Red Orchestra


Nov 7, 2007
Reaction score
Downloaded this off of Steam days ago.

I am quite enjoying it, love the tank maps, urban combat is more vicious, but with my sucky aim at least I can cover doors and generally hit anyone that comes through, bolt action rifles, heh.

Quite realistic, but I find it a good game, nothing like getting behind an enemy tank and sticking a panzerfaust up its exhaust, or that time my tank's engine got busted and I was basically firing from a stationary position, and parking a tank near some tree's, and sniping off like 4-5 German tanks in a row with 1-2 kills a tank, and blowing up 2 German half tracks just to make sure before getting whacked.

When the game is bad, your getting pretty pwned, but when its good its really good. :D

So anyone here got RO?...if so what do you think of it?.
I've been playing RO since the first public release for UT2K3, and loving it. The feel of the rifles, imo, is unrivaled in the genre. I love the fact that you have to click once to fire and click again to bolt - it just feels right and more realistic and immersive. The maps are gritty and very, very well textured in most cases - it's certainly a breath of fresh air when compared side by side to average UE2 games.

The ballistics and iron-sights systems are also unrivaled in its class, It's quite fun to lead a bullet compensating for drop and watch a German (or Soviet) eat snow or grass, going entirely limp. The locational damage is fun and so is shooting guns out of enemy hands. I almost failed to mention the sound, which is incredible. MG fire can be heard from quite a long distance (think DoD) and the ambiance of distant artillery strikes and mortar fire is nothing short of amazing.

Lovely game, RO, never quite got the respect it deserved. Sure, the gameplay was often pegged as monotonous and the objectives obscured, these gripes are largely well founded and quite true. No amount of complaints, however, can keep me from enjoying a generally engrossing and realistic MP shooter. Every time I play RO I start yearning for more games like Ravenshield, Ghost Recon (original, PC) and the days when the PC platform was home to some of the best semi-realistic plan-then-shoot shooters around.
It's a good game. I play a few round every now and then. Only infantry maps though - unlike you, I dislike the tank maps.
It's pretty good, but since my mouse has pretty much crapped the crapper it's almost impossible for me to aim properly with games like RO or COD4.

Had some great times with RO back in the days of UT2004, not so great with the retail release because the load times are pretty bad and the netcode seems to have been worsened.
Haven't played it. Is it all that different for DOD:S?
Haven't played it. Is it all that different for DOD:S?

Red Orchestra is as close as you'll get to being in a WWII battle. DoD is a piece of shit compared to this. Even pre-1.0 DoD is shit compared to RO.

There's no sprinting around and jumping like lunatics while spraying your weapon.
DoD:S is semi realistic balanced competitive arena style.

RO is a realistic war simulator as it can get, which means you wont be able to rambo and you'll be hugging cover allot.

RO is more immersive, CoD:S is more fun. Up to you really.
RO is cool, but the close quarters combat is WAY too awkward. Do you really think the Germans and Russians danced around trying to hit eachother? The infantry combat is way too cumbersome and awkward. That's not realistic and all, and the supposed "realism" takes away from the actual realism and especially from the fun of the game.
RO is cool, but the close quarters combat is WAY too awkward. Do you really think the Germans and Russians danced around trying to hit eachother? The infantry combat is way too cumbersome and awkward. That's not realistic and all, and the supposed "realism" takes away from the actual realism and especially from the fun of the game.
Thats what I didn't like.

Also there were so many buttons to press I often pressed the wrong one when an enemy came, it never felt intuitive.

If they added it so that when you ran at an enemy you grapple with them then maybe.