Redneck cop in Arizona (surprise).

Is that all?

"You know why I'm right? Because I've got a gun and badge, I'm always right!"

At least he wasn't being an asshole like most cops and bust you for littering and speeding and lack of blinkers.

I honestly didn't see any problem there.

*EDIT* I See they are upset that the officer actually made them tell him why they thought giving a ticket was bad in their own way. the city didn't get any money off them, no wonder their pissed.

*EDIT2* So, the blacks were offended? WTF? I fail to understand. They obviously wanted to rap, they were probably blowing rap out of their speakers when they threw the shit out the window. People piss and moan about stupid shit.
Why do yoiu call these cops Rednecks?
The "shoot first ask Q's later" mentality. I got a gun therefore I own you. Also do you honestly see people being pulled over because they litter? He just wanted to give them a hard time because they were black.
The cop seemed like a pretty nice guy to me. It's really stupid that he's getting shit canned for being a real person instead of a faceless law enforcement bot. Watch the actual video and you see that it's oberblown PC media.
The cop seemed like a pretty nice guy to me. It's really stupid that he's getting shit canned for being a real person instead of a faceless law enforcement bot. Watch the actual video and you see that it's oberblown PC media.

That's he same thing I'm thinking...I just don't understand.
The "shoot first ask Q's later" mentality. I got a gun therefore I own you. Also do you honestly see people being pulled over because they litter? He just wanted to give them a hard time because they were black.

My dad had to shoot somebody 2 months ago,That doesn't make hima redneck cop.
How does this have ANYTHING to do with being a redneck? The only problem I see here... is the cop allowing people to get off from a ticket by doing something as simple as rapping.

The two guys didn't have to do it... did they? The cop didn't tell them to... he hinted that it would be a way to get off. What's the worse thing here... that he said they could avoid the ticket by rapping... or that he would actually allow someone off for doing that?

Seriously though... there's nothing racist about it. No worse than walking up to some random white guy and telling them to sing a heart break country song.

The cop's attitude, as indicative from that video... didn't show ANY racist attitude from the cop. He was friendly and in a good mood. I highly doubt some redneck would be that way around two young black guys. They'd probably be stern, humorless, and not let the kids off no matter what.

So what's the problem? The topic title is retarded.

Also... were the kids listening to rap music. Maybe they were and we didn't see... and maybe the officer likes it too and wanted to see if the kids could do anything decent. You never know. It may be insensitive... but it's ridiculous to claim someone is a redneck because of THAT.

The only other thing I can think of that would... with logical thinking, cause an outrage... is the cop's comment about having a gun and a badge, so he's always right.
My dad had ro shoot somebody 2 months ago,That doesn't make hima redneck cop.
Yeah but this cop was like I got the gun so don't **** with me. Your dad had to unfortunately use it to protect himself and others. Really why would he make anybody rap? If you don't rap I'm gonna issue you with a fine?! What cop have you even heard saying that? *Oh wait this sounds like 8th grade. You must write "I will never do that again" 100 times to avoid my parents being told what I did on parent-teacher night.
Yeah but this cop was like I got the gun so don't **** with me. Your dad had to unfortunately use it to protect himself and others. Really why would he make anybody rap? If you don't rap I'm gonna issue you with a fine?! What cop have you even heard saying that? *Oh wait this sounds like 8th grade. You must write "I will never do that again" 100 times to avoid my parents being told what I did on parent-teacher night.

