Red Orchestra on Steam


Companion Cube
Jul 3, 2003
Reaction score
New standalone titles are appearing on the Steam platform faster than Dawn French gobbles chocolate oranges, and here's the latest: Red Orchestra.[br]</br> Subtitled 'Ostfront 41-45', the new game will see Russian and German forces will scrap it out over the broken bones of the Eastern Front with 28 weapons and 14 authentic and armoured vehicles. The original Red Orchestra for UT2004 won the million-dollar prize in Epic and nVidia's Make Something Unreal mod contest. But the version coming to Steam isn't just a rehash - it's a full game with all-new features.
"Digital content delivery is the future of gaming, and we are very excited to be a part of that future," said Tripwire Interactive President John Gibson. "Working with Valve to release the game over Steam allows Tripwire to remain independent and keep control of the games content and development. This allows Tripwire to continue to offer our fans the same uncompromising level of realism, authenticity, and gameplay they have come to expect from Red Orchestra while continuing to innovate and push the boundaries of the military FPS and simulation genres."

[br]This, along with the recent news that Darwinia will be appearing on Steam, seems to suggest that Valve is eager to promote non-Source games on the platform. It may be that in the future Steam becomes a service for all games.[br]</br>More information at the Red Orchestra website.
Pffft, second place is a fancy way of losing.

But YAY! Red Orchestra!
Meh, was kinda hoping Steam would be kinda like an indie label, putting out all the new and "different" games out there, Ragdoll Kung Fu, Darwinia etc.

Heard alot of good stuff about RO though.
JiMmEh said:
Pffft, second place is a fancy way of losing.

I was at college where the news posting page can't be accessed. ;(
The future is buying the mods you would have originally had for free...

of course a lot more work has to go into decent mods nowadays...
SimonomiS said:
Meh, was kinda hoping Steam would be kinda like an indie label, putting out all the new and "different" games out there, Ragdoll Kung Fu, Darwinia etc.
Well then, you're in luck! :p

It amazes me that this is UE2.5. It's not quite Source-quality but is far more than I'd ever expect from what is an ageing tech.

The future is buying the mods you would have originally had for free...
Because they've not done anything at all with an engine license and budget, of course.
Wow for a second I thought they had made RO: Source or something....damn.

aeroripper said:
The future is buying the mods you would have originally had for free...

of course a lot more work has to go into decent mods nowadays...

It's not the same game...try reading the press release.

You can still play RO 3.3 for free.

TwwIX said:
i rather download the free mod version

So do it. But you will be playing a dead mod with maybe couple dozen people playing at any given time, at most. It never got a big following to begin with. This will give it a lot more exposure and hopefully generate a larger fanbase.
Oh my god. :O

Hmm if it's a free mod then me = d/l it.
If it's a "you have to pay to d/l it" then me = not d/l it. :\
It occured to me when looking at those screenshots & thinking about certain areas of HL2 (Highway 17 for instance) that the draw distance on Source maps is fu***ng poo!! My Nan could see further than that!! Why is this? Nice looking maps all the same.
So Valve are going to be distributing the Unreal engine (which surely this must be based on) aswell as Source?

interesting, could end up with allot of games on Steam.
wow a WWII game, how original. Dont mean to be a pain but seriously, who the f*ck is gonna by it when dod is out and half a dozen other WWII games. dont get me wrong the maps look nice, the textures are pretty and so are the models but I really dont understand who they are marketing this game for apart for geeks who collect WW games to compare bullet holes and the difference between a nazi helmet and another nazi helmet...
omikron said:
wow a WWII game, how original. Dont mean to be a pain but seriously, who the f*ck is gonna by it when dod is out and half a dozen other WWII games. dont get me wrong the maps look nice, the textures are pretty and so are the models but I really dont understand who they are marketing this game for apart for geeks who collect WW games to compare bullet holes and the difference between a nazi helmet and another nazi helmet...
Thanks for you opinion. No one cares. Party pooper.
Yeah, I'm sure this has totally different features and gameplay to DoD, but still, it does seem like "Another WWII game" at first glance. Anyone care to summarise what makes it different?

I'm sure theres a console command to further Source draw distance, or it might be a map thing.
Is this liscened on the unreal engine? Or does it have something else?

anyawys, 37 E-Kudos to VALVe.
Differences between RO and DOD:
1. Realism. Realism, realism, realism.
2. Vehicles.
3. Did I mention realism?
4. Set on the Eastern Front. CoD is really the only game that has the eastern front.
5. It's awesome.
Vehicles is a HUGE difference. Vehicles played a huge part in WW2.
It didn't win an engine licence for nothing, and I'm glad to see the team that put so much hard work into an award-winning Mod making headway on this.

