really the only thing after the source engine is...

if the ai is really good, like what was said before about the ai learning to walk and learn from its mistakes, wouldnt that be creating life? that is pretty creepy, next thing you know terminator will happen or the matrix, machines will get smart and take over.
Have you guyz ever heard of "black and white" (hence my name BW MASTER).

The game lets you grow your own creature and it learns to do stuff and you can spank it or stroke it. Its a cool game but i got bored after 5 months of playing it :(/

Black and White 2 is coming out. If you want you can check their website here:

Also there is that neat program from Lord of The rings movie called MASSIVE. It lets you make armies and make them fight.
Wouldnt it be cool to see such fighting at a big scale in HL? :D
go to and somewhere in there there is a small demo which you use to use Massive.... on my 1.8 ghz comp i can only handle about 8 or so guys before it shows slow down due to extreme cpu usage and AI...
Massive is an amazing program because of how easy it can make cool battle scenes.
Also, something that has always intrigued me is the idea of creating simple digital equivalents of microorganisms that can evolve on their own. Since digital evolution would be exponentially faster than biological evolution it would happen very rapidly, and AI could potentially be created without much actual programming. A cool idea, but a possibly dangerous one. (Prey's a good read, and Crichton explains it better than I)
Originally posted by Direwolf
Massive is an amazing program because of how easy it can make cool battle scenes.
Also, something that has always intrigued me is the idea of creating simple digital equivalents of microorganisms that can evolve on their own. Since digital evolution would be exponentially faster than biological evolution it would happen very rapidly, and AI could potentially be created without much actual programming. A cool idea, but a possibly dangerous one. (Prey's a good read, and Crichton explains it better than I)

This is called a neural net and is a widely researched subject. They are very cool in concept but unfortunately are pertty hard to make into anything useful.
we're not going to run out of ideas, people keep inventing stuff. People can transmit voice, data, and pictures online, but can they transmit scent? I think not. that would be good, to invent a device that transmitted scent. yum.
a friend gave me a link to an article about transmitting touch over the internet. crazy stuff

i've looked through my history but i cant seem to find the article D: sorry
The problem with transmitting scent or taste is that those things are organic. Unless you want to put chemicals in your computer that are released gradually to create different scents, you're probably not going to see that.
Chemicals are bad for you. Especially the toxic ones....
Originally posted by Llevar
This is called a neural net and is a widely researched subject. They are very cool in concept but unfortunately are pertty hard to make into anything useful.
Yeah, my problem was just that if you say "neural net" pretty much no one has any idea what the heck you're talking about.
And for the use of that sort of thing, someone always comes up with something.:afro:
I can't seem to find this massive thing could someone plz give me a clicky?
There is a field of science that deals with building things at the sub-atomic level... Thousands of years in the future this could be refined to the point where you can have a machine in your room that can build anything. You could tell it to make you a sandwich, and it would build it out of subatomic particles into a sandwich. It could also in theory build scents or whatever else you wanted to :P Thinking we have invented everything is very shortsighted.

I can't remember who invented this system. but its a system to rate levels of civilization based on their ability to harness i could look it up somewhere, but point is our civilization is a lot closer to being a bunch of monkeys than it is a great intelligence... We have a LONG way to go still.
they can make everything interactive i can spend all day just playing with the lvls envirment
Originally posted by Slash
There is a field of science that deals with building things at the sub-atomic level... Thousands of years in the future this could be refined to the point where you can have a machine in your room that can build anything. You could tell it to make you a sandwich, and it would build it out of subatomic particles into a sandwich. It could also in theory build scents or whatever else you wanted to :P Thinking we have invented everything is very shortsighted.

I can't remember who invented this system. but its a system to rate levels of civilization based on their ability to harness i could look it up somewhere, but point is our civilization is a lot closer to being a bunch of monkeys than it is a great intelligence... We have a LONG way to go still.

You can't build much of anything useful out of subatomic particles because quantum laws won't allow it. ;(
Originally posted by cyborgguineapig
The only problem with that is that the chance of new things will become rarer and rarer. Its the sad truth. I think it will be a long time until another FPS comes out after D3 and HL2 mainly because now the bar has been raised and in order to keep up in the industry, Game developers will have to deliver more and ofcourse this will take longer time. HL2 took 5 years in the making.