Are you kidding me? What the cop said was stupid, but he wasn't using it in an intimidating manner. He was trying to humor the men. Jesus Christ. Did you NOT notice the friendly tone in his voice? Or in his demeanor?
Are you kidding me? What the cop said was stupid, but he wasn't using it in an intimidating manner. He was trying to humor the men. Jesus Christ. Did you NOT notice the friendly tone in his voice? Or in his demeanor?
Yeah I did see that. I know what you are talking about. Believe me most cops are like that. Still above all things, why make him rap? Would he have done it to say, a Chinese person? The thing that is getting the news is that what he did in the first place. When you are pulled over for some violation, it is'nt a happy time. You arn't there to have fun because you know your screwed. So the cop has to be professional and act calm and says to them to rap? Might as well make a guy with a cowboy hat do the ho-down.
Yeah I did see that. I know what you are talking about. Believe me most cops are like that. Still above all things, why make him rap? Would he have done it to say, a Chinese person? The thing that is getting the news is that what he did in the first place. When you are pulled over for some violation, it is'nt a happy time. You arn't there to have fun because you know your screwed. So the cop has to be professional and act calm and says to them to rap? Might as well make a guy with a cowboy hat do the ho-down.

I bet there would be a lot less local crime if the cops were friendly down to earth people that got to know everyone in the community rather than "professional" shade-wearing pricks that just give you tickets.

I don't know if it is still the case, but in Japan they had the police box system where basically every neighbourhood has a miniature police station manned by one policeman. If the people need help or anything they can come to their local policebox and talk to the same guy that they see every day. And because the cop is in the same area all the time he gets to know everyone on the block and can tell when something funny is up.
Yeah I did see that. I know what you are talking about. Believe me most cops are like that. Still above all things, why make him rap? Would he have done it to say, a Chinese person? The thing that is getting the news is that what he did in the first place. When you are pulled over for some violation, it is'nt a happy time. You arn't there to have fun because you know your screwed. So the cop has to be professional and act calm and says to them to rap? Might as well make a guy with a cowboy hat do the ho-down.

Maybe he gave them the OPTION... note... OPTION. Because he didn't force them to. Maybe he gave them the option because he thought they might be interested in rapping? It's not a preoposterous thought to think young urban black men are interested in rap... and might like to practice it themselves. He didn't ask them to rap about anything in particular did he? I thought he just gave them the option to rap about whatever was on their mind.

I don't know if it is still the case, but in Japan they had the police box system where basically every neighbourhood has a miniature police station manned by one policeman. If the people need help or anything they can come to their local policebox and talk to the same guy that they see every day. And because the cop is in the same area all the time he gets to know everyone on the block and can tell when something funny is up.

Police Kiosk? That's an interesting system.
Ok I see nothing at all wrong in this video but some kidding around.

Hool you're terrible at interpreting intentions and moods.
Couldn't see the video cause my flash player is ****ing up, but it sounded fine to me. The thing about the gun and badge was obviously a joke. They laughed. The rapping thing was maybe a little bit of a poor choice for a joke, but they weren't offended by it and went along, besides which it got them off a ticket so what the hell do they care?

I see no reason why anyone should be offended by this...
Yeah thats why the NAACP are involved and the police department. It also made national news. But there was nothing wrong.
Yeah thats why the NAACP are involved and the police department. It also made national news. But there was nothing wrong.

If a government official's sneeze were to sound like the N-word, the NAACP would get involved.
The guy was trying to teach them a lesson without having them pay money out their ass for half a year for littering. All in all, I say that was downright decent of him. Nice guy.
The cop seemed like a really nice guy. I would rather get pulled over by a cop like him than some hard as nails cop who would have given me a ticket in no time.
The guys weren't offended at all, you can tell. They got off a ticket too, they should be happy.

Hool, you've got the wong end of the stick. The only problem there is that the state didnt get their money from the guys.
He got nothing to apologize for, he did a nice thing, and I bet those two guys were more than happy to do it in order to avoid getting a ticket. They didn't seem offended at all, why should anyne else be?

The "shoot first ask Q's later" mentality. I got a gun therefore I own you. Also do you honestly see people being pulled over because they litter? He just wanted to give them a hard time because they were black.
It was a damn joke! How did you not get that? Even the two "victims" laughed.
It was a damn joke! How did you not get that? Even the two "victims" laughed.

Yeah, it was clearly a joke. His voice was in no way intimidating and the guys laughed and shook his hand. Just a nice cop teaching some guys a lesson whilst letting them off.
Yeah, it was clearly a joke. His voice was in no way intimidating and the guys laughed and shook his hand. Just a nice cop teaching some guys a lesson whilst letting them off.

