Rejoice! New Bible Released


May 5, 2004
Reaction score

AMazon reader said:
Within these pages, Bobby Henderson outlines the true facts– dispelling such malicious myths as evolution (“only a theory”), science (“only a lot of theories”), and whether we’re really descended from apes (fact: Humans share 95 percent of their DNA with chimpanzees, but they share 99.9 percent with pirates!)

gotta love some of the hatemail he receives ...which is irnoic because they're supposed to turn the other cheek, not threaten to kill


"anyaways, as an intelectual man such as yourself, you should have the
simple common sence to respect other peoples beliefs. making a LAME
joke about the the one awnser the one thing your whole pathetic life
is base upon CANT awnser is a sign of how your brain is flawed. i
would suggest growing up allitle and/or blowing your ****ing face off
with a shotgun.

****ing humans, your all pathetic. you dont know shit bitch."
- Andiar Rohnds

"I would like to tell you that i was very offended by your letter, and would like to join the 5% that believes you are going to hell. I did not at all appreciate the way you dipict those who beleive something other than you. Jack ass.
P.S. I hope your genitals fall off and are eaten by three-legged mice with squirrel tails.
P.S.S Ninjas are way cooler than pirates. Jack ass.

you're an idiot. I'll pray for you.
-Andrew Schmitt

"I believe in God.
You obviously don't.
If your view is correct, when I die, I'll never know it.
If my view is correct, when you die, YOU SURE WILL.

Aren't you tired of being a faceless and unimportant pawn for evil? Don't be a tool. Whether you want to admit it or not you're being used and controlled by evil. "

"First of all, how much time do you have on your hands? Really? I'm just
impressed by the creativity and just the time you took to blatently mock the
Creator of the universe. I am no one to judge, but I know that you will be
held accountable for leading other away from Christ on judgement day. It's
not on my head - it's on yours.

I am offended as a Christian, and I can't image how upset God Himself must
be about this. It's one thing to have a little fun, but to really lead
others away from believing the Truth is absurd and dangerous."

"As you seem to have devoted a religion to saying that a spaghetti monster created us, I too have created one. I view your depiction of an Italian food to be completely racist and you chose spaghetti only because Italy is predominately Christian. I feel you are not only being a racist but a religious bigot against such a great people. Even if you are thinking that you are honoring a great people, you are in fact showing us little more than racist garbage."

"Hey Bobby how are you doing, Fine I hope with your good bull-shit ass theory about this so called flying spaghetti monster God. That is so rediculious that you need your ass whooped. You are nothing but a weak ass immatation of Hitler. You brainwashing these damn people into believing that the world was created by noodles when in actual reality man made the world and your ass too.
- LaTisha Jenkins"


earth to scary religious types: stfu
CptStern said:
"As you seem to have devoted a religion to saying that a spaghetti monster created us, I too have created one. I view your depiction of an Italian food to be completely racist and you chose spaghetti only because Italy is predominately Christian. I feel you are not only being a racist but a religious bigot against such a great people. Even if you are thinking that you are honoring a great people, you are in fact showing us little more than racist garbage."

