Recommend me a book

Because you have generally poor taste and have shown signs of low intelligence, I guess.
Because you have generally poor taste and have shown signs of low intelligence, I guess.

115 IQ . Quite average. And everyone has different taste . There is no such thing as poor and good taste.And btw I am mad at you for that post.
I just wanted to irritate you.

EDIT : Just don't respond to this post . It's enough off topic already.

No it's not. I recommend everyone not to read the Da Vinci Code. Read a well-written book instead. ****it, read Bridget Jones Diary instead. It has more substance.
A word of advice. DO NOT READ THE HARRY POTTER BOOKS ! The movie is better.I read the first three books and I enjoyed the movie more than the book.It could be that i just have no imagination and i am hardly impressed by books.The DaVinci Code impressed me though.End discussion AJ Rimmer , we have different taste in books
That's just your opinion dude. Clearly our recommendations are of no value since the books are only good in our opinion.
Sweet, someone else brought it up.

Yes the Harry Potter books are also balls. The films are too of course, in a similar manner to the adaptations of Dan Brown's trash also being worthless.
Oh, props to whoever mentioned Ender's Game. I would've brought it up if OP hadn't specifically requested no sci-fi. Orson Scott Card has written some really good stuff.
Seriously , it is a great book ! What do you guys have against it ? I liked it because the pope didn't like it but still it has a great story.

It does not. It has paper-thin characters, the story is so ridiculously contrived and moves at such a ridiculous pace it boggles the mind and its twists are fantastically predictable. I did manage to force my way through it, but by the time they arrived at the old eccentric English nobleman's French mansion and the door was opened by his manservant, I resigned myself to the fact that the book wasn't suddenly going to get good. Most disappointing reading experience I have ever had, after having been told what a fantastic book it was I got a piece of second rate pop-lit trash. Dan Brown is a hack and that his book made it to the Bestseller's list is a ****ing joke.
"In such books, and I use the word 'book' very loosely, like The Da Vinci Code. It is loose stoolwater and arse-gravy of the worst kind." -Stephen Fry.
It does not. It has paper-thin characters, the story is so ridiculously contrived and moves at such a ridiculous pace it boggles the mind and its twists are fantastically predictable. I did manage to force my way through it, but by the time they arrived at the old eccentric English nobleman's French mansion and the door was opened by his manservant, I resigned myself to the fact that the book wasn't suddenly going to get good. Most disappointing reading experience I have ever had, after having been told what a fantastic book it was I got a piece of second rate pop-lit trash. Dan Brown is a hack and that his book made it to the Bestseller's list is a ****ing joke.
"In such books, and I use the word 'book' very loosely, like The Da Vinci Code. It is loose stoolwater and arse-gravy of the worst kind." -Stephen Fry.

Yeah , sure , Lee Teabing was a bit cliched , the all knowing Englishman and all.But your criteria is too high ! It is really tough making a really good book.The main reason the book was a bestseller is because the Vatican made a big fuss about it . TBH i think many people were disappointed as much as you were with the book , but i sure wasn't !
But your criteria is too high ! It is really tough making a really good book.

It is not, and yes it is, but that does not change the fact that the Da Vinci Code is a piece of shit. It is, at best, a mediocre suspense novel.
I enjoy things that aren't great. But not a lot of them.
Huh I forgot he was mormon. I must have heard it like once. But I don't see why a mormon writing sci-fi would be a bad thing?

Nah, I never said it was a bad thing. It just sort of strikes me as almost ironic.
A word of advice. DO NOT READ THE HARRY POTTER BOOKS ! The movie is better.I read the first three books and I enjoyed the movie more than the book.It could be that i just have no imagination and i am hardly impressed by books.The DaVinci Code impressed me though.End discussion AJ Rimmer , we have different taste in books

I enjoyed the first three(I was only 10-12 years old though), but the fourth was really boring to read through. After that I've never readed/watched one again.
I enjoyed the first three(I was only 10-12 years old though), but the fourth was really boring to read through. After that I've never readed/watched one again.

I enjoyed the books, but the 6th and 7th seemed very slow.

Also, readed ha.
They're all series!

Also, they're the most memorable. I can research your poor taste properly some other time.
I'll give you Transformers (although I have before). I started reading Harry Potter when I was much younger, I know it's pretty mediocre. The world and fantasy elements are pretty entertaining and interesting to me.

I will not let you diminish pokemon. If you do not like pokemon, fine. But it is awesome.