Red Orchestra: Heroes of Stalingrad

This game actually looks pretty nice! When I watched the first gameplay video you posted a few days ago I was not impressed at all and thought the game looked like RO1 - I don't know whether it was the map or you played on lower settings. But this looks nice.

The first video I posted was the tank gameplay, is that what you're referring to? If you don't like tanks then obviously that vid is not going to impress you. If you mean the winter infantry map, then you and I might have different opinions on whats fun. The Apartments map is the worst of the bunch so far I think. Its pretty much a standard TDM style map with lots of close quarters fighting, which means really bland, reactionary gameplay. The grain elevator is like that too in the latter areas.

Did they touch the animations since RO1 at all though? They look as mediocre as they did then :|

Also, it appears you can sprint diagonally? It looks silly when you're flailing your arms as if you were running forward, but actually running slightly sideways.
With the exception of the sprinting animation, which does what you noticed, the animations are awesome. Especially when using the cover system, it looks really realistic the way people lean around something or look over it.
Yes, I was referring to the winter map, I didn't realize you had uploaded a tank video before that one. And I was not talking about the gameplay, I was talking about visuals, but maybe it's the environment that didn't allow for the graphics to shine.

As for the animations, I'll be more specific - the animations themselves seem fine, but the transitions aren't fluid - like when you see someone running and changing directions, it seems too rapid, like there could be a few more animation frames in there. Also there's some skidding and running in place going on (for example 4:05 in the Grain Elevator video), sometimes it doesn't feel like the soldier is actually pushing himself forward with his feet. I mean, that stuff is present in other games as well, but if you compare it to current titles where animations bland nicely together (so for example you have a character running forward and sidestepping when going around a corner, instead of "running forward" to the side for a moment) and the characters lean to the sides when turning etc., I think it falls a bit short.
Animation blending is still a pretty high end feature at this point in the industry, and the technology to make it easy to implement is very expensive. Add that to the fact that I've never even noticed it until you pointed it out, and I can say it honestly doesn't bother me one bit.

And yeah, that winter map is pretty bland aesthetically, but, you know... its winter... with snow over everything.
Punkbuster cocked up the game. Lag makes it unplayable for about a minute after the server has loaded a map. After that it returns to semi-normal, pings are all 100+. Servers without Punkbuster aren't having any problems it seems.
Punkbuster ****ing everything up? I am shocked. Shocked.
Literally busts punks, though

God, why is PB still used, why hasn't anything else popped up
Punkbuster ****ing everything up? I am shocked. Shocked.
Never in my many years of playing video games online has punkbuster ever completely ruined my online play!
These are serious allegations.

Literally busts punks, though

God, why is PB still used, why hasn't anything else popped up

This is just begging for something even worse to come along.

Is anyone else getting dodgy performance? I don't mean in the way that some of the maps are bit more hoggy than others. But at the start of the beta I was Ultra-ed out and having a pretty boss time. The first major update I was struggling on medium and now I'm happily running on high again.
I don't have the best PC in the world but could anyone share what sort of frames you are getting, and what I should be expecting? I'm still getting a little bit of stuttering here and there but my gut tells me it's somehow sound related.
I'm running AMD II Quad 3Ghz, 4gb RAM, GTX570 1280, X-fi gamer.

PS - Add me on steam if you are living on RO2 like me: 'Neptune'

Edit: Back to the trenches! There will be no mercy for cowards and rears!
I think that squad leaders on the Russian team should get no honor penalty for killing their squad members if they're facing the wrong way.
Is anyone else getting dodgy performance? I don't mean in the way that some of the maps are bit more hoggy than others. But at the start of the beta I was Ultra-ed out and having a pretty boss time. The first major update I was struggling on medium and now I'm happily running on high again.
I don't have the best PC in the world but could anyone share what sort of frames you are getting, and what I should be expecting? I'm still getting a little bit of stuttering here and there but my gut tells me it's somehow sound related.
I'm running AMD II Quad 3Ghz, 4gb RAM, GTX570 1280, X-fi gamer.
Welcome to the world of Beta testing. You'll notice in the patch notes that they've been updating graphic options the whole time, which inevitably leads to varying performances by your GPU. Once its officially released, this will be minimalized, though they probably will throw in some tweaks here and there still.

