Red Faction 3 :D


Jul 6, 2003
Reaction score
The third title in the long-dormant Red Faction franchise will arrive during THQ's next fiscal year, the publisher confirmed in a financial conference call yesterday. The company's 2009 fiscal year runs from April 1, 2008 to March 31, 2009.

According to THQ CEO Brian Farrel, Red Faction 3 is being developed for the PC, PlayStation 3, and Xbox 360 at the THQ-owned Volition Studios. Since its work on the first two Red Faction games, Volition has been best known for the open-world X360 crime simulator, Saints Row. A PS3 and X360 sequel to Saints Row is currently in production at the studio as well.

Released in 2001, the original Red Faction was a sci-fi first-person shooter that focused on environmental destruction. The sequel, which debuted in 2002, continued the tradition of geometry deformation, allowing players to tunnel through floors and walls. It appears the third game in the series will carry that torch, with Farrel claiming it will feature "more exciting destruction technology," reports GameSpot.

An official unveiling of Red Faction 3 and more details are expected in the coming weeks.

loved the first one so much :D
Red Faction 1 was good. Red Faction 2 was one of the worst games ever made.

This is pretty exciting. I absolutely loved the first one, only touched the second one a little. Makes me want to reinstall RF1 and multiplayer it up.
Red Faction 1 was good. Red Faction 2 was one of the worst games ever made.
What were they thinking with Red Faction 2? They completely destroyed a good franchise with that game. :p The Geo-mod thing wasn't implemented nearly as well as in the first RF and the story was complete, run-of-the-mill shite. Plus, it no longer had the sense of immersion like the first RF had. In RF 1, you were just a miner with no military experience whatsoever thrown into the fire as a revolt erupted around your ears. A similar "helpless" feeling like the first HL had. That's what made the story in the first RF so great imo. In RF 2, you were what? some sort of nano-enhanced super-soldier. wtf? For the second RF, they should've just made a different story arc from a different perspective of the Ultor incident. Like the first HL did with Opposing Force, and Blue Shift. That would've been much better imo. Without a good single player experience, all that's left is a sub-par multiplayer mode. Very shitty. BTW: I really wish other FPS would take note of Geo-mod. I think static environments are very cheesy when trying to be convinced of a FPS's realism.
I tried the second one. I gave up trying to play it after a couple of minutes. I hope the third one is good.
I haven't tried any, but if you all say there good, I will rent it.
Rent the first! It's totally awesome. :D

Excited to see this coming out, <3 making tunnels and stuff
Aye I used to play the first game for hours on end just blowing up walls and making endless tunnels. I spent over 2 hours in that glass house test map making a tunnel to the ceiling just to drop on the top.
BTW: I really wish other FPS would take note of Geo-mod. I think static environments are very cheesy when trying to be convinced of a FPS's realism.

I agree. I really don't know why games don't support it. I guess it would be hard to lazily implement it, because it would screw up all plot, scripts and planning for progress through the game. It'd have to be a game based around Geo-Mod like Red Faction was.

Aye I used to play the first game for hours on end just blowing up walls and making endless tunnels. I spent over 2 hours in that glass house test map making a tunnel to the ceiling just to drop on the top.

This is awesome. I will reinstall just to try this...
Red Faction 1 was pretty great, but the second one sucked and then they went and made Saint's Row ... I don't have too much faith in Volition any more.
Old new Digi :p (see blog bizatch :p )

RF1 was great, RF2 sucked. RF3? Who knows!
Sweeeeet. Loved the first one, never played the second though. Hopefully they can make it rock out with its cock out.
I really liked the first one, especially with the destructible environments gimmick.
I agree. I really don't know why games don't support it. I guess it would be hard to lazily implement it, because it would screw up all plot, scripts and planning for progress through the game. It'd have to be a game based around Geo-Mod like Red Faction was.
Not to mention the incredible amount of computing power it would take if it was a game based on a modern engine. Even the Source engine would tax today's cutting-edge hardware quite heavily if it implemented Geo-mod like destruction because of the physics behind the shattered debris and crumbs. Fully destructible buildings and such would be awesome though. :cool: Nevertheless, it's a must for next-gen FPSs imo.
Not to mention the incredible amount of computing power it would take if it was a game based on a modern engine. Even the Source engine would tax today's cutting-edge hardware quite heavily if it implemented Geo-mod like destruction because of the physics behind the shattered debris and crumbs. Fully destructible buildings and such would be awesome though. :cool: Nevertheless, it's a must for next-gen FPSs imo.

