Recommend a game that everyone else hasn't heard of

I recommend Myth games, II to be exact. Awesaome tactics game with lots of gore nd cool fighting and suich. I`m not in my best me atm so im no good for description .
Mount & Blade

Best medieval gameplay ever.
Are you kidding? haven't you ever played Die by the Sword? which I believe is the only game ever made that gives you complete control over your weapon (via the mouse or keyboard).
The probelm being Die by the Sword controlled horribly. Nice idea, though. A Wii remake could work.

Little Big Adventure was a great series that not enough people played.

These guys have developed some really in-depth sports strategy-management games.

Recently I've been playing their Eastside Hockey Manager game where you can take the role of General Manager and manage pretty much anything you can think of. You have access to over 45,000 players and staff, 3,000 teams, and 20 playable leagues. This is exactly the type of sports game I've been waiting for. There's a ton of value here!

There's a lot of realism here too. You can't make the silly unrealistic trades that happen in the EA games. There's a salary cap to worry about as well. I also like the feedback that you get from your staff. It really immerses you in the experience.


You can also watch games in real-time. There's a neat little 2D overhead view with player names and numbers allowing you to see who is doing what. It's a little creepy how realistic the play moves. You'll see break-out plays, players passing it to the point on powerplays, defenseman blocking shots, even fights happen on the ice. It's kind of cute watching the 2D players pair off while two guys duke it out. :)


There's stats and facts everywhere in this game. And not only does the game simulate your league, but essentially every league out there.


If anyone is looking for a realistic GM simulator, then you should definately take a look. Sports Interactive have also created a Football and Baseball version as well. They even have demo downloads from their websites, where you can simulate almost half a season before you need to purchase the game.

This is a gem.
I recommend Myth games, II to be exact. Awesaome tactics game with lots of gore nd cool fighting and suich. I`m not in my best me atm so im no good for description .

:D I just played that about a month ago for the 2nd time.

Alone in the Dark (The very first one, not the new nightmare)
Marathon? Anyone?

Those 3 games pioneered the idea of a complex plot in a FPS, look at the Marathon story page and compare it to Half-life's story, and you'll see wha7 I mean. :)
There's a page, a long page, that's entirely about the player's height, for goodness sakes, not to mention the existence of the best kept secret in gaming history (even more then the chumtoad).

And they're fun to play too, and Bungies released them for free, isn't that nice of them?

The dialogue is hilarious, as well!

The S'pht have informed me that the Pfhor are building cyborg simulacrums of the Marathon crew. I imagine that you will meet some of them soon, and wanted to warn you not to get too close to them: about three meters.

Once you encounter the simulacrums, you'll know what he meant. :)
Got some more that most people haven't heard about:

Wild 9, PS1. Wex's rig weapon is a precursor to HL2's super gravity gun, so check that out.

Mm, maybe Apocalypse, which had Bruce Willis in it. Good game, great music.

For some reason lately, not even inspired by this thread, I've been thinking of Abbadox for NES. Side-scrolling space shooter. Game popped into my head a few days ago like I got bit by a nostalgia bug. Pretty fun game; I used to rent it all the time.
Did anyone ever play Heart of Darkness for the Playstation 1? That was an odd game.
Melty Blood: REACT

Nice lil' fighting game that actually requires skill.


It still hurts my brain. (original game that Melty Blood was based on)
Anyone ever play this game? One of my favorites of all time, and yet it's so simple. The concept is that you are a lone marine left behind on an alien world. Aliens have sensed your presence and are converging on your location from all around... thousands of them. Grab your gun and don't stop firing until they finally overwhelm you, leaving nothing behind but a blood soaked battlefield and thousands of carcasses.

Perspective is top down 2D isometric, with a leveling and perks system and a wide variety of weapons from a blowtorches and flamethrowers to rocket launchers to plasma weapons to miniguns and more with bonus effects like fire bullets (quad damage), bombs, freeze, time dilation effects, and a deadly plague. Your game is only going to last 10 minutes tops though, so make em all count!

The game is freeware, so download it from the link below if you'd like! And let me know what you think :)



Turobash? I think that's what it's called.

