Reddit sends crowbar to CERN


Dec 11, 2004
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This sounds random enough to be a breadpig project, but in fact, the reddit community has yet again inspired something marvelous. Upon learning that the Cern lab would be recreating the ill-fated Black Mesa project, Mad_Gouki thought it'd be prudent to send them a red crowbar for the pending alien invasion. Chris knows a few fellow physicists working at the lab, so we'll do our best to get this in the right hands. Let's hope they have someone there named Gordon Freeman who knows what to do with it...

Ah hahahaha

But to be serious who the hell would recreate something like that
Who'd want a Resonance Cascade?
Holy shit, Half-Life is awesome. Who wouldn't want it in real life?
I would only want it if I could take Gordon's place. Probably. Or Alyx's. Whichever.
honestly portal storms and then the Combine takeover (and eventual resistance fighting) would probably be more interesting and stimulating than a lifetime as a cubicle slave as we watch our global culture slowly destroy itself
I doubt anyone in the Resistance wants the Combine invasion to continue. They're envious of your peaceful life, Ennui.
I feel that is self-explanatory given the fact they are fighting to change it...
Just saying, grass is always greener.

Or be careful what you wish for.

Or teach a man to fish.
That said, I envy their ability to fight for something I support D:
but how is that that they are making the same experiment?:|
Dammit scientist never learn from imaginary mistakes.
but how is that that they are making the same experiment?:|

Dont you know? They're going to be pushing a cart that has an anomalous orange rock into the large hadron collider. What else could possibly happen besides a resonance cascade.
Holy shit, Half-Life is awesome. Who wouldn't want it in real life?

Evidently the larger population who wouldn't make it past the Portal Storms, let alone the Combine Occupation
Haha. Geez, don't jynx them for us or anything, guys. :p
It's not even ****ing red. Dear god we're all going to die because it's the wrong ****ing color!
What's next, a zero-point-energy-manipulator?
Are they still doing tours? I'd love to place plush headcrabs in odd places around the facility.
Are they still doing tours? I'd love to place plush headcrabs in odd places around the facility.

We need to have a life size Vortigaunt plus, and a hidden companion cube in the janitor's closet.