% rebate on source updated products


Space Core
Nov 10, 2003
Reaction score
This idea popped into my head when I remember UT2004. In the box, they included a £7.50 rebate if you had UT2003.

Do you reckon they will do the same when they release the source ports.

You should get a 75% rebate on the retail version of counter-strike (seems so its a relatively new retail game), otherwise there will be several pissed off people who just got it, then realise there will be a nicer version of it a few months away.

What really disgusted me was that a Tesco branch was selling it for about £35 (rip-off)
I like that idea but HL and all the addons are available for such a range of prices, it'd be hard to make it fair.
EDIT: nm my original post.

I keep repeating myself on these forums, but here it is again: Just because CS-Source will be available in a retail box does NOT mean it won't be included in HL2. I think it's likely that everyone who buys HL2 will get CS-Source for free. If you don't want HL2 you'll be able to buy CS-Source by itself.
The Source ports will probably come out at a very budgeted price, otherwise Valve would be pretty much shooting theirselves in the foot. I imagine they'd be in the £10-15 price range, maybe less even.
Abom said:
The Source ports will probably come out at a very budgeted price, otherwise Valve would be pretty much shooting theirselves in the foot. I imagine they'd be in the £10-15 price range, maybe less even.

Yeah, like Blue Shift.
Half-Life= £5 - Budget
Source Extra= £5

Work out the maths= 5+5=10

Half-Life source =£10
come on - if theyre releasing CS Source, HL Source, TFC Source, OpFor Source, Blueshift Source and DoD Source its going to be a bit more than a tenner...thats a lot of work in redoing all those games...

25 pounds is a fair deal in my opinion.

Remember iD still sell non-updated Doom and Quake compendiums at around that price...and Commander Keen is still a bloody tenner - rip off merchants hehe
bigun said:
come on - if theyre releasing CS Source, HL Source, TFC Source, OpFor Source, Blueshift Source and DoD Source its going to be a bit more than a tenner...thats a lot of work in redoing all those games...

25 pounds is a fair deal in my opinion.

Remember iD still sell non-updated Doom and Quake compendiums at around that price...and Commander Keen is still a bloody tenner - rip off merchants hehe

Yeh hehe. I'd happily pay £25 for all the old stuff in source, but if it turns out it's like 14.99 for each mod I won't be bothering. Well, I'd probably get DOD.
I'm not going to spend any money on a graphics upgrade. The only mod for HL I play on a regular basis now is The Specialists, fixing up the graphics won't renew my interest in any of the other stuff, except maybe the original single player games (but I'm not going to pay for those either).

The only way it would be worth buying is if they everything in one low priced package.
exactly, itll probably all be bundled together, called something like HL:Source, and slap a 35 quid price tag on it....which is fair enough

you dont HAVE to buy it
Maybe they'll only be available from Steam for like $5-10 a pop. That's a reasonable price for games valve didn't even really develop, just made em more pretty.
Gossoon said:
Maybe they'll only be available from Steam for like $5-10 a pop. That's a reasonable price for games valve didn't even really develop, just made em more pretty.

If they did this, then they would dominate the CS/DOD market because it will effectively force people to play them through Steam. Would seem like a smart move to me
We still don't know how much has been upgraded on them though. Valve has said that they didn't just plug the games into source. They could have made massive updates to textures, models, level layout, etc.

Even going through and making everything physics-effected would be tough work.

Also, valve's plan of constantly updating source through steam would mean that these would be the definitive versions, and would never go obsolete.

So I'm buying all the single player ones, assuming they are a reasonable price.
not really, its done on a map by map basis and most mp maps are fairly small, and most mp games dont have many maps compared to a sp game. plus no scripting to worry about, only a few player models etc etc
bigun said:
not really, its done on a map by map basis and most mp maps are fairly small, and most mp games dont have many maps compared to a sp game. plus no scripting to worry about, only a few player models etc etc

Oh, I don't care about the multiplayer ones. I'm talking about SP.
BS cant be much work...it was a 6hr game afterall

HL1 is a LOTS of work, op4 is also quite a bit...wonder if they will update op4 CTF too

god we need some gabe confirmation on the details of this porting business...
Mechagodzilla said:
Oh, I don't care about the multiplayer ones. I'm talking about SP.

Wow, i didnt think you people existed, i thought people who will buy HL2 for singleplayer were just a myth. :p
from valves pov its a great move

they have a kickass SP game coming out - HL2, but they know the key to continued sales is great MP fanbase and support

what do they do?

they can either spend a ****LOAD building entirely new versions of TFC, CS and DoD....


they simply update the existing versions and port them to HL2...therefore more sales of HL2, no splintering of community between those who play MP in HL1 and those who play in HL2...and a huge MP community for HL2 as soon as it is released

plus lower costs from not developing entirely new games - very shrewd gabe, very shrewd :D
Daiceman9 said:
Wow, i didnt think you people existed, i thought people who will buy HL2 for singleplayer were just a myth. :p

And, considering that multiplayer is currently the unknown aspect of the game, I'm surprised there are people like yourself. :p
Everyone's talking about these updates like all that's changing is the graphics. What about the freakin physics? I mean that's one of the main sell points of HL2. They made the manipulator for crying out loud because physics are so popular. I mean look at the CS vid where the barrels go flying everywhere! That's gonna change the gameplay enough for me. And TFC with that kind of stuff will definitely make me pick it up for another long time. And it will look sweet ass.
i just dont get why anyone would spend a significant (15+) amount of money for a game they have already played over and over (hl1) when they have hl2 sitting next to it. sure, its going to look better...but youve already beaten it ninety times and hl2 will be a better all-around game anyways...eh, whatever. just a thought.