Does Fahrenheit count?
I think alot of people have heard of fahrenheit. Awesome game :D
Refresh mein memrah...Did it involve some kid fighting these shadow creatures?

Yeah, that's the one :D. I think I rented it back when I used a Playstation 1. It was a really neat game, but I was young and couldn't get very far into it at all.
Anyone ever play this game? One of my favorites of all time, and yet it's so simple. The concept is that you are a lone marine left behind on an alien world. Aliens have sensed your presence and are converging on your location from all around... thousands of them. Grab your gun and don't stop firing until they finally overwhelm you, leaving nothing behind but a blood soaked battlefield and thousands of carcasses.

Perspective is top down 2D isometric, with a leveling and perks system and a wide variety of weapons from a blowtorches and flamethrowers to rocket launchers to plasma weapons to miniguns and more with bonus effects like fire bullets (quad damage), bombs, freeze, time dilation effects, and a deadly plague. Your game is only going to last 10 minutes tops though, so make em all count!

The game is freeware, so download it from the link below if you'd like! And let me know what you think :)




Im really hoping this game will come to steam!
Im really hoping this game will come to steam!

That is not very likely, the developer has made another (newer) version of Crimsonland that is not free (it has a story mode and more weapons and online rankings) and has a digital distribution deal with another publisher. Crimsonland 2 is still under development.

Oh and I forgot to mention earlier that there is no install necessary. Just unzip to your games directory and run :)
Best trying out Startopia as well, its a management game set on a series of space station whereby you have to please both the guests arriving on the station, and the people who put you in charge.

Several years old, but graphics are still crisp, you should be able to get to grips with the controls if you have played the likes of Theme Hospital and Dungeon Keeper, and the gameplay is kept varied.

You should be able to find it in the Bargain Bin. Works in XP, but you will have to download the latest patch for it to work in it. Haven't tried it under Vista yet though.
Ah another one: The Wheel of Time

A very well-made fps with the Unreal engine, very nice online 'Citadel' mode gameplay - a nice variation of capture the flag where you can place traps and npcs in your base before the game starts.
Jagged Alliance 2

I sank more hours into that baby than I cared to imagine back in the day :laugh:
Oh yesh. JA2 is a fantastic game. The Original you can play through again and again, then add the mods that the community has come up with over the years and I dare say that if I had to only play 1 game for the rest of my life it would be JA2.

Anyway, I would also recomend Brigade E5: New Jagged Union. Dated graphics, questionable translation and not the most brilliantly implimented story and game world, but hot damn, the combat system. Smart Pause FTMFW. If JA2 had that and multiplayer it would literally be the perfect game. A fun little tactical game that'll hold your attention for a good long while if you're into stuff like JA or Xcom. The combat is superb.

Also, MIA. Flying around the 'nam in a huey blowing the crap out of the VC. Not a very realistic represntation of helicopter combat during the Vietnam war, but damn fun and very good FMVs. :D

In addition, Spellforce 2: Shadow Wars. I can't get my copy to work any more :( something silly to do with the interwebs. Humph. No matter, fun RTS/RPG hybrid thing with wonderful graphics (it came with me graphics card, I'd never have heard of it, let alone got a copy had it not).
Psi-Ops. Yes, Psi-Ops. The only game that let's light someone on fire WITH YOUR MIND and throw them off of building. WITH YOUR MIND. D: ಠ_ಠ

If you haven't played it then: gtfo.
Escape Velocity Nova. The only real time space sim that ever held my interest for more than 5 minutes.

There are so many other great games its difficult to name them all:

- Toribash
- Marathon
- Pocket Tanks (great multiplayer game)
Actually, you can do that in Psychonauts as well ;)

AND MUCH BETTER ALSO, thank you very much.


/Edit Yeah, it was Toribash. Thanks for the reccommendations, peeps. I'd also like to drop in something I remember being said was good - Noone Lives Forever 1 and 2. Any thoughts?
Actually, you can do that in Psychonauts as well ;)
Hot. Do want.

Carnivores 2 is an pretty good dinosaur hunting simulation that a lot of people probably missed out on. Stay away from the 2 shitty sequels that followed.