Recycle Bin Files in Use?


Feb 7, 2004
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I just attempted to empty my recycle bin, only to be informed that files therein were "in use." When I tried again, the error went away, but this has happened a few times. I was just wondering how exactly files that are ostensibly on death's door can be in use? Any ideas?
Thats odd that it would do that seeing as it couln't have gotten to the Recycle Bin if it was in use. It was probobly just some kind of bug I suppose. Oh well, as long as the files are gone. Hehe
Well you could just see if there in the Ctrl Alt Delete and end task them.
What the restarting does is, that if you had them up in memory then when you restart..there gone from memory. As long as you don't reput them in memory they can be deleted.