I think I may buy this book.
Yea, your a ****ing moron, promoting your ****ing stupid ass bullshit of a ****ing prick ass bastardly damned Flying Spighetti Monster bullshit on cyberspace. Your ****ing playing with people's ****ing head you ****ing ****er ****y ****!!!!!!!!!! You decieving cowardly bitch of hell. Your straying people away from the truth. You sir, are a gigantic ****. There is no **** greater than you. As a matter a fact, I should start a cult. The antipastafarins. Yea yea, and the first verse of the book of the AntiPasto shall be, Truths 1:1, "And that piss of a ****er **** shitter shit Boby Henderson the **** shall be castrated and his testicales with be thrown down into everlasting fire were they shall burn for a million year, be transfigured into meat balls, and diminished. Then boby henderson will be thrown to the final judgment of the Anti-Pasto. The one killed the Flying Spigetti Monster since the begining." Thou art truley the greatest **** to have ever ****ed the earth. I mean, how do you ****ing sleep at night? Well you can tell your Flying Spighetti Monster this, "Go tell shove your meatballs up someones ass, and your sphigetti up somones teats, for I have a lord, and he is the one true God." You are truly going to **** in hell forever. I bet one of the tortures you will endore is having to eat sphigetti for all eterntiy and get fuller and fuller and fatter and fatter until your big fat ****ing ass prick self dense the spacial fabric of reality until reality collapses in on itself. O you'll be in big trouble then you gigantic ****. You are a ****, and you will always be a ****, you ****. "O boby henderson the ****, o how he is a great ****. He is one huge large ****. The great **** of ****erdom. He is satan's closest friend, burning in hell, till the end. His ass shall be ripped a part, for boby is a giant ****." **** YOU! **** YOU! **** YOU! **** YOU! **** YOU! **** YOU! **** YOU! **** YOU! **** YOU! **** YOU! **** YOU! **** YOU! **** YOU! **** YOU! **** YOU! **** YOU! **** YOU! **** YOU! **** YOU! **** YOU! **** YOU! **** YOU! **** YOU! **** YOU! **** YOU! **** YOU! **** YOU! **** YOU! **** YOU! **** YOU! **** YOU! **** YOU! **** YOU! **** YOU! **** YOU! **** YOU! **** YOU! **** YOU! **** YOU! **** YOU! **** YOU! **** YOU! **** YOU! **** YOU! **** YOU! **** YOU! **** YOU! **** YOU! Be castrated you ****!
This letter made me ROFL!!!! :LOL:

edit: holy spaghetti, those are alot of *'s
ROFL there's a bit of anger in that comment :D
P.S. I hope your genitals fall off and are eaten by three-legged mice with squirrel tails.
P.S.S Ninjas are way cooler than pirates. Jack ass
..... I'm speechless. Unfortunately not many thought out or well crafted feedback from the masses. I like the direct approach though:

"You need to find Jesus you stupid motherf*cker!" Christians are so in your face nowadays!

P.P.S - It's P.P.S foo!

Yea, and the flames did spread in their thousandfold, and on the seventh day, there was much wailing and gnashing of teeth!
You are truly going to **** in hell forever
lol? Personally I wouldn't mind f*cking in hell forever.

btw this is the letter that received so many hatemail like the ones posted above:

" I am writing you with much concern after having read of your hearing to decide whether the alternative theory of Intelligent Design should be taught along with the theory of Evolution. I think we can all agree that it is important for students to hear multiple viewpoints so they can choose for themselves the theory that makes the most sense to them. I am concerned, however, that students will only hear one theory of Intelligent Design.

Let us remember that there are multiple theories of Intelligent Design. I and many others around the world are of the strong belief that the universe was created by a Flying Spaghetti Monster. It was He who created all that we see and all that we feel. We feel strongly that the overwhelming scientific evidence pointing towards evolutionary processes is nothing but a coincidence, put in place by Him.

It is for this reason that I’m writing you today, to formally request that this alternative theory be taught in your schools, along with the other two theories. In fact, I will go so far as to say, if you do not agree to do this, we will be forced to proceed with legal action. I’m sure you see where we are coming from. If the Intelligent Design theory is not based on faith, but instead another scientific theory, as is claimed, then you must also allow our theory to be taught, as it is also based on science, not on faith.

