Recent balance changes to TF2?


Dec 19, 2004
Reaction score
I didn't play any TF2 for a week and upon returning it seems that one or more of the following is true:

- Heavy minigun deals more damage
- Sentry has reduced knockback (on Heavy/all classes?)
- Demo stickies do less damage/have a tighter splash damage radius

I haven't checked any of the code to see if this is true and I can't explain it really other than it 'feels' noticeably different. Things that brought me to these conclusions:

- On Dustbowl I have a certain spot I always put a sentry at if it looks like reds are getting walked over. I've always viewed this as a 'cheap' spot that really doesn't require any skill whatsoever in exchange for a lot of stopping power due to the angle enemies have to come at it. After a week of not playing the same tactic gets destroyed in mere seconds whereas previously it would only get destroyed if it was fired upon consistently and -I- ran out of metal.

- On 2Fort as a Heavy I had run out of minigun ammo when my Medic ubered me. We were attacking a sentry nest in the kink in the sewers and I was able to walk steadily towards a level 3 sentry gun instead of getting pushed back, to the point where I was almost within punching distance.

- On Granary a point blank sticky nade failed to kill a Scout. I can't stress how close the Scout was to this when it exploded. He should have been gibs aplenty but he somehow survived.

- When sticky jumping I frequently miss sticky jumps now if I try to shoot them close to my feet while running and explode them a split-second later. Now it seems I have to shoot them a bit in advance and be more exact with the detonation timing or it just won't even damage me.

- Just generally I've been noticing that as a Soldier I can die to Heavy minigun fire MUCH faster, and I'm not talking about crits. It seems there's almost no room for error if you accidentally round a corner in front of a Heavy.


Anyone else noticed this, or is it all in my mind?
Cant say ive noticed it myself, but ive not played a great deal recently. There was nothing about it in the updates. As for the whole sentry gun thing, maybe people have picked it up as a good tactic and naturally good counter tactics come along...
I've noticed that i can actually run up to turrets while in uber. Before, this was utterly impossible.
Almost all these small tweaks to the gameplay are not included in the update notes, so its very well possible that they put these in.
I was trying to do an uber-pyro rush just two days ago and he still got juggled up into the air and lost uber as soon as he turned the corner into the sights of a level 3 sentry. Unless it was changed yesterday, I haven't noticed a difference. Maybe I've noticed the change to sticky bombs, now that you mention it; and I noticed my minigun crits a bit more as a Heavy. I figured that was just luck though.
I think it's more likely they changed either the Heavy's mass or gave him a reduced knockback bonus vs the sentry because I have been juggled by a Sentry recently as Demo.
It might be in response to the turret stacking that occasionally happens where you find yourself walking around a corner into a couple of level 3 and the knock back is so great you can't actually move back to safety. If they've fixed that GJ I say. It's one thing to get killed by a turret because of stupidity, it's another thing entirely to get killed because you can't move out of it's LoF.
I managed to walk up to an L3 turret yesterday as a Pyro (while Ubered, obviously) and take it out without getting knocked out of the way.
Okay so it seems this has definitely been changed. I wish they'd actually give full changelogs because that affects Engy tactics quite heavily.
Okay so it seems this has definitely been changed. I wish they'd actually give full changelogs because that affects Engy tactics quite heavily.
So that they have to actually try to do something about an uber instead of just letting the utterly ridiculous L3 knockback take care of it? :D
I hope this is true!