Reasons why HL was so good...and if HL2 has them.


Jul 3, 2003
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You know, I was thinking last night...about what made HL so good and if HL2 has the same elements. I was worried that I didn't see a lot of them in the videos.

  • Guts. One of the best, things blowing up, body parts, excellent.
  • Scientist deaths. Comic relief. :D
  • Buttons. One the funnest things to do, pressing buttons!
  • Sound effects. OK, I absolutely love HL's sound effects. In doom, the only sound was crappy creature noises and your gun. In HL, you have everything around you making sounds...god I love it.
  • Storyline. Definitely HL2 has this. :D
  • Things blowing up and crashing down. I love HL because you're walking down this hall and suddenly there's an airstrike and everything just falls and crashes's so cool to see it.

Now, some of the things I do see in the videos, but one glaring thing that isn't is the guts. Where are the combine soldiers splitting apart when shot with a grenade? How bout the antlions? I NEED GUTS.

Another thing are traps, mostly traptown, but I didn't see any of those sequences where maybe a combine soldier is smoking and suddenly he gets pulled into a vent. :p The only part I saw was when the soldier was impaled on the blue tentacle thing. :cheers:

So far I like the sound effects...but I hope they have environment effects. Like in HL you walk into a room full of equipment and you have all the little beeps and computer sounds around you.

OK, what are some of the things you loved about HL that you think made it an original game?
SubKamran said:
You know, I was thinking last night...about what made HL so good and if HL2 has the same elements. I was worried that I didn't see a lot of them in the videos.

  • Guts. One of the best, things blowing up, body parts, excellent.
  • Scientist deaths. Comic relief. :D
  • Buttons. One the funnest things to do, pressing buttons!
  • Sound effects. OK, I absolutely love HL's sound effects. In doom, the only sound was crappy creature noises and your gun. In HL, you have everything around you making sounds...god I love it.
  • Storyline. Definitely HL2 has this. :D
  • Things blowing up and crashing down. I love HL because you're walking down this hall and suddenly there's an airstrike and everything just falls and crashes's so cool to see it.

Now, some of the things I do see in the videos, but one glaring thing that isn't is the guts. Where are the combine soldiers splitting apart when shot with a grenade? How bout the antlions? I NEED GUTS.

Another thing are traps, mostly traptown, but I didn't see any of those sequences where maybe a combine soldier is smoking and suddenly he gets pulled into a vent. :p The only part I saw was when the soldier was impaled on the blue tentacle thing. :cheers:

So far I like the sound effects...but I hope they have environment effects. Like in HL you walk into a room full of equipment and you have all the little beeps and computer sounds around you.

OK, what are some of the things you loved about HL that you think made it an original game?

I think it will have everything besides the scientist deaths. But maybe shooting enemies will be even funnier now with the physics.

I like Half-Life cause it was one of the revolutionary games. Even though N64's Goldeneye was first, i still think that a lot of games has come from Half-Life.
Half-Life 1 was delayed for 12 months, Half-Life 2 also has that =)
I loved (well, love) Half-Life because of the storyline.
I love the fact that you don't just get dumped right down between shooting enemies right in the beginning. In HL you had a little trainride first, and then you had to find your HEV suit, and stuff like that. It was really great, imo.
And as Doug Lombardi also stated in an interview, HL2 is of course also going to have this also.
Interactivitity and realistic setting, frightening enemy AI and such is what made me love the game
a lot of the things you say made half-life great are just the little details that added immersion. Half-Life 2 looks like it will immerse players even more. and didnt you see the antlions popping from shotgun blasts and zombies getting cut in half?
kaf11 said:
a lot of the things you say made half-life great are just the little details that added immersion. Half-Life 2 looks like it will immerse players even more. and didnt you see the antlions popping from shotgun blasts and zombies getting cut in half?