Some find that hard to believe, so it may be helpful to tell you a little more about our beliefs. We have evidence that a Flying Spaghetti Monster created the universe. None of us, of course, were around to see it, but we have written accounts of it. We have several lengthy volumes explaining all details of His power. Also, you may be surprised to hear that there are over 10 million of us, and growing. We tend to be very secretive, as many people claim our beliefs are not substantiated by observable evidence. What these people don’t understand is that He built the world to make us think the earth is older than it really is. For example, a scientist may perform a carbon-dating process on an artifact. He finds that approximately 75% of the Carbon-14 has decayed by electron emission to Nitrogen-14, and infers that this artifact is approximately 10,000 years old, as the half-life of Carbon-14 appears to be 5,730 years. But what our scientist does not realize is that every time he makes a measurement, the Flying Spaghetti Monster is there changing the results with His Noodly Appendage. We have numerous texts that describe in detail how this can be possible and the reasons why He does this. He is of course invisible and can pass through normal matter with ease.

I’m sure you now realize how important it is that your students are taught this alternate theory. It is absolutely imperative that they realize that observable evidence is at the discretion of a Flying Spaghetti Monster. Furthermore, it is disrespectful to teach our beliefs without wearing His chosen outfit, which of course is full pirate regalia. I cannot stress the importance of this enough, and unfortunately cannot describe in detail why this must be done as I fear this letter is already becoming too long. The concise explanation is that He becomes angry if we don’t.

You may be interested to know that global warming, earthquakes, hurricanes, and other natural disasters are a direct effect of the shrinking numbers of Pirates since the 1800s. For your interest, I have included a graph of the approximate number of pirates versus the average global temperature over the last 200 years. As you can see, there is a statistically significant inverse relationship between pirates and global temperature.

In conclusion, thank you for taking the time to hear our views and beliefs. I hope I was able to convey the importance of teaching this theory to your students. We will of course be able to train the teachers in this alternate theory. I am eagerly awaiting your response, and hope dearly that no legal action will need to be taken. I think we can all look forward to the time when these three theories are given equal time in our science classrooms across the country, and eventually the world; One third time for Intelligent Design, one third time for Flying Spaghetti Monsterism, and one third time for logical conjecture based on overwhelming observable evidence.

Sincerely Yours,

Bobby Henderson, concerned citizen.

P.S. I have included an artistic drawing of Him creating a mountain, trees, and a midget. Remember, we are all His creatures. "

:LOL: the pirate comparison is classic
Sulkdodds said:
lol? Personally I wouldn't mind f*cking in hell forever.
Since its hell itd probably he thorny butt sechs :/
lol, I saw this book in scientific american magazine a month a go and was considering buying it. I really want to create a "young pastafarians of america (YAP)" club at by school to counter the "Students Standing Strong" club that currently takes up 96% of our school, but my parents would probably kill me.
Yep, it actually started in my hometown of grapevine, in an elementary school in my district, and now its grown to massive proportions and is blantantly breaking state-church laws by getting school funding and using school staff. They send me two letters every week telling me to join. It's really frightening

Walking down the halls, about 50% of the shirts worn are the black or red Students Standing Strong shirts, and their leader makes us say an effing prayer at pep rallies and award ceremonies.

Students Standing Strong exists in order to remind students that they are not alone: there are countless other like-minded

Remember children you are in a large mob, capable of forcing your will on others and dominating the world!

Terry Ann realized that her oldest two children, Katelin who was a junior and Clay who was a freshman, were in a public high school environment in which most students adopted a very godless approach to life. The stakes were high, even for Christian students. She was amazed as she saw Christian kids, who had been taught the truth of how a Christian teenager should live, were making the same moral compromises that non-Christian students were making. Christian teens were living defeated Christian lives. Moral compromise, including drug and alcohol abuse to sexual promiscuity was rampant in those teenagers who claimed the name of “Christian.”

You know what happens when you brainwash your children, telling them that they are "better" and "superior" then everyone else?

She also believes in an engineered path for children, "how a Christian teenager should live."

