redone remington 870


Nov 17, 2003
Reaction score
ok this is a totally different model, i wasent happy at all. id like to get better so lay the crits on me
the white background still over powers the image and makes the already dark object too dark. Use a warm gray background, and three lights positioned around the object. Maybe give one a tint of color to help bring out the object more.
Fenric said:
the white background still over powers the image and makes the already dark object too dark. Use a warm gray background, and three lights positioned around the object. Maybe give one a tint of color to help bring out the object more.

are these kind of what you mean?
rem.jpg - much better, easier to see now.. But you know, it wouldn't kill to use lights instead of GI, GI isn't a make everything look good button.
people said not to use GI last time, and no one told me what GI is? and also, some crits on the model anyone?
up the ambient, also why did u make a new thread... u already had one, hehehehe. Its looking better though. Keep going :D
looks much, much better.

GI is using the skylight that you're using... :)
umm what program are u using to model, i checked ur other post and it didnt say either. maybe we can help.
hes using 3ds max 6. hehe, and ive been helping him alot on learning how to model, hes a stubborn bastard though, always saying i suck and my way is gay. Oh thats the price of haveing to teach a Noob. NE ways yeah its good for his first model, but he has had alot of help, dont be fooled if he would have used an online tut it would have been alot worse.