They already done it with cinematic physics.
First one was great. I remember that if i couldnt figure out a way of getting past some stupid door i could just get some rockets and blow a huge hole around the side =P. Rail gun was such a cheap shot gun but awesome at the same time :D
Yup, the first one was loads of fun so hopefully they realize this (and the fact that the second one SUCKED OUT LOUD) and make the third one a blast to play.
Considering the incredibly average new games THQ has put out as of late(They've had such poor sales they've been FORCED to stop a few of their planned franchises because the company is doing so poorly), I wouldn't hold high hopes.
I don't know why everyone thought the first one was that great. Someone said "number 2 didn't use geomod as well as number 1" which is quite something as number 1 squandered geomod quite sadly.
I don't know why everyone thought the first one was that great. Someone said "number 2 didn't use geomod as well as number 1" which is quite something as number 1 squandered geomod quite sadly.
Agreed. It was a pretty B-rate shooter and still had indestructable walls after about 2 metres.
BTW: I really wish other FPS would take note of Geo-mod. I think static environments are very cheesy when trying to be convinced of a FPS's realism.
It's been a while but my memory of RF1's terrain destruction felt like punching a polystyrene block, except not nearly as satisfying.
I can remember 3 times I was able to use geomod very well in that game.

The first time I was completly lost and didn't have a clue where to go, so I threw a bomb on the wall and hoped for the best. Luckily there was another chamber inside and I was able to progress.

The second I remember an enemy vehicle of some sort crossing a bridge, I shot a hole on the bridge in front of the vehicle and it fell straight in.

The third time I was stuck in a room and I couldn't find the button/key to open the damn door, so I just blew a hole around it.
I loved RF1, played it for hours with mates on that map with the two facing builds which looks like 2fort. The railgun, sniper rifle and rocket launcher kicked arse. The 'throw' ability on the flamethrower setting people on fire was great too. Although there was nothing more satisfying than getting the fusion rocket launcher on the roof. KERCHHUNG - ARGHHHHH *fades to black*
I loved RF1, played it for hours with mates on that map with the two facing builds which looks like 2fort. The railgun, sniper rifle and rocket launcher kicked arse. The 'throw' ability on the flamethrower setting people on fire was great too. Although there was nothing more satisfying than getting the fusion rocket launcher on the roof. KERCHHUNG - ARGHHHHH *fades to black*
I remember playing my brother on that map. So much fun. He used to hate it when I railgunned him through a wall. :LOL:
Sweet! I had played an original and second on PS2, Later, I will buy them for PC. The original is better, other's ok.
I loved RF1, played it for hours with mates on that map with the two facing builds which looks like 2fort. The railgun, sniper rifle and rocket launcher kicked arse. The 'throw' ability on the flamethrower setting people on fire was great too. Although there was nothing more satisfying than getting the fusion rocket launcher on the roof. KERCHHUNG - ARGHHHHH *fades to black*

The map with the rooftop was better. Fusion rocket launch the hall. My mates and I used to bomb the areas leading up in order to stop each other getting up. Epic times.
No. I never went through doors, always around.
No. I never went through doors, always around.
This children, is a real man.

I'd be happy with a RF1 remake which would essentially be exactly the same but with better graphics and no more freaking cheating in MP, seriously, there was SO MUCH CHEATING.. but it was still awesome.
Isn't that essentially a scripted event?

No, because the first time I played I had gotten the key and opened the door. The second play, I got to the door but found out i didnt have the key, so I just tunneled around. I had many lols.