Real Life Gravity Gun not so far fetched

To make things fly/levitate, all you have to do is convince the thing it can fly. It's all about willpower & enough cinvincing skills ;)

Another way is to fall towards the ground & miss :)
Alec_85 said:
To make things fly/levitate, all you have to do is convince the thing it can fly. It's all about willpower & enough cinvincing skills ;)

Another way is to fall towards the ground & miss :)

Cool, but I've already done the second one... :)
There was a post a long time ago, about the formula's that appear in the G-man bink, some guy said that one of those formula's had something to do with Hutchinson...I think...still nice find :D

How about that easter-egg?
Alec_85 said:
Another way is to fall towards the ground & miss :)

The book Hitch-hicker's guide to the galaxy is a good read :thumbs:
ukfilmer said:
just so you know the kelvin scales zero is -275 degrees celsius because that is as cold as anything can ever get. so freezing point in kelvin would be 275 degrees.
You mean 273 degrees kelvin is 0 degrees celsius and absolute zero would be -273 Celsius.

Edit: eh, sorry. Didn't notice the other people who caught it.
Briderider said:
His "50000V” ultra thin DC wire that hasn’t melted looks suspiciously like fishing reel and what the blazes is "polythermalized" this is a made up word? Now I like a mystery but this guy must be laughing his head off. If you like this kind of thing you have to check out the “Coral castle” his a wired news report on it that’s not to “Got to be aliens”

It probably doesn't melt for the same reason it doesn't melt when rapped round a tesla coil

I don't know what thermalized means but it sounds alot like thermal and poly means many. I can't find one definition of either thermalized on it's own or with poly attached so it's probably a word created to describe something completely new or it's made up. However I'v seen thermalized on a few webpages normally describeing changes made to subatomic particles so thats not made up.
who was the dude who use to go around and move massive amounts of weight to other locations within 1 night?.. supposedly he would levitate them.
anybody know his name?
If its true then why doesn't he just say: "heres a lab bench with nothing else on it except my equipment and the test peice. I am surrounded by thre or four guys who will all be videoing it from different angles. Now I am videoing the entire experiment, equipment and all, so that no-one will mistake that charged wire for a piece of string."

Instead he arses about with the camera tightened on a little flashing toy and expects everyone to go.. "oooooo! ahhhh! Well thats damn impressive and definitely scientific enough for me, i beleive you."

Like why don't those "psychics" go and get the million dollar prize by doing somthing unexplained infront of a panel of scientists. They don't want the money? OK give it to charity, if you're so non materialistic help out your fellow man.

Im not saying that he's a hoaxer, but a real scientist would make sure there was no such doubt.
Just think how many major discoveries were made in a garden shed. He could well be a hoaxer, but let's hope he isn't - this is just too cool.
The Hutchison effect was shown to us at our school,
a friend of mine made a video. :burp:
torso boy said:
very interesting...seems right

the link you gave isn't antigavity though...they have proved those aren't antigravity by running it in a

and actually 273.15

I live in ND B.C., 15 minutes from his house, and i visited.

It is real.
I put the hutchinson effect in the same category as UFO's, bigfoot, the lochness monster, and the return of elvis.

If it was valid then it would be easily demonstratable and repeatable.
This is so ridiculous, even more than the people who claim we didn't walf on the moon.
nicrd said:
This is so ridiculous, even more than the people who claim we didn't walf on the moon.

Well, as far as I know, we didn't walf on the moon. :p
Very nice find :)

It's nice to see there's at least ONE thread that isn't completely useless and filled with the newcomers who post 10 charactors of thin air, kinda like this one.
I saw something on the science channel about "superconductors". This guy cooled a hockey puck to a really low temp and it levitated. Also another thing where this guy had a saucer shaped metallic object and tiny bursts of electrical pulses slowly levitated the object hundreds of feet up into the air. I really think mastering gravity would be the best thing for future transportation. Its one of the four forces of the universe, its gotta be significant. definitely yeah
thund said:
This reminds me of the man who claimed to have made a full scale mech with old cars. There were videos where you could see this thing moving incredibly fluidly and intelligently, for example seeing it stop a car being driven towards it. The videos were all suspiciously blurry and low quality.

There's a group of people somewhere on the net that are engaged in a project to create a real mech. Sorry, lost the link. Try googling "Real Mech".

vicefreda, are you sure that "Hockey Puck" wasn't a magnet? What was probably being demonstrated was the "Miesenner" (sp) effect. Superconductors block magnetic fields, which can cause magnets to levitate over them. Or vice versa.