Not to mention she just generalized myself and every other non christian as corrupt, a substance abuser and unintelligent.
forcing your children to think as you do will guarantee they will be miserable ...jeez give kids credit, they really arent that stupid, they CAN think for themselves some of the times ..sheltering your kids could have a negative imapct on their lives ..especially if they have to enter the secular world (work etc) ..even people who live "godly" lives are prone to perpetrating evil deeds <insert pat robertson/westboro loonies/gw bush here>

theotherguy said:
Yep, it actually started in my hometown of grapevine, in an elementary school in my district, and now its grown to massive proportions and is blantantly breaking state-church laws by getting school funding and using school staff. They send me two letters every week telling me to join. It's really frightening

Walking down the halls, about 50% of the shirts worn are the black or red Students Standing Strong shirts, and their leader makes us say an effing prayer at pep rallies and award ceremonies.

do you attend a christian school? that's just insane ..believe it or not I went to a CAtholic private school ..and we didnt have anything like that ..besides the few crosses here and there you barely noticed it was a catholic school
sexual promiscuity was rampant in those teenagers who claimed the name of “Christian.”
Ohnoes! :O Let's all cut off our penises and pull out our vaginas!

Why are so many people phobic about sexuality in general :|
I'm surpised you guys just found out about this. I've been following this since last August.
Same. I'm in Australia and have been attempting to obtain this book in any method possible -_-
Huh, reinforcement of the notion there are idiots on both spectrums of the arguement. I know fundies can sometimes get annoying, not to mention intolerable, going all this way to mess with them? Doesn't the guy have better things to do instead of trying to bait Fundamentalists or something?
do you have any idea as to why he's doing it?

wiki said:
The Flying Spaghetti Monster is the deity of a parody religion founded by Bobby Henderson in 2005 to protest the decision by the Kansas State Board of Education to require the teaching of intelligent design creationism as an alternative to biological evolution. In an open letter on his website, Henderson professes belief in a supernatural Creator entity that resembles spaghetti and meatballs called the Flying Spaghetti Monster, and calls for FSMism to be taught in science classrooms, essentially invoking a reductio ad absurdum argument against the teaching of Intelligent Design

Captain M4d: there isnt a regular of the politics forum who doesnt know about FSM ..he's come up numerous times in our discussions on intelligent design
Dude, I'm very familiar with his reasonings (and the FSM in particular, since I see it so often on Fark), but I think he would make a much beter statement by keeping to being professional, rather than lowering himself to just making fun of the other side. I believe in evolution (with The Lord directing it) just as much as him, but I think it's better to argue a case against "Intelligent design" but sticking to that professionalism, than mocking the opposing side, which might cause some to take him a bit less seriously.
CptStern said:
do you attend a christian school? that's just insane ..believe it or not I went to a CAtholic private school ..and we didnt have anything like that ..besides the few crosses here and there you barely noticed it was a catholic school

no. Our school doesn't offically sponsor any of that, but we do have "moments of silence" which used to have a disclaimer saying "feel free to pray" and our school is always decorated on christian holidays.

Students Standing Strong is currently in a legal battle with the school district because the school board decided that thier use of school facilities for rallies (and these are massive rallies, with perhaps 1,500 students and maybe 300 adults) was illegal. Now Students Standing Strong is claiming that the school district is discriminating against them because they are Christian.

They are also in a legal battle with another school district because the principal took them off of the school website.

What really ticks me off is the numerous newspaper interviews that have been put out where kids in S3 claim to be "discriminated against" because they are "minorities". Okay, when far over half of the school is in the club, and more still are christian, you are definatley not a minority.

Truly they remind me of that movie "The Wave" where they did an experiment and made a nazi club at thier school. S3 goes around wearing uniforms and with mottos that they chant, and they hold big rallies funded by parents and celebrities, and then they have famous guest speakers come and talk to them (mostly country singers and professional football players)

And as for pastafarianism, its a satire, satire is a valid form of critisism. The point he's trying to make is that if you accept all beliefs in the classroom, you have to include everything, including strange cults like pastafarianism.
The Kaiser said:
Dude, I'm very familiar with his reasonings (and the FSM in particular, since I see it so often on Fark), but I think he would make a much beter statement by keeping to being professional, rather than lowering himself to just making fun of the other side. I believe in evolution (with The Lord directing it) just as much as him, but I think it's better to argue a case against "Intelligent design" but sticking to that professionalism, than mocking the opposing side, which might cause some to take him a bit less seriously.