Eventually, by my theory, we will oneday, in this millenium, run out of ideas and the precious sayings about always something to be learned will actualy begin to dwindle short and the end of humanity will fall after this. This is a serious theory really. Just think, almost every idea has been created. Take for example music, Is there really gonna ever be a new type of music?Think maybe 3000 years from now, Can there really be original music? The zombie movies have all been made, the sci-fi alien movies have been done to death, the romantic stories have all been made, The car chase is getting boring in movies, The robots against humans movies have been overdone, the mideival movies have already been made, Now the comic book characters wil soon all ebe done, really when you think of it...nothing can be original in this day of age.;(

How many more alien type movies can we possibly see in our lifetime or Alien games for that matter, what if HL2's story is wickedly cool then what other game after that involving aliens can beet it??

All you have proved is that YOU arent smart enough to invent anything new.

Things are coming faster and faster and of course YOU cant imagine them. A colonial american could never have guessed how a car would look/work and a medival night couldnt ever dream of electricity.

Pretend for a second that anything is possible...we could have music that you FEEL while your listening to it. A car chase in a movie wouldnt be boring if somehow you absolutely felt like you were there!

You are obviously not creative, but you can still OPEN YOUR MIND!
There is still much to do in the realm of AI. It's just that to have a true 'learning computer' (a neural net processor, heh heh...a little Terminator humour for ya...ok, nobody caught that, whatever.), you'll need a hell of a lot of processor power. Source looks like it has done a lot, but there's still a lot more to do. Just maybe not so much in terms of graphics as much as physics and AI.

AI that is as smart as a human. then there will be a matrix scenario and we will all die
All I want to see is an ai that can respond intelligently to what you say. Think about it. It would be really pushing the bounds if you could actually speak to the ai.
Originally posted by Radiskull
personally, im not looking forward to having a real life game. There needs to be a distance between the two. If fps ever get to be this good would you all still play them? Not looking forward to having someone loose their bowels after you kill them.

We arent going to be seeing that running in real time for many, many years.
Originally posted by Massif
The problem with transmitting scent or taste is that those things are organic. Unless you want to put chemicals in your computer that are released gradually to create different scents, you're probably not going to see that.

Since taste, smell and all other senses are all just fundamentally brain responses, if we can find someway to stimulate those sensations in the brain, then it would definately be possible to transmit smell and other senses via the internet or some other carrier.
Some of these 3D images may be life-like, but try animating them. We've still got a ways to go animation-wise. I thought some of the images from Final Fantasy:The Spirits Within were very life-like (maybe not sucha good example, probalby the Hulk is a better one), but once you saw it all it motion, you can very easily tell it was fake - likewise with almost all CGI in movies, and the movie studios spend tens sometimes hundreds of millions of dollars to create these effects.
This is a very good topic and a very good read too.

There's been a lot of debate and discussion about things like A.I. that can indeed learn. I'm heading for a career in robotics myself and i've read articles and seen television specials all based around these things. Today the majority of our A.I. has the intelligence of about a cockroach. They say in about 20 years or so they might have the intelligence of mice, or possibly even dogs.
As I said, though, this topic raises a lot of questions and leads to a lot of debate on ethics and morality. Some say it's like playing god trying to create life, even if it is artificial. Many people believe that if we go too far with A.I. they will eventually learn for themselves very rapidly and could easily whipe us out. Although I do believe that we as the human race will probably kill ourselves off because of things like war etc. I do think that with A.I. if we are careful and think about consequences we can prevent something like, The Matrix, or Terminator, as many have said from happening.

On the ideas of invention... we have a LONG way to go. There are so many factors limiting us and there are so many things we still cannot yet do. Invention doesn't necessarily have to be something mechanical like computers etc. either. What if we could speed up our own evolution? What about creating dimensional rifts and warp fields? Bending the laws of physics etc. Basically breaking out of the cage.
As far as video game technology I think the next big step will be Virtual Reality. Wouldn't surprise me if we saw Virtual arcades spring up within the next 20 years. Just a booth of sorts where you stand on and hook yourself up and it immerses you into an environment where you react as if you were there. It could then detect sensations that you are trying to make based on that environment, so you could walk in the game without actually walking in real life, but it would feel as if you were.

