Recent changes in original CS:S Maps


Oct 5, 2004
Reaction score
Okay, just tonight all of a sudden there has been a change in all my original maps... and not a good one!!! All the maps now are brighter, and some of the textures are changed from what they originally were(for the worse!) Very ugly and significantly choppier then before as well, anyone know what the heck could have happened? It's almost ruined my fun with CS:S, I can't find out why it's so ugly now. (I use an LCD that I've never touched the settings on, nor have I ever changed brightness in CS:S so don't assume it's that)
Ive noticed this too....tis strange, but mine isnt too bad.
All my maps get wierd id i play a home made map like awp_map or something. It´s like it looses all the lightmaps. I just restart steam and it´s gone.
If you play a custom map which has no light, the map will "light" itself and then all maps after will have that brightness, as said, just restart CSS, goes straight to Havana, youll see, all is fine.
same here with the lights, it is like cheat sometimes ;)