I think that squad leaders on the Russian team should get no honor penalty for killing their squad members if they're facing the wrong way.
That would be hilarious for like one match. They should have a penal squad with a squad leader and two MGs, and its their duty to TK anybody who is camping.
As much as i am enjoying this game, it still suffers from critical issues. The server browser is broken and the performance is still inconsistent. Rushing the release would be a huge mistake. First impressions are everything. Just look at BRINK and Dead Island.
Lies and deceit!
It may have a bumpy release (bear in mind it's not even OUT yet) But RO2 will have a dedicated and relatively large fan base that will be supported by continued development and content from Tripwire. Look at RO1.
It may have teething problems but they won't last long. I'd put money on it. Wait.. I already have.
The thing with something like BRINK, is that the developer is under a lot of direct pressure from a publisher to see a big return in its first week. When a big budget AAA title fails at launch, the people involved usually don't get to go back and repair the damage, they are either punished with layoffs or immediately shunted onto a new project. Any money made from the launch is immediately absorbed by the publisher, who will usually seek to invest it in new projects, rather than an existing one it has already decided is a flop. That's not to say that there is no risk for Tripwire, but the difference with an independent developer, is that they can focus their time and money back into their own work. RO1 had a long evolution and I expect RO2 will also.

I do agree however that the performance in the Beta has been pretty schizophrenic, one minute its working fine and the next minute its performing like a Pentium 2 trying to run Crysis.
If PB continues to cause issues, hopefully server ops will stick to using VAC. Its by no means a perfect anti-cheat, but hacking is a bit like cancer, all you can do is treat it.
Pre-load is available. TWI has also rolled out a last patch for the beta. People are reporting vastly better performances across the board. There is a downside though: maximum FOV has been set at 75. Explanation:

The FoV cap change was implemented mostly due to performance issues. There are other aspects of it that need work as well.

The weapon specific fov changes were removed due to a bug that would cause players not to hit what they were shooting at.

Both of these were last minute additions to the game that did not work out properly. So they have been rolled back out for additional work/changes as needed.
I don't understand the FOV obsession in a game like this. But then again, I'm not good at RO by any means.
I play at the default FOV and have no problems with it, I did the same in the first game.
Apparently you can still change the FOV by editing it in the .ini file.

Pre-loading now, so ****ing psyched.
Game is running SO much better after that patch, genuinely excited to get stuck in with the full release now. There are still a few glitches here and there, but its a big improvement.
We should get a mumble party going on tonight. Everyone get mumble.
I have a shit headphone so I can't be arsed, need to get a seperate mic to use.

And yes, the new patch improved performance massively for me.

Game now runs silky smooth on all the maps I have tried at maxed settings.

The performance difference is very noticeable for me on that village map with the church and town hall.
Is it releasing tonight?

I might have some schoolwork to do :(
I'm gonna have a go at the singleplayer first as well. The servers probably need some time to switch anyway.
Was it delayed a couple hours or something?

Yeah, ninja delay. The consensus seems to be 75 minutes from now.

EDIT And another update that's 2.6 gigawatts big. Steam is getting hammered so horrible download speeds. I'll be happy if I can play this game for an hour tonight.
EDIT And another update that's 2.6 gigawatts big. Steam is getting hammered so horrible download speeds. I'll be happy if I can play this game for an hour tonight.
I saw that and figured it was unlocking. ****ers.

EDIT: Delayed another 4 hours according to Steam.
Word from the devs is "NEVER EVER TRUST STEAM TIME."

This is a direct quote, caps and all.
[TW]Yoshiro: Ok
[TW]Yoshiro: news from the front
[TW]Yoshiro: We have uploaded the final files to valve
[TW]Yoshiro: Release should be soon (+ or - valve time)
Ha, is that supposed to make people feel better? The release date was Tuesday, and in some places they're going to fail to meet that release date. Thats not a miscalculation by Steam's timer.
Took my laptop to college to finish download the preload...come home and there's another 2.6GB download. Bah, why did that have to happen?
A little bit fragmented.
