Red Dead Redemption - Debut Trailer

if anyone can pull off a sandbox western it's rockstar. hopefully it's more spaghetti western than a serious take on the genre, although that could be very entertaining I'm in the mood for some good the bad and the ugly or a fist full of dollars type game. also the shooting mechanics better be good in this game, rockstar is hit or miss in this department
rented it but didnt get a chance to play much of it
It's being developed by R* San Diego who made the Midtown Madness and Midnight club games. Both very average series.
I'd of liked it if they ported the original to the PC as it looked prett funky, maybe this one will come our way. Have to say I like the look from the trailer.
Dunno, my friend said the trailer was kickass i was expecting something kickass. Seems dull, really have 0 interest in this game.
I assume you play the role of the Outlaw?? Never played the 1st. Do I need to play the 1st game?? usually they show you a cutscene and your all caught up
Hmm, I like cowboys and all... but I dunno about this, could be really dull. I think it's important they flesh out a lot of characters and missions.
Yeah, all I really want is GTA IV in the Old West. This should fit the bill nicely. Very excited.
one of my most anticipated games on 2010!
Yeah ... this may be one of the games I buy as opposed to just rent. Looks amazing.
looks awesome and a must have game. i'll need to start finishing my stack of dozens of games
You can ride on horses and shoot shit.

I'm in.
Oh wow. Really want.

Same. This seems like The Perfect Game. It has it all: trading, bison hunting, light / dark path, cool gunplay, riding mustangs, killing mejjican bandits, coyotes, bounty hunting, poker, etc. Hookers seem to be the only thing missing.

EDIT Oh and injuns are missing. wtf! (Good one Jimbo)
I've been playing Call of Juarez: Bound in Blood (awesome game btw, can't say the exact same for the first game though) and its really got me even more pumped for Red Dead Redemption. The Old West is so much fun.
I've been playing Call of Juarez: Bound in Blood (awesome game btw, can't say the exact same for the first game though) and its really got me even more pumped for Red Dead Redemption. The Old West is so much fun.

same here
played through BiB for the first time quite recently and it's made me very excited about the potential for more good Old Western games
Man, I just watched the 4 min preview and I was excited before but now I am REALLY excited!! This looks to be about the most fun you can have in a game. The West is a setting that we really don't see much so an open world title like this by the arguable masters of open-world titles set in this period is just plain awesome. Can't wait. Most of it looks really smooth for a game with so much time left too. :-)
Well it's being made by R* San Diego. They had nothing to do with GTA.
Well it's being made by R* San Diego. They had nothing to do with GTA.
Look, its got the R* name on it so it is not like they would let it be utter shit, esp. since the tools and engine and such are assuredly being used across all R* dev teams who have assuredly been taught how to use them properly. RDR will be the GTA IV of 2010 for them, so I highly doubt it will be crap.
I'm very interested. Gun and Outlaws, two western games, hold a very special place in my heart. If it's as good as it looks, this game will be great.
Bound in blood was a very good game so naturally I am interested. Anyways by the looks of it this might be a worthy purchase.
it will be so hard for me to choose between hero or villain in this game.
Wonder will they include scalp hunting like in Cormac Mccarthy's Blood Meridian?

Probably not.

Wonder will they include scalp hunting like in Cormac Mccarthy's Blood Meridian?
Man, that was one of the goriest books I have ever read. Such ridiculous violence, but I imagine that it is not that far from the truth as those were some seriously tough times. I will be trying to play RDR as the Judge. :thumbs:
I hope there is some neat multiplayer mode.
Something that involves bounty hunting. The bounty could be the "flag" played by one player that one of the teams needs to capture alive.

Doubt they'll get too creative though.

it seemed like the gunfights were still FIXME like in GTA IV. Even though the hero is less clumsy than Niko while in motion, the manual targeting still seems to be lacking in precision. From what we saw we are still far from the speed and finesse of Uncharted 2 or Gears of War 2. The automatic lock-on and the Dead Eye mode (slow down effect allowing to shoot in bursts) will of course be a nice alternative the less agile, but let's hope the targeting will be mademore dynamic by release. But we'll have to wait and try by ourselves to be sure

Ugh I hope they don't use GTA4's rubbish control scheme.