you mean you believe in intelligent design ..because that's what evolution with the guiding hand of god is

but dont you think perhaps you're being a bit one sided? The intelligent design camp seeks to force psuedo science on students in the hope that it'll rub off pushing evolution to the backburner. Their whole schtick is completely circumspect because without a shred of evidence they attempt to pass something off as valid ..when it is not. It does not stand up to scientific scrutiny in the least. All bobby did was make a perfectly viable point by demonstrating that intelligent design has about as much credence as the FSM

theotherguy: wow I had no idea it was that bad ...dont parents who send their kids ot public schools have any say in whether or not their children are exposed to religion or not? I mean were that my son and that was happening in school I'd pull him out (granted he's not quite 3 yrs old so it's not an issue)
CptStern said:
you mean you believe in intelligent design ..because that's what evolution with the guiding hand of god is

No... Intelligent Design is the belief that God just put humans, and all other animals on the planet as they are now, and they have never changed since then. Evolution (By The Lord's hand) is evolution occuring, with God just watching it from above, for the most part leaving it alone, if not at all.

but dont you think perhaps you're being a bit one sided? The intelligent design camp seeks to force psuedo science on students in the hope that it'll rub off pushing evolution to the backburner. Their whole schtick is completely circumspect because without a shred of evidence they attempt to pass something off as valid ..when it is not. It does not stand up to scientific scrutiny in the least. All bobby did was make a perfectly viable point by demonstrating that intelligent design has about as much credence as the FSM

True, but again it makes him look a bit less professional, not to mention gives Fundie camps a reason to complain of "PERSECUTION, HE'S MAKING FUN OF US!1!" by this. If he argues completely scientifically, then all the Fundies can do is throw insults at him, and call him Godless and such. By doing this however, he gives them something they can actually use against them. They could basically use this as a whole "mockery of the Bible", and garner support not through just "ID" people, but also those that would be offended by that, even if usually they'd be more neutral to the subject.

Personally, I think he's just making more openings for the Fundies to use against him, rather than dismissing them.
CptStern said:
theotherguy: wow I had no idea it was that bad ...dont parents who send their kids ot public schools have any say in whether or not their children are exposed to religion or not? I mean were that my son and that was happening in school I'd pull him out (granted he's not quite 3 yrs old so it's not an issue)
Well they do, but all the parents around here love it. My mom in particular really likes it, and my dad is concerned over other religions be discriminated against, but doesnt care about students standing strong in general. Most of the parents are really upset that the schoolboard is challenging students standing strong.

The Kaiser said:
No... Intelligent Design is the belief that God just put humans, and all other animals on the planet as they are now, and they have never changed since then. Evolution (By The Lord's hand) is evolution occuring, with God just watching it from above, for the most part leaving it alone, if not at all.

Intelligent design also includes god guiding evolution, ie, using evolution to his advantage to design humans in his image. And really "intelligent design" is such an ambiguous title that it could apply to anything. They made it so vauge so that there would be less grounds to call it religious, and thus less grounds to not put it in the classroom....but its really a pitiful attempt if you ask me.
The Kaiser said:
No... Intelligent Design is the belief that God just put humans, and all other animals on the planet as they are now, and they have never changed since then.

sounds like creationism

The Kaiser said:
Evolution (By The Lord's hand) is evolution occuring, with God just watching it from above, for the most part leaving it alone, if not at all.

as I understand it that describes intelligent design

The Kaiser said:
True, but again it makes him look a bit less professional, not to mention gives Fundie camps a reason to complain of "PERSECUTION, HE'S MAKING FUN OF US!1!" by this. If he argues completely scientifically, then all the Fundies can do is throw insults at him, and call him Godless and such. By doing this however, he gives them something they can actually use against them. They could basically use this as a whole "mockery of the Bible", and garner support not through just "ID" people, but also those that would be offended by that, even if usually they'd be more neutral to the subject.

but ..he's a lay person just like you or I ...he's not affiliated with anyone ...he doesnt have to do anything

The Kaiser said:
Personally, I think he's just making more openings for the Fundies to use against him, rather than dismissing them.

