Red Orchestra Free 5 Day Trial

Every time I open the preload page for the free weekend ( ) whether using Firefox or IE, it's just a blank, white page. Is anyone else having this problem?

I want to see if this RO is any different from the UT2004 version... I wasn't able to enjoy the UT2004 version much, because of the picky movement system and realism handicaps that made me feel less like a person and more like a rusted robot. Personally, I prefered the free and fluid movement of Battlefield 2, where you actually feel like you can throw your weight around... which, to me, feels more realistic and natural - sure, maybe slightly fast compared to real-life, but still spot-on, with an insanely human feel to it.

Is it any different now? I heard they improved a lot of things, and I'm personally hoping this is one of them.
I did?! Nooooo!

I knew something was fishy, but I got the Steam update today, saying that the free weekend was just beginning.

Well, did they change the game much from the UT2004 version? And, is the Steam version of RO still using the Unreal 2 engine?