Red Orchestra Steam Release Date


Content Director
Aug 27, 2004
Reaction score
The release date for Red Orchestra: Ostfront 41-45 to be released though Steam has been set. March 14th is the current ETA and there is no reason for that date to be pushed back any further.
Red Orchestra: Ostfront 41-45, the WWII online action game from Tripwire Interactive, will be available via Steam on March 14, 2006 at 11 am PST. The game is currently available for pre-purchase and pre-load via Steam, and those who pre-purchase the game will receive a 10% instant discount off the $24.95 price. For more information or to pre-purchase the game, visit
Can't wait until then? Well, you can read a nice new preview of RO over at[br]
Cant w8! Although Dod:s is alot of fun atm, looking forward to the Eastern front setting!
Wow sweet, just in time for my broadband connection to come back, I hope ;)

This should be a great game.
Im participating in the closed beta and its fantastic. If you arent a fan of realism games though you probably wont enjoy it because it certainly is one of the more realistic shooters I have played.
How does it compare with the RO mod? I'm a fan of realism games (dur), but found the RO mod to be very flawed (level design, mechanics, gameplay in general).
Argyll, what prompts your sudden spate on the forums? I saw you in no less than three mod threads today. Are you testing the waters for something? ;)
Nope, just happened to stop by and feel the need to make some posts :P

Been around since May '03 and have a measely 612 posts!
Aww, I thought this was a mod. Wait, isn't it? I thought 3rd party game's were suppose to be free? Too bad, otherwise I would play it.
This is the retail version of the UT2K4 mod. The mod is still free to download. This version is standalone and does not require the purchase of UT2K4. It also has a large number of changes including but limited to improved graphics, generally improved code, more gameplay additions such as new weapons, maps, and vehicles, and much more.
^ oooooo, no need for UT2K4, hmmmm may buy, may buy, aaaaahhh yeessssssss, hmmmmm, weeelllllllllll theeeeenn...sweet.
I never owned UT2K4 so I was never able to try out RO :(
I'm worried I'll buy it(RO) and not enjoy it I'm hoping maybe they'll release a x-day trial or something :)
I too got accepted into the beta.
If you are a hardcore fan of realism then you'll definitely like this.
I on the other hand find this game too much of a challenge and therefore no fun at all.There are also alot of balancing issues that need to be dealt with.I doubt that they will do anything about it though, since all of it is supposed to be historically accurate.Anyway,if you shy away from games such as Counterstrike and Americas Army then don't bother with this title and stick to DOD.If you are tempted to buy it,give the ut2k4 mod a try first before u do so.
I need the demo before I decide to buy (or not to buy).
I like realistic games but don't know what to expect from RO. Don't have UT, so I can't check the mod...
Can't wait to get back into RO...
I've been needing a challenging multiplayer FPS.
Przemek said:
I need the demo before I decide to buy (or not to buy).
I like realistic games but don't know what to expect from RO. Don't have UT, so I can't check the mod...


There will be a demo, but only once the game is done. Probably a week or two later.
I can't wait. I'm not fussed about the infantry stuff, but its about time somebody made a multiplayer with realistic tank combat.
The retail version improved on everything that was in the mod. What one person said about the game being a challenge is very true, however for him to say it turns him off I find pretty ridiculous, any game that can challenge me is a good one. I dont see any so called balance issues, as I have seen each side win just as many times as the other on all of the maps in the beta. The only tweak they need to make and that I am aware of is for the mg's which are not as accurate as they need to be but everything else is just perfect imo. It certainly is a game that rewards you for having good aim, no wtf moments you get in dod source at all.
I played the mod for ut2k4 so I won't be buying it, I might try the demo but I anticipate not liking it.
Everybody buy this game. Holy crap, I'm so excited for the 14th.
Everybody wait for a demo. This is a very very niche game that will only appeal to a very specific and small group of players.
Mr-Fusion said:
Everybody wait for a demo. This is a very very niche game that will only appeal to a very specific and small group of players.
This kind of attitude is what killed the mod off. If retail subsides into ten servers with around 50 people playing at all times, I'll scream. Anyone can enjoy the game, you just need to learn the basics - it shouldn't have to appeal to a 'small group of players'.
The gameplay is what killed the game off. Not that i thought it was bad, i really enjoyed it but seeing so many Electronic-Arts-pop-gaming-trash-monkey-gamers play for 5 minutes then quit the server, this is what killed the game! Trying to keep those guys in servers was damn hard.

The gameplay just didn't yank peoples kranks. My krank was heartily yanked but i just felt so helpless sitting in empty servers, then 1 guy joins plays for 2 minutes, then quits never to appear again. Then you realise this game is going nowhere , not attracting new players and you quit playing as well.