I'm sure he welcomes it ...I mean they're not exactly in a position of credibility either

theotherguy said:
Well they do, but all the parents around here love it. My mom in particular really likes it, and my dad is concerned over other religions be discriminated against, but doesnt care about students standing strong in general. Most of the parents are really upset that the schoolboard is challenging students standing strong.

ouch that's bad ..I guess some of them see it as teaching morality rather than religion (or at least through group dynamics/peer groups) ..still the thought of religious groups/influence in public schools is a bit unnerving
It's a lot better regulated over here. Some kid was handing out flyers about accepting Christ and he was asked to stop by the school staff. My science teacher was a devout Christian, yet never did she ever bring up her personal beliefs. She taught evolution, not intelligent design. My anthropology teacher is an agnostic, my Latin teacher is a Deist.

Jeez, just thinking about over here, the Bible belt must view the North East as a modern day Sodom and Gommorah.
DeusExMachina said:
My science teacher was a devout Christian, yet never did she ever bring up her personal beliefs. She taught evolution, not intelligent design.

The first science teacher to teach us evolution was by far one of the best teachers I have ever had, and she told evolution like it is, and how the system works. Then, a couple of years later when the subject came up again, everyone started talking about "that horrible teacher we had in middle school, she told us people came from monkies" and they went on to say how much thier parents hated that teacher and that they sent her hate mail.

And the teacher then agreed with them, and went on to tell us that evolution did not tell us anything about human origins, and to look to religion for that :| But other than that she was a great teacher, I mean, Jane Goodall was her best friend.

I then argued with the rest of the class about it until they just blew me off and treated me like some kind of heretic.

Most teachers here are honest, unbiased people, but every now and then we'll get one with ultrareligious views, but at least they're mainly the english teachers...
CptStern said:
sounds like creationism

Probably because it is. Intelligent Design, or whatever they tried to call it next, is basically an attempt to get Creationism back into schools.

as I understand it that describes intelligent design

Not really. Intelligent Design requires that God had "direct intervention" in humans as how they are today. My thoughts just have God starting up the Earth and its species, and then letting them evolve through different aspects of the Earth, possibly with him here and there doing some things. It's not "direct intervention" as He would not be completely forcing one species to evolve a way or another.

Of course though, this is always what I've seen. Maybe my definitions are wrong, apologies if they are.

Overall, all I can say is that I don't endorse ID in schools. Stuff like that can be learned in Church or home, or just by reading the Bible. Schools shouldn't have to teach that, if the parents are so for it.

but ..he's a lay person just like you or I ...he's not affiliated with anyone ...he doesnt have to do anything

Still, he gives fundamentalists ammo just by doing this. A while for them to rally "christians" to their side, by presenting something "persecuting" them. It's just a bit of a stupid thing to do, if you ask me.

Well, if he does he does, but personally, II'd rather not give the Fundamentalists any more reason to claim persecution and such. They already do it enough.
It's not a reason. It's satire. If they sued, it would be comparable to Jack Thompson suing Penny-Arcade because they handed over a check 'for Jack Thompson, because Jack Thompson wouldn't' citing blackmail.
heh, your god guiding evolution thing sounds like a fun videogame...damn I think of spore too much.

That reminds me of this old book I read when I was litte that was about an advanced race with a perfect computer that simulated every molecule of the universe perfectley, and they would play games against each other in which each one would start off with a planet, and they could only make one minute change to the planet or to the DNA of the dominant species.

