References To Left 4 Dead 3 And Source 2 Found


Staff member
Dec 31, 2004
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A Facepunch user by the name "DevinWatson" was recently digging through the now open Steamworks SDK when he discovered references to a possible Left 4 Dead 3 game title hidden in the Steam database. While we already knew that Valve's next-gen engine, Source 2, has been in development for a while, this is the first reference we've seen to a possible third Left 4 Dead title. Before you start complaining about Valve focusing on the wrong series, the SteamDB page notes that this app hasn't been updated in months and shows no signs of active development. Valve are known to experiment a lot and it wouldn't be unusual for them to create and drop a project without any ever announcing anything, though it is worth noting that the user was banned for trying to access the app. However, it has been suggested that the user was actually banned for making too many requests to the Steamworks website when he was running through AppIDs.

The user also posts some information regarding Source 2, apparently from an unnamed former Valve employee's LinkedIn profile. The employee was involved in porting Left 4 Dead 2 to the Source 2 engine as a more "real" test case for the engine. Left 4 Dead 2 seems to be a popular testbed for Valve as it has also been used to test the Source for Linux.


We don't really know if any of this means anything substantial, but we'll keep you posted if any real evidence of development of Left 4 Dead 3 arises. If you'd like to read more, feel free to check out the relevant thread over on NeoGAF. We'll keep you posted should we learn more.


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I'm guessing it's another of the many L4D2 devbuilds, maybe even a conversion for Source 2.
**** Left 4 Dead 3. Where's Half-Life 2: Episode Three?
**** Left 4 Dead 3. Where's Half-Life 2: Episode Three?

tbh, id be very angry with valve if they are actually developing L4D3. i hope lilgreenman is right.

the zombie/survival horror genre has been flooded ever since the success of L4D, the same way WW2 shooters were heavily saturated in the mid 2000's. there are a shit ton of zombie survival games that are in development or out on the market right now...L4D3 would rather redundant.

valve also alienated the shit out of the L4D community by releasing L4D2 so soon after L4D. theyd only be worsening the problem with another installment of L4D. Valve's employee elaborates on how the employees of Valve make Valve what Valve is and that it's employees are the ones that are collectively steering the ship due to Valve's flat business structure. it is the same approach i take to the few websites i own...and yea...

people perform better when they are working on stuff they want to work on, and not stuff other people are telling them to work on....

so i guess everyone at Valve just wants more L4D. thats cool, i guess.
I would be happy with this as I enjoyed the first two games immensely. Though I appreciate they aren't for everyone, then again what is?

Plus it would mean Valve were actually making a game, which would be a shock in itself.
haha youre right.

to be honest i feel like we are becoming cops trying to bust drug dealers.

"Today, an crack team of community investigators found traces of the game L4D3 in Valve's Steamwork SDK. sources say traces of the game contain small amounts of the base Source2 as well, which Valve has been reportedly producing in crack houses and meth dens for the past year."
To be honest Left 4 Dead 3 would be nice but not right now. Seriously they've already released two games in that series since putting out Episode Two, enough is enough. It's like a plant that keeps getting pollinated, close your tubes for the time being. Where's the news on Episode Three already? That's the flower everyone wants.
To be honest Left 4 Dead 3 would be nice but not right now. Seriously they've already released two games in that series since putting out Episode Two, enough is enough. It's like a woman who keeps having sex, close your vagina for the time being. Where's the news on Episode Three already? That's the baby everyone wants.

Great posts, keep up the good work.
To be honest Left 4 Dead 3 would be nice but not right now. Seriously they've already released two games in that series since putting out Episode Two, enough is enough. It's like a woman who keeps having sex, close your vagina for the time being. Where's the news on Episode Three already? That's the baby everyone wants.

What is wrong with you?
It was an extended metaphor or simile or whatever, God keep up.
Yeah misogynist statements like that are not gonna fly. So don't do that again.
Edited for "misogyny." Doesn't work as well but yeah. Or will that offend plants?
Yeah misogynist statements like that are not gonna fly. So don't do that again.

I wouldn't say it was misogyny, more just unnecessarily over-sexualised. Misogyny is the hatred of women, this was more "You're a slut, close those legs, yo.", which applies equally to a man if you say "Put that dick away, brother."

And yes, that'll be the first and last time I ever say that.
While not overtly sexist it certainly wasn't putting out a good vibe. Worse though, it was a poor expression of an already weak analogy which was just redundant because you'd already stated your feelings on the matter in a prior post.
While not overtly sexist it certainly wasn't putting out a good vibe. Worse though, it was a poor expression of an already weak analogy which was just redundant because you'd already stated your feelings on the matter in a prior post.