Ah, but there was no "exploding". Like in HL when something got blown up, it really did Blow Up. :D
am i th only one who thinks this is a dumbass thread seeing as how we dont have hl2 to compare hl1 to? knaaamean?
I'm hoping we see some scientist deaths to :), it was just so gawd damn funny to a watch poor, hopeless little man get ripped apart by a massive tentacle and fall from a lift, just as you get to him :LOL:
simmo said:
I'm hoping we see some scientist deaths to :), it was just so gawd damn funny to a watch poor, hopeless little man get ripped apart by a massive tentacle and fall from a lift, just as you get to him :LOL:

truely classics
Dark Humor

burnzie said:
dark humour needs to make a return :p

Yah man, I want Postal 2 type dark humor. That **** was mad funny. LOL I want to be able to put a cat on the end of my shotgun! :cat: :devil:
Mr-Fusion said:
Half-Life 1 was delayed for 12 months, Half-Life 2 also has that =)

True fact.

Also, HL2 has a lot of ambient sounds, like remember in the train station scene the beeps and radios of combine/ the woman saying out of nowhere "are you the only one on that train?", people talking to themselves/ stuff like that.

So mark off the ambient sounds.

Both half-life games were delayed for almost a year and even then looked promising, HL provide definately worthwhile and we have yet to see HL2.

GUTS: I think cutting the zombies with razors satisfies this.

IGN's expected 9/1/04 actually looks very reasonable now, come to think of it. It's exactly near fall and ending summer.

Scientist death - Normal characters can be killed, I'm sure as gordon doesn't holster his gun for random people (see the 2004 strider demo). Important characters I suppose can't. At least this is better, I mean better than them being bulletproof like G-man in HL1 whereever you shot them.

Things blowing up and crashing down: and example is the stirder vids, all of them and the citadel crashing down.
yadalogo said:
Yah man, I want Postal 2 type dark humor. That **** was mad funny. LOL I want to be able to put a cat on the end of my shotgun! :cat: :devil:

i said return, not go beserk... that would be overkill
this is 2004 we need to be thinking like its 2004 and stop trying to relive fall 1998. i dont want to hear any cornball ass sound effects, i dont wanna here any cheesy weapon or alien sounds, dont want any scientists going around saying "oh no gordon lets run the monsters are coming" or any othr stupid shit like that in no stupid ass cartoon voices. i want some real people sounding voices to go with the real people looking models with real people facial expressions, and i want scientist's dyinh in a realistic way, and i want realistic gun soounds for my guns.

if i push a button and it makes a ****ing booop sound instead of a goddamn click like a real button should make....mark my words i will be highly pissed.
lol, all you guys describe perfectly what i also love about half-life :D

I also want gore, and alot of innocent scientists ( or citizens) becoming a victim of grenades or aliens :D :D :bounce:
burnzie said:
dark humour needs to make a return :p

Right on, we saw an example of this in the vid when alyx entered the lab. Hopefully there will be more.
acme420 said:
if i push a button and it makes a ****ing booop sound instead of a goddamn click like a real button should make....mark my words i will be highly pissed.

some buttons go booop... :rolleyes:
I bet that in hl2 there will be blowned up aliens and combine.

its like........ gordon said "I can use this leg to wack zombies :D"
tfotdead said:
I bet that in hl2 there will be blowned up aliens and combine.

its like........ gordon said "I can use this leg to wack zombies :D"

gordon said somthing... HOLY TOLITOES BATMAN
lans said:
Right on, we saw an example of this in the vid when alyx entered the lab. Hopefully there will be more.

??? What was the dark humor there? All I remember is her getting kliener to open the door and then they both went in.
Apos: Gordon knocks over a computer monitor, and Dr Kleiner says "Oh, do be carefull" or something like that.
Apos said:
??? What was the dark humor there? All I remember is her getting kliener to open the door and then they both went in.

Well it's not practically dark humor...something along the lines.

E3 2004 video when Eli talks to alyx.

"No one can handle you" - now you could make out several things from this. ;)
I agree with the guy who started this thread. It looks, unfortunately, as though since now that we have these revolutionary ragdoll animations, we no longer have those awesome gut-splattering scenes of carnage from the first Half-Life. :(

For those who don't know what we are talking about: when you lobbed a grenade or other huge explosive device at a soldier, there would be a huge bang and guts would go flying everywhere, just leaving a blood splattered spot and perhaps a leg or two.)