It's the feel good movie of the year! Two troubled black youngsters on a bad road, taken in by a cynical cop who recently lost his wife but still has a good heart. And in the end, everyone learns a valuable lesson!
If a government official's sneeze were to sound like the N-word, the NAACP would get involved.

Heh. Yep. So true. Today's media is also not known to air only the most newsworthy stuff.
I can forsee a day when police officers are afraid to interact at all with anybody of a race other than theirs... out of fear of being punished for racism, even if they're not racist individuals themselves.

If groups such as these are going to get all riled up over THAT... then we've got serious problems. But we already knew that.
Calm down...its obvious that the cop was joking around.
Hool, I love ya man, but I really agree with everybody else. I think since one person got bent over it because they wanted some attention, that everybody jumped on the "OMG THAT DEPARTMENT IS RACIST!" bandwagon..*sigh*
It's right.
How does this have ANYTHING to do with being a redneck? The only problem I see here... is the cop allowing people to get off from a ticket by doing something as simple as rapping.

The two guys didn't have to do it... did they? The cop didn't tell them to... he hinted that it would be a way to get off. What's the worse thing here... that he said they could avoid the ticket by rapping... or that he would actually allow someone off for doing that?

Seriously though... there's nothing racist about it. No worse than walking up to some random white guy and telling them to sing a heart break country song.

The cop's attitude, as indicative from that video... didn't show ANY racist attitude from the cop. He was friendly and in a good mood. I highly doubt some redneck would be that way around two young black guys. They'd probably be stern, humorless, and not let the kids off no matter what.

So what's the problem? The topic title is retarded.

Also... were the kids listening to rap music. Maybe they were and we didn't see... and maybe the officer likes it too and wanted to see if the kids could do anything decent. You never know. It may be insensitive... but it's ridiculous to claim someone is a redneck because of THAT.

The only other thing I can think of that would... with logical thinking, cause an outrage... is the cop's comment about having a gun and a badge, so he's always right.

Not that I'm saying, 'zomg holocaust in teh arizona' but do you recall stories of NSDAP Officers ordering Jews to Dance or sing before being executed?

Or having soldiers determine that from a dance or instrumental play which Prisoner of War would die or live? To me, the Cops question to those young men is not only unprofessional but implied from the very beginning it was'nt a normal stop and a prepared abuse of power against members of its own community.

He's abusing his power and says readily that he's prepared to, cuz he got a gun and badge and becuz of dat fact, Bubba Ray is right. Arrest him. Plz.
Not that I'm saying, 'zomg holocaust in teh arizona' but do you recall stories of NSDAP Officers ordering Jews to Dance or sing before being executed?

Or having soldiers determine that from a dance or instrumental play which Prisoner of War would die or live? To me, the Cops question to those young men is not only unprofessional but implied from the very beginning it was'nt a normal stop and a prepared abuse of power against members of its own community.

He's abusing his power and says readily that he's prepared to, cuz he got a gun and badge and becuz of dat fact, Bubba Ray is right. Arrest him. Plz.

That's sooo silly. How can you even compare this to telling people to dance before being executed? The cop obviously had no ill intent.

And did the guy arrest them? No... he didn't even follow through with the ticket. He was courtious, friendly, and made no implications of the opposite.
There are robbers out they're robbing. There are thiefs out they're stealing. There are murderers out there commiting homocide. How in the world is making men rap to get out of a littering ticket, to the job or not ill intent? Whats worse! He's not even arresting them or fining them for commiting they're crimes -- just letting them off with a little performance instead of punishing them. Don't people care about they're environment anymore?

And how can one provide for its community when its just lolly-gagging its gun and badge around forcing people to commit things that are human rights violations and derogatory in nature?

That and he basically tells the men, 'I'm right for making you do this. It's not my intellect or my service to the people of this community that makes me right. Not my paygrade or position. I'm not god, jesus, or satan so thats not what makes me right. Its my gun and badge.'