Agreed, hence why I made sure to put "unnecessarily over-sexualised" in there.
Plus it would mean Valve were actually making a game, which would be a shock in itself.
Because Valve so rarely releases a game? They've managed at least one a year since 2007, a year they released the Orange Box with three new games. That's a large output for a company of Valve's size.

Also Shem what the **** is wrong with a woman who keeps having sex? Sex is awesome. People should have lots of it.
Because Valve so rarely releases a game? They've managed at least one a year since 2007, a year they released the Orange Box with three new games. That's a large output for a company of Valve's size.

Also Shem what the **** is wrong with a woman who keeps having sex? Sex is awesome. People should have lots of it.

let's keep on dreaming...
Because Valve so rarely releases a game? They've managed at least one a year since 2007, a year they released the Orange Box with three new games. That's a large output for a company of Valve's size.

hold on...i had to double take on this one because...well...your post smelt of bullshit, yet i couldnt find the source of the smell:

Portal is not an original title. it was created at Digipen entitled Narbacular Drop. the famous story of Wolpaw and Faliszek starts here. Portal 1 was also ~5 hours in length. it was not a full game. it was roughly the length of EP1 or EP2...cmon man...get real here...
Team Fortress 2 was Robin Walker's brain child. We all know where TF2 came from. other than the art style...TF2 and its hats are you cannot credit Valve for anything other than being the right manne in the wrong place.
Episode 2 was a ****ing 4-5 hour episode...not a full can you possibly reference EP2 as a new game or a new...anything?

Left 4 Dead is not an original title...we all know Turtle Rock developed it and valve went WOW GET THESE GUYS ON OUR SIDE. because we all know Turtle Rock was later acquired by Valve.

Left 4 Dead 2 is release roughly 1 year after Left 4 Dead. Valve completely splits the L4D community and alienates the shit out of its players as a result. that is some Grade A game development right there. 2 games that should have been 1 game because they are the same game. yea...valve deserves the benefit of the doubt...they sure do.

Alien Swarm is the only game Valve produced in 2010. Alien Swarm was a ****ing remake of the UT2004 mod. how the **** can you call that a ****ing game?

Portal 2 hits the shelves and the Potato ARG engulfs the internet. this is the only title I can legitimately give full marks to Valve for.

CS: GO....ahahah....ahahahahahahaha....its a god damn HD update for CSS...

we can cut Alien Swarm because its a remake of a ****ing mod and we can cut L4D2 because L4D2 is just a ****ing expansion to L4D as it should have all been ONE GAME. we can also cut CS:GO because all it a ****ing texture pack.

Portal 2...a single L4D game...and TF2. you call that a large output?

three titles since 2007? three titles that arent original IPs? its time for you to wake up.

maybe if valve's employees werent so pre occupied with adding more unnecessary shit to TF2, constantly updating DOTA2 for seemingly no reason, or adding ****ing TRADING CARDS to steam, which is the most obvious money grubbing cash grabbing shit ive ever seen them do...

i would be agreeing with you.
Please, refer to previous discussions of this matter in old news posts, because all your arguments had already been refuted by several people, several times.
maybe if valve's employees werent so pre occupied with...constantly updating DOTA2 for seemingly no reason

I could pick countless holes in your extremely long and well thought out argument, but that particular point stood out to me.

Because you know, unfinished games are fine as they are.
Oh man, sorry riomhaire, did you not realize things only counted as games if trunk didn't feel some reason to arbitrarily disregard them?
Because Valve so rarely releases a game? They've managed at least one a year since 2007, a year they released the Orange Box with three new games. That's a large output for a company of Valve's size.

I was just being snide about this year because I am an impatient fanboy. Your point is perfectly valid though.

@ trunk_slamchest - Is there anything Valve does that you don't hate? Genuine question.
I'm not really sure why he continues to come here? I guess he likes to rant. I find his whole "not an original IP" complaint to be a bit odd considering Valve have only ever released two original games: Half-Life and Ricochet. Everything else is either a sequel or something they acquired and adapted from someone else. That's just how they do business.
sweet, i havent lost my touch.

