Really creepy video...

yep. Nothing else to do! I was hoping it'd be really creepy.. but come on, rusty spoons?!

um....wth ?

edit: Where was the gore I was expecting! :D
Shuzer said:
yep. Nothing else to do! I was hoping it'd be really creepy.. but come on, rusty spoons?!

D'you mind if before I leave I caress your rusty kettle Shuzer?
HaHaHaHa! :laugh: That was the funniest thing I've ever where did I put my spoon?
LittleB said:
Okay the second one was alot creepier
I'm not sure if it was creepy, per se.. but really really funked up
uhh which one's the second one, the one that ends with a rusty kettle or something else?
The first one was just weird, the second one was weirder, and I thought it was a bit creepy. I liked them both though, just becuase they are so odd, ah well.
It was kind of gross when Salad Fingers was tasting the small dudes. His tongue clicked and made disgusting noises. But that was funny :P

And also when he meets Hubert something, and he just screams at him :P
This actually inspired me to do something similar. I have alot of nice ideas. And maybe my twisted mind and my morbid dreams (don't ask, I won't tell anyone that hasn't already heard them) will prove to be great ammunition for this.
The feeling of the rust on my salad fingers is almost ORGASMIC.

It's a fantastic piece of weirdness.
im sorry but anything done in falsh cant be scary, well at least when they animate with tweens
I didn't think they were creepy. I didn't really like either of them because they were just so stupid.
Hubert Cumberdale is the best ever.

Where was the creepy though?
That is honestly probably my favorite flash of all time. I loved it!

edit: i'm going to have to whatch that next time I smoke some ganj ;)
Heh, kind of creepy. I've seen much worse around Newgrounds but usually it's obvious they're trying too hard to make it creepy or in many cases a tear jerker. This is just classic random creepiness :D
the mroe i watch it the more i like it :smoking: :smoking: