

May 19, 2003
Reaction score
Today in Sweden it's the long awaited EMU referendum.
I just got back from casting my vote.

I hope you other swedes here are going to do your duty and vote.
If you are old enough that is. ;)

I know... this is a bad idea for a thread.
But i'm bored. :x
What exactally is this?? Im a curious American lol. Whatever it is , good job on actually voting! The lack of voter turnout in my country perplexes me ( I love big words)
I cant vote yet..and i dont know chat i should vote on...yes....or

Anyways, how did you vote Idolon?
please explain for what you are voting :)
Here in Canada reverenda are few and far between.

The last one in BC (the province of) was about how the govornment should approach setting native land claims.

It was a sorry sight.

We had the whole left wing claiming that the referendum was "un-democratic". Well, saying "all" would probably be too much of a generalization. I do personlaly know a couple who said "yeah, it democracy, but we still dont like it."

Still, how can someone claim a referedum where every voting aged person can cast a ballot is "undemocratic"?
Haha see I knew what this was about. I'm not just another ignorant American ;)
its about having the euro as a currency (right word?) like almost every other country in Europe.
Originally posted by LoneDeranger
Haha see I knew what this was about. I'm not just another ignorant American ;)

The ignorant do not wish to learn.

Maj- So I guess EMU is like Euro Monetary Unit or something.... Well even though Im nowhere near Sweden Id vote Yes. The Euro is going to give the dollar a run for for lack of a better word.
The Euro seems like a good idea as is the Commonwealth thing...EC?

When you can drive three hours in any direction and run into 1-2 other countries with different monies and such a variety of laws, any kind of standardization will benefit European trade. We drove from Switzerland and into France, and inadvertandly into Germany for lunch. Being from the US it is weird to realize "shit I didn't mean to leave the country!" Only those along the NW and SW borders of the US would experience that.

If every state had it's own independent economy and money system the US would be a mess.
The thing with Euro is that we cant "control" our money. Some fat old guys in Germany (some something) does that...and Sweden isnt the largest country in Europe so we can get a hard time to ride along the euro-wave if you know what i mean.
Originally posted by RoyalEF

If every state had it's own independent economy and money system the US would be a mess.

Actually at first that was what happened, and yes, it was quite a mess. Does this mean Europe is becomming a single country?

/me is scared.
Originally posted by LoneDeranger
Actually at first that was what happened, and yes, it was quite a mess. Does this mean Europe is becomming a single country?

/me is scared.

Looks like that :/

Edit: Sweden is one of the worlds oldest countries so i would really suck if something like that happend...but im sure it will take a lllloooonnng time.
Majestic, hopefully with enough countries of reasonable economic weight, one member won't cause all to suffer horribly. Although control of monetary funds is very important. Until Greenspan I wondered if the US really knew what it was doing when it attempted to manage the Treasury amounts (I faintly recall definition of M1 and M2 being the amount of money in circulation and such. It seemed rather intangible nonsense)

The EU (European Union, I think that is right) was ten countries to start with. I think Switzerland recently joined. The idea of the EU was to make it easier to trade and work across borders. While they aren't one country, they can trade easier with eachother and hopefully lend more strength to them as a whole. I have always seen this as a direct response to the capitalistic-super-power of the US and its effect on the world.

The simple idea that someone can live in Connecticut and drive through New York each day to work in New Jersey is drastically different from Europeans. You can drive to multiple country within a few hours from most any spot in Europe. Imagine a large city with tons of jobs being one mile away & you can't work there because it is another country and you need work visas and requests filed by a company in that country to set it up. You also couldn't make deliveries or do business becuase that would be Exporting. The Concept of the EU, as simply as I understand it, was to make trading and business easier to accomplish from country to country.

I think it also eased some of the traveling restrictions from country to country

Of course bureaucracy I'm sure has reared its head sufficiently and made some things too complex.

Due to the drastic differences in cultures form one country to the other, I don't see them uniting except through such trade conduits.
Well one reason, i think, many swedes don't want to be part of the single currency is because they see it as one step towards a federalisation of Europe(obviously theres more but thats the impression i get). That is something i don't want to happen, to be honest i think it "flattens" (for want of a better word) out the culture of a place. I like the world as it is, with regards to the variances in culture that is. It would be a shame to lose the variety that is in Europe.

If my country did join the Euro, it would give us a lot more control over where Europe is going which would be good, but it would mean getting rid of a part of our identity.

Britain has always been one to stand out from the rest, and i don't want to lose that any time soon. Sometimes it feels like Europe has thrown a rope over us, and is dragging us towards itself. I think they only people who don't want us in the Euro who are already in it, is France, but thats because they don't like us and us joining would sit us firmly at the top (No I'm not being arrogant. What i mean by that is, Britain regardless of its size has a very strong economy and is still very influential in the world. I don't mean we would take over, but one thing is for sure, we wouldn't do anything we didn't want to :p)

If my country were to join the Euro, i think it would only damage our economy. If we had been in it from the beginning, then maybe we would be OK. But right now, it would be a bad move. I just hope labour doesn't get in again, because they want us in, even though they wont say it out right through fear of alienating a lot of people.

Anyway, thats my little rant over :)
Originally posted by Farrowlesparrow

Farrow as I understand it Brits LOVE their heritage , and justly so. So I think your country will have plenty of resistance against joining the EU. Hell you didnt even want to give up the pound ( I know I wouldnt give up the dollar) , did you guys ever give into the Euro? If my memory serves you use both , but my memory probably doesnt serve. I also think that France will have alot of attitude about it , so will Germany. I think theres too much resistance for it to ever happen. But If it did EU could be a real Political force.
Originally posted by DimitriPopov
Farrow as I understand it Brits LOVE their heritage , and justly so. So I think your country will have plenty of resistance against joining the EU. Hell you didnt even want to give up the pound ( I know I wouldnt give up the dollar) , did you guys ever give into the Euro? If my memory serves you use both , but my memory probably doesnt serve. I also think that France will have alot of attitude about it , so will Germany. I think theres too much resistance for it to ever happen. But If it did EU could be a real Political force.