Because you know, unfinished games are fine as they are.

the game updates almost every day. youre telling me valve cant package the 5-10 mb daily updates together into one monthly patch?

so that whenever i sign on to steam i dont have to sit for 5 minutes and wait for steam to "shake weight" out a DOTA2 update? if the game is so unfinished, so that it is actually requires daily updates...they shouldnt have given me 10 free gifts of dota2 on the 30 accounts i have. obviously when they release a new hero or a ~250mb update...its different...but ffs even the weekly news round ups here on valve time are simply outlining 3-5 minor DOTA2 patches and nothing else.

the state that DOTA2 is not pre alpha stages...the game has been holding million dollar tournaments on an annual basis for the last 3 years. do you think valve would put that much money into a shoddy product that is traditionally deemed "unfinished"? no. the game is releasable at this point. the updates they always add are gameplay/visual tweaks or new items/heroes or a small addition like auditory or visual cues to help n00bs. thats it, dawg.

i also like how you removed the TF2 and trading card bits from that quote. well played.

Oh man, sorry riomhaire, did you not realize things only counted as games if trunk didn't feel some reason to arbitrarily disregard them?

its the internet. people like me exist. it is my opinion and im entitled to it. it is not fact.

Is there anything Valve does that you don't hate? Genuine question.

the reason i am so hyper critical of valve is probably because i love Half Life, Portal, and TF2 so much. Day Of Defeat is pretty bad ass. I actually plan on getting into DOTA2 competitively due to its similarities to counter strike and my competitive gaming back ground.

theres your genuine answer for your genuine question. i got it with the "You Dont Know Jack" promo valve did for TF2.

I'm not really sure why he continues to come here? I guess he likes to rant. I find his whole "not an original IP" complaint to be a bit odd considering Valve have only ever released two original games: Half-Life and Ricochet. Everything else is either a sequel or something they acquired and adapted from someone else. That's just how they do business.

ive made that point over and over again. look through my previous rants about Valve and their original IPs. my "not an original IP" argument has always included the fact that when it comes to other peoples ideas...valve is very good at what they do.

but when it comes to creating new ideas or refining their own ideas...valve seems to fall flat (like their business structure). as an artist, ive been comparing Valve to the likes of Norman Rockwell, who i have no respect he painted by numbers and thought he was gods gift to art. that....doesnt take much effort. it is very easy to refine other peoples ideas, tweak 1 or 2 elements or mechanics, and pass it off as your own.

its the old argument..."Good Artists Borrow; Great Artists Steal" which ive always balked at. Viktor Antonov's name comes to mind in this retrospect. regardless if Valve is a flat ~300 employees, it does not take much effort to refine someone else's good ideas and improve its basic presentation.
claims posts are full of loop holes and argument is terrible...

...never actually disprove posts
Trunk you're complete and utter lack of game development is simultaneously hilarious and maddening.

You know just because something is your "opinion" doesn't mean it can't also be utterly wrong.
youre right, that is why it is an opinion. you might want to re phrase that.
Of all things, I think Valve are pretty good at refining ideas.
The thing is that they aren't opinions. Valve did make a game. Valve didn't make a game. Those are factual statements. It might be easy to act like they're opinions because some of the words are vague and not clearly defined.
would you like me to add i think to every statement so that you guys know that im speaking from my perspective?

thats not how they taught us to write DBQ's in school.

ive said numerous times to vegeta and babyheadcrab, and in numerous posts before not take my words as fact, as it is my perspective and analysis that im posting.
claims posts are full of loop holes and argument is terrible...

...never actually disprove posts

I'm glad you took the image that way, since I deliberately left it open to interpretation.

I thought of it as more of a "digging a deeper hole for yourself" type image. What James (JossiRossi) and Sheepo said pretty much sums it up. I'd also add that, while you might want to think a lot of the things you say are opinions, they're actually factual statements (as Sheepo said), but those statements are also wrong and have no intelligent backing or thought-out logic behind them.

What you should've said all along is "I don't like these game series for whatever reason, I don't want to play them and I wish Valve would focus on stuff I like." It would've saved yourself a lot of rambling and heartache from other users, because that, at heart, is what you're trying to say.
i know what the image means and what youre implying. you could have also posted this picture:

no, i never stated that i do not like the games. i wouldnt be posting here if that was true. i only placed them in the context of riomhaires argument from my perspective. i never said i do not want to play them. i even said i plan on getting into DOTA2 competitively because of its similarities to counter strike, which i played competitively for ~3 years. i started a trading website for TF2 because of my affinity for the game.

if i hated Portal...i would not have made THIS thread on SPUF. read my last post in that thread, its a good one.

i never bashed the games on their artistic or intellectual merits.

ill take it in this direction: Everybody needs a spin doctor. Reagan would still be president if he had me.