There are robbers out they're robbing. There are thiefs out they're stealing. There are murderers out there commiting homocide. How in the world is making men rap, to the job or not ill intent?

How can one provide for its community when its just lolly-gagging its gun and badge around forcing people to commit things that are human rights violations and derogatory in nature?

That and he basically tells the men, 'I'm right for making you do this. It's not my intellect or service to the people that make me right, its my gun and badge.'


I'm sorry... but the officer didn't make the men rap. He said they had the option to if they wanted to avoid the ticket. That's the only problem there, that he gave them an option to avoid the ticket.

Giving men an option to rap is DEFINITELY not a human rights violation, and nor is it inherently derogatory. How can you even think this? Are you so wrapped up in the politically correct bullshit that's sweeping the world that you get offended at the slightest things?

Also... they littered. What they did was a ticketable offense. I believe he was commenting on that. You cannot just immediately jump to conclusions, especially not if the officer doesn't appear intimidating to the men. The general concensus of this forum, and probably any sane person is that the officer's comment about gun and badge, was a joke. And he did so obviously to humor the men. He even shook their hand, didn't he?

My god... The racist horror of shaking a black mans hand. THE HORROR!
I'm pretty sure the guy was just trying to show off for the cameras. Like I said, asking them to rap MAY have been a little insensitive (if they cared), but we don't even know for sure what prompted him to say that. If he pulled up a car full of chinese and asked them to write a haiku about littering, then I could see a problem, but rapping isn't really exclusive to blacks.

I can sort of see where Kero is coming from though (even though I skipped half of it :P). I can't help but compare making them rap to, say, making someone dance like a chicken for money (woo woo Chrono Trigger). And when I say 'making', yeah they had an option, but as far as they knew the alternative was getting a ticket, so...
The only thing I could remotely construe as a problem I'm seeing here is that they didn't get a ticket by goofing around, and that's basically due to the cop being a nice guy. A real power abuser would have been a hardass. What this guy did, while unprofessional, was far from harmful, and the two kids obviously didn't give a shit.

If this is racial discrimination or abuse, then it's the kind I want to be on the end of. Get a grip, folks.

Yeah thats why the NAACP are involved and the police department. It also made national news. But there was nothing wrong.

Let's be realistic here. The NAACP, god bless their hearts, would throw up a shitstorm if somebody even coughed in the general direction of a minority. And the only reason the police department is doing an investigation is because, due to the negative publicity brought up by overly-politically correct douche bags, they want to save face.
The only thing I could remotely construe as a problem I'm seeing here is that they didn't get a ticket by goofing around, and that's basically due to the cop being a nice guy. A real power abuser would have been a hardass. What this guy did, while unprofessional, was far from harmful, and the two kids obviously didn't give a shit.

If this is racial discrimination or abuse, then it's the kind I want to be on the end of. Get a grip, folks.

Exactly. As I said before... The only thing to cause a stir here should be that the officer let them get off a ticket so easily.
Oh dear lord. Thank the heavens he didn't actually give them a ticket. God knows that would be a clear indication of a prejudiced, jackbooted man hunting down innocent black people through the double-standard legal system. People litter on a daily basis, BUT HE PICKED ON THEM BECAUSE OF THEIR SKIN.
Exactly. As I said before... The only thing to cause a stir here should be that the officer let them get off a ticket so easily.

He should've given them the ticket. Not allow them to basically make a bribe to get out of it.

Again, Cop=looser.
Kerberos, if this was an actual serious bribe, I'd understand. But all he did was give them the option to conjure words from their mouths. Not even offensive ones.
He should've given them the ticket. Not allow them to basically make a bribe to get out of it.

Again, Cop=looser.
Letting people off with warnings is suddenly illegal?

The point of a punishment is to prevent the person from doing the crime again. Hell, a fine would probably have made them angry and litter more out of spite in the future. A happy person is better than an angry person.