Recruiting Core Members for Dead Regiment



Dead Regiment is a heavily action-oriented strategic FPS. It is a multiplayer modification of the HL2 Source engine that incorporates quite a bit of RTS elements, as players are able to construct buildings, call in airstrikes, and build various other items in this combat-heavy military game. Games are progressive, much like an RTS, and given the choices and tools that the player has to choose from, they can last hours. Of course players will able to enter and leave the game as they go, and instant gratification will always take place over over-comprehensive strategy.

The setting is set in artistically vibrant outdoor environments, fought over between two military factions or militias (still not established for the time being, and probably won't be until an alpha or beta version is done) in a year close to the present. There will be more urban-esque warfare as the game goes on and as the players get some fortresses up, but at it's heart, the game is an outdoor game.

I am the lead designer, project manager, and PR person (for now). I've written a full design document that will be available to all team members on our website (in the process of acquiring). I will also be setting up a CVS/SVN on a personal server when there are enough collaborators. My experience includes working on a Daggerfall mod on an independant engine as the lead modeler (art director), texture artist, and like everyone on the team, an assistant designer. My skills include minor yet functional (haha) C++ programming, player/object modeling, mapping (I've released a few over at snarkpit), and texturing. I will be able to collaborate on all the areas of the mod, and if necessary come up with some maps and art.

The conceptualization and design phase is over for now. Right now I am trying to pull together the core team: one or two lead programmers, the main player modeler, the main level designer (mapper), and a texture artist would be great as well. But the primary position on my list right now is a coder. The mod will need an experienced coder (has worked on mods before) that knows how to run through and make major modifications and additions to the source code (in C++). Most of the major additions and modifications will be adding features such as a dive or roll to player movement, adding a construction system to the player interface, and implementing large-scale events through a client-server system in multiplayer.

If this sounds like something you would like to work on, applications for any position can be sent to my e-mail address: [email protected]
I can also be reached on aim (in the evening) as Notion07. Thanks for your interest!
Help Wanted and Offered is a sub-forum of the website. "For projects in need of help and support" it is aimed to provide a focal area for both modders who are looking for projects and projects looking for modders to get together and talk about mod recruitment. The name was chosen to relay this idea in a clear and concise message to the reader, and plays on the notion that aid is both given and received. With this blend of benevolence and neediness it has generated notable success, and since its creation the Help Wanted and Offered forum boasts 1,720 new threads and a total of 15,429 relating posts made.

I'd suggest you post there next time.

P.S. I'd probably be more interested if I new a bit more. PR usually works on the "give and ye shall receive" motif.
My skills include minor yet functional (haha) C++ programming, player/object modeling, mapping (I've released a few over at snarkpit), and texturing. I will be able to collaborate on all the areas of the mod, and if necessary come up with some maps and art.

You get my respect. Not many team leaders even know how to boot up the SDK.

-Angry Lawyer