Reggie embarrases Phil Harrison

Dec 2, 2004
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Waiting for the Miyamoto keynote to start, I?m sitting three rows from the front. Close enough to see Nintendo?s resident BMOC, Reggie Fils-Aime at the front of the crowd, working it with his trademark smile and good will. He poses for pictures, he signs Wiimotes, he presses the flesh with a good natured ease that would make even the most seasoned politician weep with envy.

"Kick his ass and take his name!" someone shouted from a few rows behind me.

"Who?" answered Reggie in mid-autograph.

"Phil Harrison, front row!" Sure enough, there was Phil Harrison, seated dead center, front row. Looks like he could show up on time for Nintendo's keynote, but not Sony's.

With a grin and a chuckle, Reggie replies, "Some would say we've already done that."

Touchdown. The crowd goes wild.
Reggie, dude from Nintendo.
Phil, dude from Sony.

Phil was at a Nintendo keynote speech. Someone sitting nearby him yelled out "Kick his ass and take his name" to Reggie.
Reggie asked who the person in the audience was talking about and he replied "Phil Harrison".
Reggie then said "Some would say we've already done that".

There ya go RJMC, a nice explanation for you.
Who cares.

Excuse me if I don't care for any of this cock-swaggering bullshit.
Lol, gtfo Absinthe! Fanboy thread does not accept you!

Eh, Abs is right. It's just a good burn, nothin' more.

Pretty cool though. :D