recomend me PC games!I got a new videocard!


The Freeman
Jan 21, 2004
Reaction score
ok my PC as been upgraded now it has like 500mb RAM and the videocard is a geforce fx 5500
do that is a good videocard?

the processor is the same 1.8Ghz so maybe thats why some few games sont look so fast as I thought but the textures and all that things looks good and almost everything is on high,well the only game I could test is warcraft but in my before PC it looked slower so is a good thing,also videos look better

so you know the requirements so what games recomend me?

half-life2 will run nice in my PC?

Eh, ... I have about the same system as you ... HL2 runs fine (max graphics, no AA/AF). Sims 2 is really fun...
Q_onfused said:

Eh, ... I have about the same system as you ... HL2 runs fine (max graphics, no AA/AF). Sims 2 is really fun...
Hmm, your signature seems to suggest otherwise. Unless of course you mean another computer of yours, in which case, ignore this post.
just run the game on what it recommened thats the best u can get
If that is the upgrade I'd hate to see what it had before.
TBH, just stick to what you already have.
You call that an upgrade. lol

EDIT: NO HL2 will not run good on your computer.

I wouldnt play hl2 unless I had a x800 - 6800- 7800 series in my pc. Just doesnt look good---- im a graphics person
On the contrary, HL2 looks good with a DirectX 8 generation card, and with a special add-in you can get water reflections like the DX9 cards have.

The only drawback is that the hardware is much weaker, and so you're forced to run it at low resolutions like 800x600 ;( And you can't get reasonable framerate with and AA turned on.
I, personally, don't think that playing without AA makes a game look crappy, but there are many who do.
It does make it look better though. ;)
Playing without AA doesn't make the game look bad at all, it just sorta ruins screenshots.

AF is what makes it look bad.
I had a P1.5 with a geforce ti4200 that could run HL2(medium settings), and even doom3(low/medium), so you should be fine. Remember that your FX card was supposed to run in DirectX9 mode, put it isn't strong enough. You must force your games to be in DirectX8.1, or your pc will get in trouble. In 8.1, you will be fine to play a lot of the game that came out. Maybe even give farcry a shot.

HL2 (of course)
Riddick: escape butcher bay

Congrats on your new pc by the way.
<RJMC> said:
ok my PC as been upgraded now it has like 500mb RAM and the videocard is a geforce fx 5500
do that is a good videocard?

the processor is the same 1.8Ghz so maybe thats why some few games sont look so fast as I thought but the textures and all that things looks good and almost everything is on high,well the only game I could test is warcraft but in my before PC it looked slower so is a good thing,also videos look better

so you know the requirements so what games recomend me?

half-life2 will run nice in my PC?

Half life 2? Maybe, dont expect all the eye candy on high (even medium LOL!) But all in all, its not the worst card you can get, try GuildWars if youre into MMORPG's :)
hl2 runs acceptable in my PC,it even recomends to put everything on mediun
<RJMC> said:
hl2 runs acceptable in my PC,it even recomends to put everything on mediun

You asked how well would it run, before. Have you just bought it? Over 3800 posts on and you just bought the game? lol :p
HL2 will run fine on medium settings. i have a 1.6ghz p4 512 ram and a radeon 7500 and it goes at a playable fps. Go for it.
Kitire said:
HL2 will run fine on medium settings. i have a 1.6ghz p4 512 ram and a radeon 7500 and it goes at a playable fps. Go for it.

That's because you run it in DX7 mode - your card doesn't support DX8 and DX9.
hm.... return to castle wolfenstein was awesome, though old it still fairs well in the graphics department, awesome single player, and awesome multiplayer, which many people still play, i reccomend you pick it up, you can probably find 5-20 dollars, check out some reviews for it too all that i've seen are 9.0 and up, so go have fun with that, i believe it came out in 2003...

Also Rainbow Six 3:Raven Shield while a couple years old, is still very fun, the graphics are still pretty good, and a bunch of people still play that online too... A couple other games would be Unreal Tournament 2004, Elder Scrolls III:Morrowind (if you like RPG's) Medal of Honor:Allied Assault (the sequel Pacific Assault is out, but not as good) Max Payne 1 & 2 (#2 looks amazing and should do all right on your computer) Mafia, No one lives forever 1 & 2 (there both amazing games, it's one of my favorite game series) the Call of Duty series is also very fun

EDIT: also pick up Battlefield 1942 (Battlefield Vietnam and 2 are ok, but 1942 is by far the best, plus it has some of the best mods, such as Desert Combat, Forgotten Hope, etc...)
Unfocused said:
That's because you run it in DX7 mode - your card doesn't support DX8 and DX9.

Yea but the thing is, he CAN play it, that's what counts. Even if it looks ugly.
I hav a doubt I put everything on high and antialiasing 4x(dont know whats that that but dam the game looks better) and its still run at the same framerate or a bit slower but is almost unoticiable,I get like 9 or 10 fps but I find it very acceptable really and the game loos super awsome whit all on high,if I upgrade my processor it will look better

btw GTA san andreas looks worse it even looks the same as gta3 in the PC before the upgrade just whit better textures,do the most important thing is the processor cuz I thought whit the new ram it will look smoother
*over Radio to troops* "INCOMING NOOB!!" Yeah thats just me warning you that I'm PROBABLY Lgonna ask a REALLY noobish questions. Will HL2 run on a Radeon 9800 Pro and what will the settings need to be if yes?
HL2 will run fine on a 9800. You'll get less stuttering and obviously better overall performance if you have more RAM though.
I have plenty of room. Since I just reformatted I haven't put anything big on it besides CoD UO.