Real life Vampires

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What little I know about vampires; for you reading pleasure.

The idea of vampires has been around for hundreds of years in Britain, they were blamed in many places for spreading plague, killing people, and even milking cows at night so they couldn't produce when milking time came.

Abroad, the idea of vampires has been going for an equally large amount of time. You'll find most cultures have myths about creatures that fit the vampire bill. Some are a bit weird, like one that can turn into a lizard, and another than dosen't drink blood, but enjoys joy riding people's cattle.

During the middle ages in Britain there was some kind of sleeping sickness that killed a lot of people; however, the thing was that some people didn't actually die from it, yet due to the poor standard of medical science they were diagnosed as being dead, buried, and then they woke up again. Groans were heard in the churchyard, and when graves were dug up they'd find that the bodies had been clawing at the coffin, and even eating their own flesh out of dire hunger. Of course they didn't think "buried alive" they thought "vampire".

While Vlad the Impaler was by no means the 'first' vampire, he was the inspiration for Bram Stoker's Dracula. For those of you who don't know, Vlad was a vicious little sh*t who used to do various nasty things to his enemies - these included getting a large wooden stake, several feet long, and using some nice strong horses tied to it, would insert it up your bottom, through your internal organs and out the top of yoru back - he had this down to a fine art, being able to keep people alive on it for several days as they slid down it. Other lovely methods he employed was boiling people alive, roastig people alive, hacking out female sexual organs, hacking off noses and ears... he was a bit of a nasty man. Despite this, he did very little in the way of turning into a bat, or drinking blood.
burner69 said:
and even milking cows at night so they couldn't produce when milking time came.
omfg that had my laughing so hard, you bastard hahaha :laugh: :laugh: i cant stop laughing.....
satch919 said:
Crazy. I can't believe that people take this stuff seriously.

Although, when you think about it, religions like Christianity and Catholicism do the same kind of weird stuff. The preists and leaders dress up in crazy costumes to worship a god in the sky. They even symbolically drink the blood of Christ. Not much difference other than that one has been accepted and the other hasn't. Both are equally rediculous.

Oh and check out this pic that i took while browsing this topic. I thought it was rather weird. :p

Take a look at the ad:

Well actually all of it has been accepted, or thrown out. Just by different and varying numbers of people.
SupremePain said:
omfg that had my laughing so hard, you bastard hahaha :laugh: :laugh: i cant stop laughing.....

They should make a hammer horror about it. Christopher Lee as the dark udder-draining fiend.
burner69 said:
While Vlad the Impaler was by no means the 'first' vampire, he was the inspiration for Bram Stoker's Dracula. For those of you who don't know, Vlad was a vicious little sh*t who used to do various nasty things to his enemies - these included getting a large wooden stake, several feet long, and using some nice strong horses tied to it, would insert it up your bottom, through your internal organs and out the top of yoru back - he had this down to a fine art, being able to keep people alive on it for several days as they slid down it. Other lovely methods he employed was boiling people alive, roastig people alive, hacking out female sexual organs, hacking off noses and ears... he was a bit of a nasty man. Despite this, he did very little in the way of turning into a bat, or drinking blood.

He did drink blood.
Damn. Can you imigine being a witness to that kind of stuff? :x The stuff Vlad did, that is.
Raziaar said:
Damn. Can you imigine being a witness to that kind of stuff? :x The stuff Vlad did, that is.

Yeah it's totally f**ked. Being boiled alive would be the worst; cuz the water slowly increases in heat it takes much longer to die. It's like being burnt alive in slow motion. Here's the bitch about it, you don't die until almost everyone of the nerve endings on your skin have reached the peak of pain then exploded.

Scientifically speaking that means it's impossible to feel more pain than being boiled alive.

Though a wooden spike up the bottom would really f**king hurt too....
how about having 1 million knives pierced thru every part of your body, with 2 people drilling your eyes, filling your years with acid, all while having a hot poker up the arse. thats gotta hurt more, seriously.
KoreBolteR said:
how about having 1 million knives pierced thru every part of your body, with 2 people drilling your eyes, filling your years with acid, all while having a hot poker up the arse. thats gotta hurt more, seriously.

Nope. Your nerves can withstand and report so much pain to your brain, when the pain peaks the nerves explode (not as a result of the pain, but the cause of it). It's literally impossible to feel more pain.

Another friggin evil execution method from the middle ages.

Take a cauldron with sevral dozen rats in, place the mouth of the cauldron over the soon to be deceased person's stomach, heat cauldron... you can imagine what happens.

Human's are sick individuals.
SupremePain said:
no, im sorry i hate to come of like a assbandit, but do you have any reference of that at all?

It seems like some sources say he did and others he didn't

But what about blood drinking? Even though Romanian tales of Dracula do not label him a vampire, Radu r. Florescu and Raymond T. McNally have found mention of Dracula drinking the blook of his victims. Dracula often had dinner wile he watched the execution he had ordered, and on one documented occasion, he included the blood of one of the executed in his meal(it is believed that he dipped his bread into it). However, there is not enough available evidence to show that he drank blood at any other time in his life.

Reports say that he definately drank blood on one occasion but people are unsure if he drank them on other occassion.s
The Dark Elf said:
Which type of real life vampires are you talking about?

The ones in the links at the start of the thread or the real ones who have nothing to do with that kind of behavior?

I don't know what "behavior" means, but i was talking (bad) about the ones at the start of the thread...
I agree with dark elf, vampires are very real, every culture around the world has had vampire lore of some kind or another.
Maybe it's because most cultures have some sort of connetation about blood and drinking it.

Vampire:The Masquerade and Vampire: The Requiem rocks. Have you read the handbooks? Esp. Gahenna. That's so freaking awesome/weird.
This thread is a vampire, as you brought it back from the dead.

-Angry Lawyer
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