Germany and France already use euros.
Originally posted by LoneDeranger
Germany and France already use euros.

I didnt "Know" that persay , but that wasnt what I was talking about. I meant they would be opposed to forming Europe as one country.
Originally posted by greeny
France and Germany can sod off. :dozey:


We don't use both, although there are places that accept them. Which is good i think. It gives us the best of both worlds. We aren't really affected by the poorer economy's and such, but foreigner's can use their euros.
Ohh sorry.
I was at the gym. :)

I voted no... so I won.
Yay! :E
Thank christ for that, anyway congrats Sweden :cheers:
Haha good job. :)

9 million people? We have more then that in our city .. LOL
Originally posted by Farrowlesparrow
Well one reason, i think, many swedes don't want to be part of the single currency is because they see it as one step towards a federalisation of Europe(obviously theres more but thats the impression i get). That is something i don't want to happen, to be honest i think it "flattens" (for want of a better word) out the culture of a place. I like the world as it is, with regards to the variances in culture that is. It would be a shame to lose the variety that is in Europe.

If my country did join the Euro, it would give us a lot more control over where Europe is going which would be good, but it would mean getting rid of a part of our identity.

Britain has always been one to stand out from the rest, and i don't want to lose that any time soon. Sometimes it feels like Europe has thrown a rope over us, and is dragging us towards itself. I think they only people who don't want us in the Euro who are already in it, is France, but thats because they don't like us and us joining would sit us firmly at the top (No I'm not being arrogant. What i mean by that is, Britain regardless of its size has a very strong economy and is still very influential in the world. I don't mean we would take over, but one thing is for sure, we wouldn't do anything we didn't want to :p)

If my country were to join the Euro, i think it would only damage our economy. If we had been in it from the beginning, then maybe we would be OK. But right now, it would be a bad move. I just hope labour doesn't get in again, because they want us in, even though they wont say it out right through fear of alienating a lot of people.

Anyway, thats my little rant over :)

I was going to tell my opinion, but reading your post it changed. I can too easily understand why you want to protect you identity, as a Quebecker my ancestors and I have been protecting our own identity for centuries now, and it's still much work you know. You can't know how precious your cultural and general identity until you lose it.

I see the EU as a good thing tho, as long as every country has the choice to join it or not. I think it's always positive to see all those countries united. Still, smaller countries may suffer from decisions made by bigger countries like France and Germany. But I'm not well informed, please europeans tell me how it works. I am always interested in international politics.

Oh and Ductonius, I'm not quite sure but I think the problem was that the government asked the whole population about something that concerned only the natives. Just like asking the whole Europe if UK should join...
I life in the Netherlands. We already got the Euro 3 years ago and it kinda sucks. Alot of prices are raised 20 till 30% cause of the Euro. I still got used to the old gilder and when I see a Euro price I have to recalculate it back in order to know the 'real' price of that product. I still can't see the difference between the 20 euro and 10 euro bill.. I always mix that up lol :)

I just want my old 'Gulden' back :p
Originally posted by nietzsche
What is to expect from a votum if the most important supporter of the Euro, Göran "Piggy" Persson, throws out five Euro opponents from his cabinet? That's like pouring oil into a burning fire.

Then there's the Swedish Green party that compared this votum to the Nazi voting-propaganda from 1938, which was about the unity of Germany and Austria. I thought these Swedes were intelligent enough not to ride on the currently popular wave of anti-Nazi propaganda in order to gain votes.

It has more to do with national identity. Obviously the cultures of countries like France, Sweden, Britain and Germany are entirely different from one another. I'm not even going to mention the new east-european countries. So while it might improve trade and tourism, a united Europe will never work. It was tried before - always ended in disaster.
I can't believe this, why would you congratulate the swedes for having voted no to the single currency?... You swedes have missed a great opportunity. I can't believe this. For Christ's sake, they're living in the stone ages, some guy murders your foreign minister Anne Lindh and this is what happens?

"Lindh was the main face of the Yes campaign."

It's like Colombia there.
the murder of lindh had nothing to do with the outcome..
Imho this was bad for sweden, now estonia will join the EU and might also get the europ, wich means sweden and norway will be the only countries in scandinavia without the euro. And that will mean decreased trade between them and other countries.
Originally posted by sharp
I just want my old 'Gulden' back :p
You have the most colorful money I have ever seen. When I first got it I thought it bizarre. And Dutch people are very nice. Maybe it is the sex and drugs that make them so relaxed. Culturally, the most pleasant country I visited (and not because of the drugs).
The EU is made up of failed politicians who were never elected in
there own countries.

And i'm supposed to take them seriously? no chance.
Originally posted by Mackan
the murder of lindh had nothing to do with the outcome..

Don't be so naive, you think it was a random murder? a week before the vote? she was leading the "Yes" vote! God it couldn't get any more obvious than this!
Originally posted by )[eVo]( Para
Don't be so naive, you think it was a random murder? a week before the vote? she was leading the "Yes" vote! God it couldn't get any more obvious than this!

When it comes to the reason for the murder there are numerous possibilities.
But the murder didn't affect the outcome.
If something it should have pushed more people to the "yes" side.
This is not some middle east country where people are afraid to vote "wrong".