Real Superheroes?

Sep 27, 2003
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Well, how about it?

What do you think the world would be like if there were real superheroes?

How hard would it really be to keep one's identity a secret?

How would it affect the people of the world, knowing that there were real superheroes?

Would superheroes automatically encourage supervillains?

Would the price of spandex skyrocket?

Is this a really dumb thread?

Discuss (please).
yeah you can't have superheroes unless there are supervillains.
Because the villains would kick the heroes butts?

Or because the heroes would abuse their power?
Oh ye of little faith! Don't be so silly! We do have superheroes, like the indomitable Tar and Feathers Boy (thinks he can fly. sadly , can't), Man-man (bitten by a radioactive man, he has the proportionate powers man) the Incredible Sulk, and the amazing Aeroplane Man (/me adjusts glasses shiftilly)! They patrol the skies, night and day, ensuring our safety. Great thread by the way.
Serously though, having superheroes would own. They would certainly be good role models for children, we would be much safer in our beds, and the government could use the police budget for something more constructive. Yes, with superheroes, the world would be a better place. And where can I get a mutant ISA card?
But what about the spandex market? (j/k)

EDIT: Oh, and the ISA card? I'll sell you mine for Au$500.
Spandex is important. Whiel it is not essential - take me for examp...I mean, look at Aeroplane Man (who wears a fluffy-collared flying jacket and leather helmet with goggles) - it is one of the main conventions of the career. And it would eb in huge demand - probably becoming one of the biggest fashions ever.
Personally, I prefer "Iron Man Style", ie: big stompy metal exoskeletons :E.

That would own.
Yeah iron man stuff would be ocol, but having the powers of all super heroes is....would be great, i mean without the side effects like horrible wings and stuff.

If there were super heroes, does that mean that although the word is basically normal, guns dont fire bullets but sintead fire strange bursts of light that make little explosions or no mark at all? And would we also have amazing technology like Dr Octavious' special arms?
Well, I was wondering what effect superheroes would have on the world as it is...
Brian Damage said:
Well, how about it?

What do you think the world would be like if there were real superheroes?

How hard would it really be to keep one's identity a secret?

How would it affect the people of the world, knowing that there were real superheroes?

Would superheroes automatically encourage supervillains?

Would the price of spandex skyrocket?

Is this a really dumb thread?

Discuss (please).

hmmm have u seen unbreakable? they got me thinking, like how they said there are people that are really weak right? like bone problems that fracture easily and disease and that, so how come there couldn't be people on the other end of the spectrum? I'm not saying i think theres are supermans or anything like that, but people with unusually large amounts of strength, more so than an average person anyways. I think if we actually had "superheroes" they wouldnt' be heroes at all. Cause to see how mankind will usually always abuse his power eventually. They'd probably just use it for personal gain.
"Brian Damage"

Well, how about it?
How about what?

What do you think the world would be like if there were real superheroes?
Super heroes would be sponsored by Marvel so they can "Fight Crime Full-Time" (man.. I'm awesome).

How hard would it really be to keep one's identity a secret?
It'd be damn near impossible to keep it a secret unless you becamse some sort of crazy hermit.

How would it affect the people of the world, knowing that there were real superheroes?
I'd imagine people would say funnier things about superheroes nowadays like, "What a f*ckin' pimp" or "What the hell kinda costume is that?" etc.

Would superheroes automatically encourage supervillains?
I know I'd end up abusing my power in some way or another...

Would the price of spandex skyrocket?
Spandex is a thing of the past...people would be making deals with the military for the latest gear and stuff. Or everyone would look Matrix-esque.

Is this a really dumb thread?
Not in my book.

My superhero name would have to be "Awesome Sauce" or "Eric"

EDIT: I might use my real name...just so I could be a pimp with the ladies.
He's got a point...every superhero would want to look cool and would wear matrix gear or commando suits...
Or spandex. You just can't get rid of it.
Hot damn.

Dedalus said:
yeah you can't have superheroes unless there are supervillains.
<Coughs>Corporate Fat-Cats<Cough>

Excuse me...
lol you need to get that cough checked out el chi, could be the *dum dum duuuuh* flu.
Actually, I like the superhero concept introduced in Unbreakable. Why shouldn't the extremely strong among us fight crime? I damn well would! Only, I'm 5'9" and 135 :/
And sometimes on Cops they show towns where all the cops are bodybuilders- hotdamn! They just grab bad guys and toss em in the cruiser, swish!

p.s. I would like to be a superhero with telekinetic powers. With powerful enough telekinesis, all other things in this world become a useless weapon. (see "matrix", bullet stopping, or "the one", where he throws motorcycles around)
Yeah telekentics is cool...shame we cant do it. However, our brains are amazing things, and they can push our bodies way beyond what we believe is possible. Then there is stuff like adrenaline. Our bodies hold of potential we we have yet to realise. For instance, when i was but 7 years old we were staying at this "village" (Its odd, you have to go there to understand really...its nice though) in Wales called Port Merrion. Me and a friend were playing next to a cannon and somehoe it fell off its supports...It landed on his leg and he couldnt get up, so i ran over and just lifted it straight off without thinking, then realising that of course picking up cannons is impossible, i droped it again, but on the floor next to him. It took my dad, and my uncle to lift it up again.
I liked the notion of heroes in Unbreakable as an understated breed, that was a cool film. Unfortunately, I don't think that there is any place for superheroes in the real world. They would just get hunted down by governments. To paraphrase a famous saying one man's superhero is another man's public menace.
Innervision961 said:
lol you need to get that cough checked out el chi, could be the *dum dum duuuuh* flu.
No it's probably the result of anthrax or some other chemical WMD that Iraq was hiding :hmph:
Hey, would a real superhero really wear a cape? I've always wondered why they never ever seem to get them snagged on things :E.
Farrowlesparrow said:
Yeah telekentics is cool...shame we cant do it. However, our brains are amazing things, and they can push our bodies way beyond what we believe is possible. Then there is stuff like adrenaline. Our bodies hold of potential we we have yet to realise. For instance, when i was but 7 years old we were staying at this "village" (Its odd, you have to go there to understand really...its nice though) in Wales called Port Merrion. Me and a friend were playing next to a cannon and somehoe it fell off its supports...It landed on his leg and he couldnt get up, so i ran over and just lifted it straight off without thinking, then realising that of course picking up cannons is impossible, i droped it again, but on the floor next to him. It took my dad, and my uncle to lift it up again.

wow, what did your parents feed you?