Reclaiming Black Mesa

All mod teams will be getting it "As soon as possible" so, about's just syntaxed code, nothing more, you can't play the game...
Dw mate...... Halo is short....Hl2 is most likely 40 hours was a joke :P
I don't know..... i'm a newbie coder.... but thats what I heard, properly structured and all....
Originally posted by nietzsche
Code has a syntax, right, but "syntaxed code" is quite a non-standard term, which made <troll-bait> my ears become bigger </troll-bait>.

Overreacting as usual. I hope they ship your bratwurst frying job to China. And another thi :burp::burp:.. thing.. 'scuuse me.

Gotta layoff the Weissbier:cheers:
I said I lived in a van, a vaaaan! nitwit! Not a trailer.

What you don't have vans in Germany?:burp:
I believe thats twice you have set his trailer on fire. I think you're turning out to be quite the arsonist nietzsche. Have you had trouble with pyromania before?
Originally posted by nietzsche
Code has a syntax, right, but "syntaxed code" is quite a non-standard term

I'm quite a non-standard guy :)

well, this thread has turned out quite nicely, with only us uber-posters (not posers, Simmo) chatting :cool:

not that I'm elitist or anything :)

4 pages I'm glad this turned out well.

Well you see Fallow, Nietzsche was a Nihllist. Burning down my neighbors' trailers cause he doesn't know what a van is, well that's just a small step forwar for him.:sniper:
Nietzsche the forum forbids people to post pics of themselves.

Corona? I thought you were into German beer. Well you probably think it is a German beer.
Dude this thread rocks!! Where alse will you get nonstop mudslinging, and pics from the Jerry Springer show? I mean where else?

This thread IS the Jerry Springer show.

:burp: wow tastes better second time around
Well.... since I live in the Uk, it's the Kilroy show....


eat it...... :afro:

:P Kilroy is well cool :cheese:
MR badger.. are you treying to steal mu top1 poster position and compete me in a to be the first who reaches 1000 post's that are well earned and not by spamming. you know you will loose right

/me is competitive whore
One legged Lesbian NeoNazi Bikers kidnapped by aliens ad forced to go on weightloss programs.. next on this thread!:D
I bet he drank some heavy alcohol shit spilled it on himself and afterthat lighting a sigaret :) and after that he fell asleep with the sigarett in his mouth
Originally posted by EVIL
MR badger.. are you treying to steal mu top1 poster position and compete me in a to be the first who reaches 1000 post's that are well earned and not by spamming. you know you will loose right

not really.... :P

it wasn't really on the agenda... but still ;) why not, havn't had a decent challenge in months


hmmmmmm, Ok, tell me your problems....
-_- cut the image quoting crap.. its annoying.
neways back on topic (for once).....

Reclaiming Black Mesa.... what time period would this be set in? after the events of HL2? or during the disaster?
Originally posted by EVIL
MR badger.. are you treying to steal mu top1 poster position and compete me in a to be the first who reaches 1000 post's that are well earned and not by spamming. you know you will loose right

/me is competitive whore

So true. I admit i have done some semi spamming but its getting silly. Ive decided not to bother about post counts anymore. Partially because im ahead of most people :) but also because i wont ever compete with the shear amount of posts you make.
:) he admits that we are best EVIL... :).... I just post my opinion, and because i have an opinion on nearly eeverthing... thats why i post so much.
Originally posted by mrBadger
neways back on topic (for once).....

Reclaiming Black Mesa.... what time period would this be set in? after the events of HL2? or during the disaster?

During the original debacle, mrBadger.

Who's picture did you post?
I posted Kilroy's picture... ah... cool, but you said the Black Ops would be helping the marines...

/me scratches head