The thing I want most from Half-Life 2 is more of the same. Don't go to far off the path -- I want lots of 'in' jokes, I want the scientists and Barney to stay true to their characters (that Black scientist guy doesn't remind me of the first representation of him in the first game at all), and most ideally I want a surprise ending level where you end back at Black Mesa, although this won't happen.

A crumbling Black Mesa with trains going havok and lights flashing while you fight a final boss rendered in the Source engine would be INSANE. And does anyone else want to fight the G-Man? :)
Apos said:
??? What was the dark humor there? All I remember is her getting kliener to open the door and then they both went in.

Gordon walks into the happy lab...
"It's going to be a lot more like Black Mesa with Gordon here."

Ouch. :p
If there is alot of that kind of humor the game will be hilarious! :D
It was one long level, and not 20 different levels...
Yep, and that is most certantly coming back. An Epic so to speak.

Also it wasn't always clicking the mouse as fast as you could to constantly shoot stuf like doom. It had the puzzle aspect which made you think sometimes. ;)
Yah, I want some "in" jokes too. Like Barney saying, "Well Gordon, still want that beer?" :D

And to acme, I somewhat agree with you, but back then in 1998, those sounds sounded awesome...I still think they do. Now today we have better technology, so we can more true sound effects.

Also, I DON'T agree that this is a dumbass thread, because I was wondering what people thought was great about HL.

Sawing zombies in half is fun, but seeing dismemberment as a result of a grenade is more satisfying. Like, whenever I use the Gluon gun it's "TAKE THAT! I DON'T WANT TO SEE YOUR RAGGEDY ASS NO MORE BIATCH!" :D
I didn't like the voices in the sounded as if they were talking through a can of beans
One of the most important things of HL1 - modability and a community to use it. Valve has told us they are holding modability at in the highest regard for HL2, so thats gonna make HL2 last as long as HL1.
Lip syncing was one great feature of the old Half-Life. Up until that point it was just a character model standing there "appearing" to be talking. Valve has again stepped up the bar and have given us the best facial animations and lip syncing I have ever seen in a game. It even beats out cutscenes and fully rendered movies in many recent games!!
Don't worry, I think Valve wouldn't be stupid enough to leave out the best memorable aspects of the game... I still want to kill scientists, and now it's gonna be even better ^-^
Storytelling (pace, immersion, atmosphere, transitions, etc) was the main reason why HL was so great to me and by the looks of it, HL2 is improving on HL1's storytelling by leaps and bounds.
Eternity said:
The thing I want most from Half-Life 2 is more of the same. Don't go to far off the path -- I want lots of 'in' jokes, I want the scientists and Barney to stay true to their characters (that Black scientist guy doesn't remind me of the first representation of him in the first game at all)

Im not sure what you are talking about. As good as they were for the time, the characters in HL were basically one dimensional: they had a couple of lines, and then generic odd responses. It's not like they have deep portrayals that they have to be true too. Also, they are like 10 years older.

I think HL2 will completely blow HL1 away in terms of how much plot and dialogue there is. That's part of what will make it radically different, and in many ways, new ground for the story.
I loved the part where Father Gregori was talking :D That was one of those HL moments.
acme420 said:
this is 2004 we need to be thinking like its 2004 and stop trying to relive fall 1998. i dont want to hear any cornball ass sound effects, i dont wanna here any cheesy weapon or alien sounds, dont want any scientists going around saying "oh no gordon lets run the monsters are coming" or any othr stupid shit like that in no stupid ass cartoon voices. i want some real people sounding voices to go with the real people looking models with real people facial expressions, and i want scientist's dyinh in a realistic way, and i want realistic gun soounds for my guns.

if i push a button and it makes a ****ing booop sound instead of a goddamn click like a real button should make....mark my words i will be highly pissed.

Somebody wants to be banned.
My favourite part was definately the female assassins in HL. They were so damn hard to kill, it gave a real paranoid feeling to be walking around in that warehouse turning around every second trying to find those elusive assassins. I hope HL2 wil have some involving parts like that.