I'm also glad Valve isn't doing what EA's doing and only distributing its own titles. It's picking a good variety of reputable games to distribute to its Steam users. That says a lot about what Valve thinks about its fans, well -two things:

- Valve isn't treating us like fanboys (or girls). It's not trying to push Valve-only games upon us and has moved on from Ricochet.

- Valve considers its users as gamers with taste. So far we haven't seen any attempts at force-feeding us "Beach Party Galactica 5: The Uncovering". It's been experimental or monumentally successful games so far, which is exactly what I'd hoped to see (and continue to hope to see).
This "million dollar prize" they won - was it actually a million dollars, or did they win a licence to use the engine, which is what I inferred from Crispy's post?
iamaelephant said:
This "million dollar prize" they won - was it actually a million dollars, or did they win a licence to use the engine, which is what I inferred from Crispy's post?
They won both. Million in currency as well as the engine license I believe. I think the idea was to allow the winners of the competition to be able to start up their own game development company.
The realism can't be stressed enough. People think CS or DoD is realistic and I just laugh. Granted... RO may be real to an extent that people don't like. The game plays a little slow, but once you get used to it the experience is amazing. One of the most breathtaking moments in my gaming history has been running through an artillery strike (which commanders can call in using radios scattered throughout some maps). The strike looks and sounds like a god got angry and started pounding the earth. Its insane.

The graphics are excellent.. the gritty feel the maps portray is great, but don't take my word for it.. screenshots can be found here. Also, the way they implement vehicles is unique in that you almost always need 2 people to use a tank efficiently, one driving and one spotting/shooting, since the driver has very low visibility.

At least give the free UT2004 mod a try, you can get it here.
Red Orchestra was a beautiful and awesome mod for Unreal. I stopped playing when Half Life 2 came out, and I was a little miffed at some of the finer points of the mod. The AI sucked (in their defense I don't think it was fully implimented) and I remember not liking some of the inacuracies of the weapons and balistics. I remember getting a chuckle over their stupid Mauser reloading animation. The fellow would do this wierd two-fingered place of a full stripper clip like a fairy, and then strugle with it trying to push the rounds in. You'd have to be a retard and quite a whimp to have that much trouble with a stripper clip.;)

Their vehicle implimentation is the best I've seen short of a real tank simulation game. Instead of the silly Battlefield arcade-tanks with 3rd person view you actualy man the crew positions, and the controls were still simple enough for a arcade-end game. As a Tank commander you could easily switch from looking around in the coupla, to peering through the periscope, or you could go open hatch to get a view like any good tank commander.:D The driver could navigate by the periscope or pop his head up as bullet-bait in exchange for a good view of wheretheheck he's going. Too much to blather over in a post, worth a try if you have UT2k4. If they improve on the UT2k4 RO, this will be worth the buy.
I'll buy it, I never grow tired of WWII.
More games are coming out over steam, this is going to be great news for valve as all the time spent getting it working is finally paying off. However I find this to be a highly unoriginal ww2 game that I won't be buying, I'm sure the sheep will buy it though.
Ennui said:
I'll buy it, I never grow tired of WWII.
Haha! Well said Ennui.

Guy in Big Suit in Big(tm) publishing company:
"I'm tellin' ya Jimmy, those video game freaks, they NEVER grow tired of WWII games. Yes! It's true!
We're sitting on a goldmine I tell ya!"

You know it's true. :D
More games are coming out over steam, this is going to be great news for valve as all the time spent getting it working is finally paying off. However I find this to be a highly unoriginal ww2 game that I won't be buying, I'm sure the sheep will buy it though.

Play the mod before you make such comments:angry:
personally, I would rather steam distrobute games that are hard to get otherwise (such as darwinia)
nutcrackr said:
More games are coming out over steam, this is going to be great news for valve as all the time spent getting it working is finally paying off. However I find this to be a highly unoriginal ww2 game that I won't be buying, I'm sure the sheep will buy it though.

I'm a sheep because I enjoy WWII games? You're an idiot.
While it is indeed "just another WWII game", it has also been one of the best first person shooters that I have ever played, mod or not. It simply comes together very very well, and I would recommend anyone to at least try out the free mod version. It's not for everyone obviously, due to the high degree of realism, but without a doubt IT IS QUALITY :cheers: