mind... If my body can live forever, why kill it? The Matrix seems viable.

Ok, so I read the article, and thought "why copy our minds into a computer and kill our bodies, when we can create another world, leave our bodies, and when we're done, we go back to our physical bodies... THE MATRIX". I'm serious. I'd rather have the option to go back to my physical body or just not upload my mind... If my body can live forever, why kill it? The Matrix seems viable.


Maybe we could even switch bodies! Then we can bodyjack people and they'll be ****ed!

/shudders at though of this scenario with transvestites.
Maybe we could even switch bodies! Then we can bodyjack people and they'll be ****ed!

/shudders at though of this scenario with transvestites.

Yes, but the only way to succesfully "hack" into their bodies would be....


*dun-dun-dun-dun-dundun-dun-dun-dun-dun 'MORTAL KOMBAAAAAAT!!' dun-a dun-a dun-a dun-a dununa..*

*starts writing down more ideas*
That was okay, he'd probably have to play a tiny bit faster than that though.

But it's awesome for what a kid his age can do.
Whether it's true or not, it's completely irrelevant to our existence.

Thats exactly what I was thinking - it doesn't matter whether our brains are real or artificial, we are still counscious. Not only that, the question is irrelevant, as it is just as likely that those running the simulation are in a simulation themselves.
its depressing to think about...shows you how pathetically minuscule we actually are.
Im gonna live the tiberium dream if that happens, on mars or something so we dont hurt earth.

But im dead already by then :D
It's obviously a flawed theory. The universe's processor would blow.

/for the mentally challenged, that was a joke.