They were basically like gods, and the main charachter made a slight change to the atmosphere of his planet, so that it was constantly covered in clouds except for one point every 100 years. Eventually, after billions of years, an intelligent race developed that worshipped the coming of the clearing of the clouds, and they got so curious that they started sending out expiditions to space.Sadly he was crushed by the other player, who made a change to his species DNA which made them both ultra-agressive and expansionist, and they went to his planet and enslaved the race there out of necessity, rather than curiosity.

It's an interesting thought, but if god was all powerful and all-knowing, he wouldn't need natural processes, unless god simply does it for amusement, which would mean he is not all-powerful, which means he is not god.
Any non-evolution belief that involves the impact of an intelligence instead of "nature" on the emergence of life is inherently creationistic.

The problem I've seen in these creation hypotheses is that, if god had to, or probably did, create life then that means the existence of god himself is at least equally impossible/improbable.

If our life couldn't evolve naturally, then the natural inference is that god himself is a construct of a higher power that is at least equal or greater than the already infinite. That power, in turn, must have also been created, etc.

Since that's frankly implausible (if not fully impossible) the wealth of evidence behind evolution must be true.

Simply, the influence of god must be such a non-entity that it may as well not exist even if it does.

What isn't painfully misunderstood is that persecution and criticism are wholly different things.
At this stage as much as any other, anything less than an infinite power granted to the church is perceived as an unreasonable confinement.

TOG is correct as well in noting that omnipotence and goals are mutually exclusive.
If you are infinite in all respects, the state of "wanting" is paradoxically as impossible as injury.
Mecha, you do know that I love you right? If we were pirates of reason in a barbarian arena of creationist irrationality, fighting monster after monster, tied together back to back, we'd never lose no matter the odds. It'd be a hell of a webcomic, us as pirates, captured by tribal heathens and forced into an arena against overwhelming odds, armed only with our wits.

Mechagodzilla said:
The problem I've seen in these creation hypotheses is that, if god had to, or probably did, create life then that means the existence of god himself is at least equally impossible/improbable.
They always just act like they don't see that line. God proves GOD, not humanity!
I know, it always comes to that.

Creationist: Life is too complex! God must have created them!
Me:Then who created god?, god is just there
Me:But isn't god "too complex" to be there to begin with?
Creationist:...well...uh...I will pray for you!
theotherguy said:
heh, your god guiding evolution thing sounds like a fun videogame...damn I think of spore too much.

That reminds me of this old book I read when I was litte that was about an advanced race with a perfect computer that simulated every molecule of the universe perfectley, and they would play games against each other in which each one would start off with a planet, and they could only make one minute change to the planet or to the DNA of the dominant species.

They were basically like gods, and the main charachter made a slight change to the atmosphere of his planet, so that it was constantly covered in clouds except for one point every 100 years. Eventually, after billions of years, an intelligent race developed that worshipped the coming of the clearing of the clouds, and they got so curious that they started sending out expiditions to space.Sadly he was crushed by the other player, who made a change to his species DNA which made them both ultra-agressive and expansionist, and they went to his planet and enslaved the race there out of necessity, rather than curiosity.

It's an interesting thought, but if god was all powerful and all-knowing, he wouldn't need natural processes, unless god simply does it for amusement, which would mean he is not all-powerful, which means he is not god.
Was this in the Animorphs series?
Well, that book was much more recent then when we were eight or nine, because though I can't remember the name, it wasn't a normal series book, it was a special one, and towards the end of the series.

I also loved Animorphs back in the day :) I remember the book you speak of.
Ennui said:
Well, that book was much more recent then when we were eight or nine, because though I can't remember the name, it wasn't a normal series book, it was a special one, and towards the end of the series.

I also loved Animorphs back in the day :) I remember the book you speak of.

yeah I really don't remember how old I was...I just remember being laughed at and throwing all the books in the trash ;(