/end my Red Orchestra experience.

Though this steam shindig is its best chance yet to make something of itself.
Fusion, there was always a server that was almost full or full.
I'm in the closed beta as well, and oh my god it's simply amazing.

The atmosphere in this game is like no other - when you're crawling for a foxhole in Berlin with tracers, tank shells and artillery raining around you, it's amazingly intense. And the sound effects, don't get me started on the sound effects...

Obviously I'm a complete fanboy but hey!
JiMmEh said:
I'm in the closed beta as well, and oh my god it's simply amazing.

The atmosphere in this game is like no other - when you're crawling for a foxhole in Berlin with tracers, tank shells and artillery raining around you, it's amazingly intense. And the sound effects, don't get me started on the sound effects...

Obviously I'm a complete fanboy but hey!
I've heard from a number of sources that there are a lot of new features in retail that haven't been talked about by the developers, is this true? Obviously the NDA restricts you from any details, but a simple confirmation would be nice :)
MiccyNarc said:
Fusion, there was always a server that was almost full or full.
Not in Australia and i don't play on U.S servers, playing fps games with 300 ping is a very bad experience.
Axyon said:
I've heard from a number of sources that there are a lot of new features in retail that haven't been talked about by the developers, is this true? Obviously the NDA restricts you from any details, but a simple confirmation would be nice :)

Well, I honestly don't know exactly what they've announced and what they haven't.

I'm sure there's lots of goodies that even we don't know about, the beta we're using is actually out of date in comparison to the version the dev team and core testing team has. We're just "stress testing" the servers. :D
JiMmEh said:
Well, I honestly don't know exactly what they've announced and what they haven't.

I'm sure there's lots of goodies that even we don't know about, the beta we're using is actually out of date in comparison to the version the dev team and core testing team has. We're just "stress testing" the servers. :D
Ah, okay. Well, I don't care what else they've added, I'm still anticipating this greatly.
I have been part of the RO development team which won the the contest.
After playing the beta version the last week I can say they added so much it won't fit into this posting. So much which hasn't been told by them ;)

Gameplay is very, very smooth now.
In fact it can stand the test against ANY other commercial game IMO.
Gameplay has evolved into something which can only be described as very intense: it's an emotional experience when you see the waves of russians charging your position at the konigsplatz.
The game has a steep learning curve, but when you bite thru it is very satisfying indeed.
At the moment I cann't discover any major imbalances. Each role still has it's own advantages and disadvantages.

Remember: don't run and gun, just like in real life you will die.
Use cover, take aimed shots and dash for the next corner :)

It's an experience I almost cann't explain.
Never did I prone so much just to stay alive. The game can truly get on your nerves.

Wait till you guyz see the changelog: it's huge.
Play the demo and judge for yourself.
-smash- said:
Red Orchestra is an Unreal Tournament 2004 modification [Not to be confused with Source].

This is NOT an unreal tournament modifcation, this is a standalone title and you must correct this becuase people will be put off by thinking they are paying for a mod and they are not.

The differences between the full standalone title and the mod are huge.
Dcode said:
This is NOT an unreal tournament modifcation, this is a standalone title and you must correct this becuase people will be put off by thinking they are paying for a mod and they are not.

The differences between the full standalone title and the mod are huge.

It's using the UT2.5 engine, is it not?

That's all I mean by it. And every article on this game states the very same thing. I think they know by now that this is a retail-quality game.
-smash- said:
It's using the UT2.5 engine, is it not?

That's all I mean by it. And every article on this game states the very same thing. I think they know by now that this is a retail-quality game.

It is on the unreal 2.5 engine but people are have been complaining that they wont pay for a mod, which it isnt.

Im not flaming you, and i dont mean to sound picky, just some people dont know its retail quality and it could loose TW a few sales.
Dcode said:
It is on the unreal 2.5 engine but people are have been complaining that they wont pay for a mod, which it isnt.

Im not flaming you, and i dont mean to sound picky, just some people dont know its retail quality and it could loose TW a few sales.

Just gotta poke in and say, i totaly agree with what this guy is saying here.
Its one of the things i thaught when i read the article.
PM a mod to edit it.

I can no longer do it.
it looks leet, and by far unreal makes the best engines ever. god i hope they are thinking about an unreal 3 version later one.

brothers in arms is my nearly sole experience with these types of games in recent times. I found it very very tough when compared to other fps, strategic, needing teamwork, great ai. it was unreal 2 or 1, and the graphics and emotion it set up was outstanding.

I may actually buy this thing retail if it gets the rave reviews. can't do the steam thing as im 56k, but if it has a good sp, i may have to check it out. has to be better then painkiller, that game sucked