There really are no clear boundries for us as a race yet. We haven't even colonized other planets yet let alone broken laws of physics and motion etc. We have a lot left that we can do. The main question is how long will we survive eachother so that we can get there?
You said that we could speed up our own evolution? Well, the paradigm's are definately getting shorter. Lets start at the beginning, we got prehistory which was like 400,000+ years, then we got stone age which is considerably less, then we had the copper age, which was shorter than that. Then awhile after that we got the dark ages, 900 AD, medieval started at, what, 1300? Then we got renessance, 1500, then we have industrial revolution, 150 years. It is getting smaller and smaller. The paradigms are speeding up. I find this quite interesting, and god the people on these forums are smart!
They are speeding up mainly due to our increase in knowledge. With some things the more you know the easier it is to learn.
I think that since we have so much technology these days and so much knowledge of technology that steps in invention and new ideas will become even more common later on then they are now.
They are even talking about nanomachines in 20 years or so.
Just think of tiny microscopic robots running through your bloodstream. They could give major benefits in the medical field with things like wounds, clogged arteries and even heart problems.
We have even managed to map out our own brains which I find amazing to say the least. Just the potential of any race with the abilities we have is simply astounding.
Like I said, hopefully we don't kill ourselves off before making some of these things happen because it would truly be amazing to see what we can do. Just so long as we don't go insane with power and find some stupid ways to screw things up.

As much as i'd like world peace the only way for that to happen would be a unification of our minds, where we all think and feel the same ways and agree on everything. However, if that happens, you have no diversity, no freedom and that could actually hinder development of our technology and us as a species.
Very ironic though, freedom with chaos, or basically slavery and peace.
Crazy things in my head...
like in the time machine...i give us another 100 years before we blow up the moon and are forced underground :P
Dont worry even with the blown up moon all the chicks will be hot
Things will speed up due to the population increase to. More people the more minds the more potential inventions/creations.

Overall i agree their are no boundries as to how far we can go, but there must be a point where it slows down. Like when we have computers being built at an atomic level, and we reach 1km/h behind the speed of light etc.

Yeah, nano tech is powerful stuff...
And it well be the end of all human kind. =)
Space is something that no-body has mentioned in terms of the next generation of technology. Scientific research programs are exploring the possibilities all the time, we've got quite a few probes all headed to Mars right now. In future, science suggests that it may be possible to sustain life on such barren planets with the right technology to convert localised resources into useful materials.

One of the most exciting projects currently in development is that of research into 'antimatter', a new potential energy source to power the spacecraft of tomorrow. Although we are far from understanding antimatter, scientists have managed to produce a few thousand atoms which is certainly a start. If they manage to produce a few grams of it, leading scientists now believe that it would be possible to send a robotic probe to Alpha Centauri and transmit data back within a human lifetime. Now that would be something! So as the population grows, the need to colonise new areas becomes ever greater as Earth is overwhelmed. Personally, I believe that we will accomplish the goal of setting up a colony someday before it is too late. Science is expanding, improving and refining its methods all the time. It is farcical to suggest that nothing new can be discovered. We are just on the borderline of real scientific progress.....

Well thats my 50 cents :cheers:

- Tommmo
Yeah antimatter is brilliant. Same with some of the new fusion power experiments they are currently setting up. If only the yanks hadnt cut all funding to the fusion power project we might have a new energy source in a matter of years:P Donno whats happened with that now.

I don´t think overpopulation will be THAT future problem. as far as countries are developed, the birth rate will decrease, as u can see in today´s industrialised countries.
I think a bigger problem will be a lack of rsources. in probably hundred years there will be no oil, also drinkable water is not endless. in my opinion, we all will experience that some main resources will become rarely. so, we have to find renewable energies as soon as possible...
Actually, the worrying fact is that worldwide oil reserves will run out within 40 years. Quite a scary thought.
You never know where this will all end to. I don't think well have new energy ressources that could replace oil in thirty years.

And about pc games, if the power of PCs is still growing exponentially, we'll have lifelike looking and physically correct games of the universe in the next 20 to 30 years. Because till then, cluster PCs are going to be something regular anyway. people will have forgotten what the beginnings of internet were anyway, everything is going to be connected to something else. we wont even take notice of it anymore...
I think that the idea of dependable space travel throws a monkey wrench in the future, which isn't necessarily a bad thing, and just might keep us form killing ourselves. Heres some weird stuff: one of Europes satellites which will orbit Mars in the near future is carrying a prototype ion drive for testing. Also on earth, plasma drives are being worked on and developed and may make it into a manned Mars mission, cutting the travel time from 270 to 90 days.
As for the whole robots killing everyone thing, all we have to really do it keep in mind to rules that Asimov laid down so many years ago:
1. A robot may not injure a human being, or through inaction, allow a human being to come to harm.

2. A robot must obey orders given to it by a human being unless the order contravenes law 1.

3. A robot must protect its own existence, as long as doing so does not contravene laws 1 or 2.
Seriously, if we were to put our minds to it we could get another power source in 15 years, but nobody wants to give their oil for some reason. It eats o-zone and is in short supply, but yet we still want to use it.