Recruiting a mod team



I already have the storyline done and I will be managing the Mod Team...I will recruit in almost any position...just fill in these the fields below and if you can,show me a sample of your work.

Desired Position:
Have Modded for ______ Months(or years)
Other Info:

This is basically how the mod is gonna be:

Right now the title is Half Life 2:Version 2.0 but that will probably change.The mod will include new array of weapons such as a tommy gun,sniper rifle,ect and will include a different ending...a lot of situations altered throughout the game but not neccesarily to make it harder like mods before,but to make it more enjoyable...
You're going to want to actually tell a bit of information about the modification if you expect anyone with a smidgeon of talent to join.
Plus, why make the sample optional? Surely you need to know that you are recruiting capable people...
Name: sixthree
Age: 14
Country: canadia
Desired Position: beta testery
Have Modded for 4 years
Sample(Optional): no
Other Info: i hav been on many mods i am best at testing for bugs like in halo 2 i find all glitches adn stuff. I also like skateboarding and halo.
the sample thing is only for modelers n stuff...not for beta testers
why dunt u want any betat testers?
I make code good. Code like nature 2 me. I code you game like "BAMMO" as teh cool people say it. Look my uber code I write today.

C++ :\MdevAcripTinT\cvarLsizeAtimeNspaceDspeedRgcfY=SreactUactiveCdamageKexpS

Teh simple script for weapon damage system. The caps lettars are teh important things. Please hire me.

Name: egoncalo
Age: 33
Country: Ethiopia
Desired Position: Codar
Have Modded for 100 Months(or years)
Sample(Optional): I write it up
Other Info: I <3 ur mod!
Alright your in!!!!lol j/k....but seriusly...please dont spam...
can a mod please clean this thread?....including the terrible joke below
How can a mod do anything... when you haven't even made one yet! Bwehahahahaha
so yeah i got you pm, am i lead beata tester or just regular 1? Because even thogh i didnt lead a team b4, at school once i was incharge of a solar system project that did really good (i think we got like 78% on the poster). + i am very demanding of my team and only rhe best can work for me.
SixThree said:
so yeah i got you pm, am i lead beata tester or just regular 1? Because even thogh i didnt lead a team b4, at school once i was incharge of a solar system project that did really good (i think we got like 78% on the poster). + i am very demanding of my team and only rhe best can work for me.

Very capable of leading any aspect of this project I'd say!
there aint gonna be a "lead" beta tester...just a group of testers
yah but grouips withought leadership fail. look at america.
true...but what will it solve by having a lead tester?what can a lead tester do that other testers can't?
mattlandry said:
true...but what will it solve by having a lead tester?what can a lead tester do that other testers can't?

Co-ordinate a separate team?
we'll decide all that shit once we get the mod team started...we still need tons of people...and btw...can u say shit on this forum?
mattlandry said:
we'll decide all that shit once we get the mod team started...we still need tons of people...and btw...can u say shit on this forum?

Apparently so... :hmph:

By the's FAR too early to be thinking about testing, there is a long slog ahead...

And you don't need tons of people, it just means that you are relying on more people and are at risk of more schedules getting in the way. You also have to manage all these people. One bit of advice handed out time and time again is to try and do a lot yourself and then seek help, little by little...
I'm not looking for alot of people..just enough to do the job..this mod should be fairly easier since its only enhancing the origonal the mappers dont have to do much work
egoncalo said:
C++ :\MdevAcripTinT\cvarLsizeAtimeNspaceDspeedRgcfY=SreactUactiveCdamageKexpS

Teh simple script for weapon damage system. The caps lettars are teh important things. Please hire me.

Zomg t@ht 1337 c0d3 !1!!1!
So you're going to decompile the maps?
You are going to decompile the maps (ie. make them available in Hammer Editor), edit them a little and then compile them as your own...

Yes you are? Or 'oh yea that's what decompile means'?

Because if you're decompiling, editing and recompiling this mod won't get very far very fast.
oh yea I will decompile the maps....there wont be too much re-mapping done in this mod since its just changing the original game...most of it will be creating new wepons and adding them in
If I had a tumor, I would name it Marla.
mattlandry said:
oh yea I will decompile the maps....there wont be too much re-mapping done in this mod since its just changing the original game...most of it will be creating new wepons and adding them in

You do know that you're not actually allowed to do that, right?
why not?its been done a few times before...SMOD,HL2:substance,ect.
Every time you speak about modding, god kills a game developer.
You think you are competition?
I never said that...but w/e u can't really legitametly judge me because you havnt seen any of my work before