Refraction for the magnifying glass?

Originally posted by Chode
But if it isn't "cheated", then I theorise a weapon mod for a sniper rifle where the scope is fully functional: this means that when you click zoom, the camera moves to behind the scope and looks through it, using true refraction to calculate the zoomed in view.

:bounce: Heck, how about your sniping with this "real" Scope, and anouther sniper takes carefull aim and hits your scope, smashing the glass and makeing it allmost useless


Or a new thing on some mod or other (who knows what) some kind of team game base assault or CTF, where the helmets all have small cams on them, for a commander back a base to view on a big screen, giveing out addvice over "real radios" that stick to the side of your model

1. People could knock off your helmet/bust the cam
2. shoot your radio so you can no longer use chat (msg2 style)

Or something..
Re: Re: Refraction for the magnifying glass?

Originally posted by ph34r t3h cute
:bounce: Heck, how about your sniping with this "real" Scope, and anouther sniper takes carefull aim and hits your scope, smashing the glass and makeing it allmost useless


Or a new thing on some mod or other (who knows what) some kind of team game base assault or CTF, where the helmets all have small cams on them, for a commander back a base to view on a big screen, giveing out addvice over "real radios" that stick to the side of your model

1. People could knock off your helmet/bust the cam
2. shoot your radio so you can no longer use chat (msg2 style)

Or something..

you can only have one camera per "area" (quote from valve, not sure what size they mean by "area")
Re: Re: Refraction for the magnifying glass?

Originally posted by Chode
But if it isn't "cheated", then I theorise a weapon mod for a sniper rifle where the scope is fully functional: this means that when you click zoom, the camera moves to behind the scope and looks through it, using true refraction to calculate the zoomed in view.
Originally posted by ph34r t3h cute
:bounce: Heck, how about your sniping with this "real" Scope, and anouther sniper takes carefull aim and hits your scope, smashing the glass and makeing it allmost useless


Or a new thing on some mod or other (who knows what) some kind of team game base assault or CTF, where the helmets all have small cams on them, for a commander back a base to view on a big screen, giveing out addvice over "real radios" that stick to the side of your model

1. People could knock off your helmet/bust the cam
2. shoot your radio so you can no longer use chat (msg2 style)

Or something..
I'm suprised no one else suggested any of that before...
Oh, wait... now I remember... someone ;) did.

... but you both registered in October, so I forgive you.
I'm not sure what the distinction is that you are drawing. It is refracting and it is implemented as a shader. Are you asking if it is faking refraction and using a shader?

From: azz0r [mailto:[email protected]]
Sent: Saturday, October 18, 2003 6:49 AM
To: Gabe Newell
Subject: refraction

Wondered if you the right guy to ask...

The magnifiying glass in klieners lab, is it a shader or an actual refraction?

Halo kinda of uses a version of it, but is it similar or totally diffrent?

--- azz0r,

One of you smart guys shouldve asked...
Originally posted by azz0r
what should I reply?

"i have no knowledge of what i speak, sorry for asking totally ass backward question that wasn't really a question."

seriously, this is a GAME there is no "real" refraction(this isn't REAL LIFE(tm)), any lighting effects need to be coded, whether it is a shader or a fixed function effect.
Originally posted by OCybrManO
A couple of people that have GF4s have said that the magnifying glass worked for them... though I haven't seen any hard proof.

I have seen it work on a gf card, not sure which one and it did not look as perdy as in the e3 movies.