Recent games released with good storyline


Sep 12, 2004
Reaction score
Have been out of the video game seen for close to a year, any new, well made, story driven games released lately?
Gears 2. Go **** yourselves you pathetic pieces of shit, I don't want to hear it, and before Samon/RimFire/any other ******s come in here, go **** yourselves.

Also, Dead Space.
gears 2. Go **** yourselves you pathetic pieces of shit, i don't want to hear it, and before samon/rimfire/any other ******s come in here, go **** yourselves.

Also, dead space.

I choose to abide by Willies suggestion to shut the **** up about how shit Gears 2 is, and the fact that it's a nursery rhyme about body builders.
I choose to abide by Willies suggestion to shut the **** up about how shit Gears 2 is, and the fact that it's a nursery rhyme about body builders.
Exactly. I love big burly men searching for their wives and having dick waving contests.
The Witcher: Enhanced Edition. Best single player RPG in years, good storyline.
RA3. In a totally nonsensical and ridiculous sort of way.

No, seriously! The campaigns are hilarious.
RA3 I suppose.

The next NWN2 expansion is out in a week or two, though it's meant to be somewhat less story-driven and more free-roaming than the OC or MotB it should be along the lines of the BG or IWD games. Anyway it's Obsidian so it should be a good game with a nice story.
Crysis and Warhead. Go **** yourselves you pathetic pieces of shit, I don't want to hear it, and before Samon/RimFire/Shift any other ******s come in here, go **** yourselves.

Also, thx for the statement TW
Crysis had a good storyline? I must have missed those levels somehow.
Left 4 Dead. Go **** yourselves you pathetic pieces of shit, I don't want to hear it, and before Samon/RimFire/Shift any other ******s come in here, go **** yourselves.

Also, thx for the statement TW
OOOOoohh I get how it works now...! So you're supposed to just recommend any game you like, irrespective of what was asked for...?

Peggle! Hours of fun, it's about (SPOILERS!) a unicorn and some balls and stuff also AUDIOSURF! **** OFF x1000 NO RETURNSIES IF U H8 MY RECOMMENDATION.
Red Alert 3 and Witcher .Go **** yourselves you pathetic pieces of shit, I don't want to hear it, and before Samon/RimFire/Shift any other ******s come in here, go **** yourselves.

Moar thx plox
Gears 2. Go **** yourselves you pathetic pieces of shit, I don't want to hear it, and before Samon/RimFire/any other ******s come in here, go **** yourselves.

Crysis and Warhead. Go **** yourselves you pathetic pieces of shit, I don't want to hear it, and before Samon/RimFire/Shift any other ******s come in here, go **** yourselves.


I am amused.
But seriously Quake 2! A bald no name marine goes to destroy an alien super weapon on their home world. I mean come on, greatest storytelling ever! has floating weapons!
Ahhh, it's threads like this that make me wish we had an equivalent to Something Awful's Comedy Goldmine.

Wait, did I say "wish we had"? I meant "realise why we don't have."

On topic, Bioshock. It was a bit more than a year ago so you might have played it already, but it's all I can think of really.
The force unleashed has a decent story

you pathetic pieces of shit Samon go **** yourselves ect.
Metal Gear Solid 4
Call of Duty 4 (hate all other COD games this was amazing)
The Witcher -- Enhanced Edition
Dead Space

and if you missed

Mass Effect
World in Conflict

Red Alert 3 has a horrible story but its really fun to watch and play.
World in Conflict has a good story, when I watch the cut-scenes I just cry and wished it was a first person shooter, it would make a hell of an inmersive game.
Gears 2. Go **** yourselves you pathetic pieces of shit, I don't want to hear it, and before Samon/RimFire/any other ******s come in here, go **** yourselves.

Also, Dead Space.

Man, I'm really surprised that was the first suggestion, but thats what I thought of too.
Quake 4. Go **** yourselves you pathetic pieces of shit, I don't want to hear it, and before Samon/RimFire/any other ******s come in here, go **** yourselves.

Oh wait. :|
Mirror's Edge. Go **** yourselves you pathetic pieces of shit, I don't want to hear it, and before Samon/RimFire/any other ******s come in here, go **** yourselves.
Left 4 Dead .Go **** yourselves you pathetic pieces of shit, I don't want to hear it, and before Samon/RimFire/any other ******s come in here, go **** yourselves.

Want to know what I think of this chain?

Go **** yourselves you pathetic pieces of shit, I don't want to hear it.
STALKER: Shadow of Chernobyl. Go **** yourselves you pathetic pieces of shit, I don't want to hear it, and before Samon/RimFire/Grizzly/any other ******s come in here, go **** yourselves.
Peggle Nights. Go **** yourselves you pathetic pieces of shit, I don't want to hear it, and before Samon/RimFire/Grizzly/any other ******s come in here, go **** yourselves.
Deus ex.


Yeah I know it's not that recent :|
Get Left 4 Dead and World of Goo mother****er.