Real-Life Mecha Warrior

pffft thats nothing when i was younger, some guy came to our school with a bottom half of raptor costume, and ran around....oh how that was a day to remember.....
Dasparov said:
pffft thats nothing when i was younger, some guy came to our school with a bottom half of raptor costume, and ran around....oh how that was a day to remember.....
Uhhh okay
/me gets out straightjacket
here want a new jacket? of course you do!
Machine may prove helpful by shooting nine-inch nails from the shoulders and 20-foot flames from forearms
Heh heh. That guy does seem, peculiar, shall we say?

Bedi-bedi-bedi... Cpt.Stern in the 25th Century! :)
Apparently that bear guy's suit makes him almost invulnerable. But I doubt he can move very well.

The Mecha looks like it'll fall over in the first high wind. But it's a step in the right direction.
Brian Damage said:
The Mecha looks like it'll fall over in the first high wind. But it's a step in the right direction.

Downwards is not the right direction, specially not when you're 8ft up in a steel coffin on legs .... but I think I know what you mean! :P

There was some mech-type transportation concepts made in Japan that were pretty cool too, like chairs with mech-legs that you could controll with a joystick. They were working prototypes too.
Brian Damage said:
Apparently that bear guy's suit makes him almost invulnerable. But I doubt he can move very well.

The Mecha looks like it'll fall over in the first high wind. But it's a step in the right direction.

you should watch the documentary on the bear guy ..I dont think he can even walk ..cant remember exactly but I'm pretty sure a crane has to be brought in to lower the suit off the truck ...hehe you should watch the movie: the bear guy goes to the local bar and challenges people to beat him with a baseball bat (with the suit on of course) ...he even does a demonstration on camera ...ya the guy's a little nutso
hehe ya ..cant remember, the movie came out what seems like a decade ago ..shortly after it's release I went to a dinner that one of the guests was Peter Lynch, the director of the movie ..he told some funny stories of his time with the bear guy
I want the titanium plating. That sounds cool. The rest just sounds stuffy and hot.
CptStern said:
there's a canadian guy who made a suit of armor to wrestle bears really, I'm serious
Bikers: Assault by three bikers -- the largest, 2.05 metres (6 ft. 9 in.) tall, weighing 175 kilograms (385 lbs.). Biker armaments: splitting ax, planks, baseball bat.
Oh my god hahahaha!
scroll down and read the tests its been submitted to
That mech looks sweet. Lmfao the new way of transportation!
bah that looks like some big piece of junk that will never work

I want 2