[RELEASE] De_CrookCounty

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So finally, after nearly 3 1/2 months of work on a single map, I’ve finally released it. It’s a hell of a map, and it’s not just me who’s worked on it. A total of about 5 people put a lot of time into designing specific things placed in the map and helped work out problems to find solutions. So I’ve gotta mention them as without them this map would probably be nothing close to where it is now.

Zareh ([email protected]): Modeled and textured practically all the custom models bspzipped into the map. He put a lot of time and effort into the models, and it definitely shows.
Caleb Kraft ([email protected]): Created the audio files used on the radio for the radio station, he’s the voice behind the announcer.
Drastikat: Created the custom decals which made the name of this map make sense, and produced the signatures hidden in a secret room.
HellSpawn ([email protected]): He’s done a variety of things, ranging from bug-testing, to idea suggestions. A lot of things would be different if he hadn’t suggested what you see now.

And of course, me, Alex Roycewicz ([email protected]).

So drop us a line and thank us for what we've done when you get a chance :D

Server Admin Download (.bz2 file):http://hl2.scrapdump.com/alexroyce/de_crookcounty/

Map Layout Briefing (VIEW THIS PICTURE): http://hl2.scrapdump.com/alexroyce/de_crookcounty/downloads/de_crookcounty_map_overview.jpg

Description of the map:

This is the original description of the map, as i don’t really see the need to create another one (it’s been slightly edited).

Map Name: de_crookcounty
Number of Spawn Points: 64
Info: This is a huge map. I’m talking huge.

The map takes place in the residential/commercial district of a city, and consists of multiple buildings. Buildings of interest include the police station, the local gun shop, and a tenement building. There is also the city park, which is a nice getaway from the cramped city buildings. Enough rocks and trees to make sniping a breeze!

This is no AWP-fest though, as it’s very easy to sneak up on a sniper in the map using the cover of shadows and alleyways between buildings. Not to mention the strategically placed items for cover which are specifically for those hard-to-kill awperators.

There are over 35 rooms throughout the 3 buildings which you can enter in the map. Each building consists of multiple floors, ranging from 1-2 to 1-5. All of them are fully furnished, with details. Shoot a painting? It swings on a hinge and falls. Surrounded in a building? Move tables and couches and barricade yourself in as you fight for your life. Going for a stroll in the park? Listen to the birds and take a seat on a bench as the trees calm your nerves. Shoot a monitor? Its screen goes black. Accidentally miss your target and hit the lockers behind him? Watch as the locker doors fall off to reveal the objects inside.

The buildings:

Crook County PD: This police department is housing quite a few criminals. Depending on the day, anywhere between 1-32 prisoners can be held in the almost-humane holding cells. The inmates have had enough of this, and there’s a rumor floating around that someone has contacted a close friend on the outside..

If the criminals happen to escape, the police will immediately flee the building and call the Counter-Terrorists because they know they are no match for the brutal convicts. The convicts definitely want revenge as well. They may even go as far as to take out a whole city building in order to seek payback, or, they may notice that they'd rather not lose any men since the CT's are highly trained and equipped, then they could easily barricade themselves inside the police station using the many couches and storage closets.

Ammunation Gun shop (Site A): Ah yes, the perfect target for an explosion. Not only will it cause an even bigger explosion than just the bomb itself, it will cause chaos as its located right in the center of the city. Enter the gun shop through different entrances and browse around. Terrorists would have a field day if only they could find the sales clerk. To vent their anger of not being able to buy an RPG, they could choose to blow the place sky-high, or set up a base in the upstairs apartment where the owner lives. Watch the walls though, unruly CT's might just realize that their bullets can go through! Hide in the kitchen as bullets whiz through the air and pop the bottles at the bar. Then rush into the bathroom for your final stand.

The Tenement Building (Site B): What better way to celebrate a recent jailbreak than blowing up a 5 story building? Enter into the building and go to whichever floor you wish. You will find all things seem normal until you riddle the place with bullets and bodies. Plant your bomb in the sink, and get the hell out of there! Hide in the alleyways and watch in glee as the CT's scramble floor to floor searching for the ever-elusive sink-bomb. Then run like hell as you see them all pile back out of the building tripping over themselves. Make it to a safe distance and hear the echo of your destruction bounce off the walls of the city and feel the rumble beneath your feet. Terrorists Win.


There are a few minor issues with the map, most people wont notice and/or care about them, but they still exist.

- The biggest problem right now is that i haven’t tested this map with 64 people, as its incredibly hard to get 64 people to download an 80mb map which isn’t linked on the internet. So far the max I’ve tested it about 32 people total, and about 20 bots. The reason i mention this is that this map runs with a huge entity amount, right now its at 75% of the maximum entities allowed in CS:S. When the entity amount gets too high, the server will crash upon respawn of players. I don’t think this should be THAT big of a deal because I’ve calculated a few things and the map will definitely last up to 55 players or more. I believe i fixed the problem completely, but again, i have no way of being sure.

- The next thing is that some people might freeze up randomly. I think I’ve fixed this too, because the reason they crashed was when they would spectate and clip through a wall too many things would be drawn at once on a lower end system and CS:S would crash/freeze. What i did was just disable the ability for spectators to clip through walls when dead, hence the problem should be fixed.

- Another problem is how random people just freeze CS:S at a completely random place in the map. The bad thing is i cant exactly fix this, but the good thing is that it happens very rarely (never on good computers), and if it does happen just reconnect to the server and it wont happen again.

- You can hear doors from most part of the map being opened. This is a glitch in CS:S and cannot be fixed by me unless the doors are silent, and after watching people close the doors on themselves, i'm just going to call this a way to figure out where your team/opponent has gone. Just use it to your advantage.

- Sound doesn’t work for the first round, and only the first round. Don’t know why, but its fine every round after that. Logic_autos don’t seem to work in CS:S, so I cant do much about this.


I’ve heard many people criticizing the layout of the map as too big for anything less than 16 people or so, but this isn’t the case at all. The map flows incredibly well, as I’ve tested it extensively with games which had a total of only 8 people and it played fine. Once you learn the map, everything gets much smaller. But for the record, if you have a small 6 player server, this probably isn’t a map you want to add to the rotation as it was designed for the big servers which lack nice big maps people can play on.

Snipers aren’t a problem in this map, at least if you don’t decide "hey lets all run down the street single file!" as your strategy. People can easily avoid all the sniper fire by just taking the many routes through the alleyways which lead to the bomb points. Its very simple to do this, yet people think its impossible to avoid the snipers. Use your head in this map and you’ll be the best player in the server. This isn’t another one of those mindless CS:S maps where pure brute rushing can win you the round.

You ARE going to have to use some form of teamwork if you want to win the round. While people who run alone and straight toward the enemy are likely to get a kill, they most surely will be ambushed from behind by two players who have stuck together to work their way around the map. People need to travel in packs, and I’ve seen anywhere from two man teams to 12 player teams running in packs across the map to gain a victory. And a sweet victory it is as you know how skillfully you’ve won it.

Basic help for bomb defusal:

When you know a bomb has been planted, you have a 90 second bomb timer to work with. If you are close, take your time, gather people up, and split into teams to search the bomb sites (unless you know which building its in beforehand). Use basic room clearing techniques, where one opens the door and briefly looks inside. Be careful when opening doors as usually people will spray the entrance will bullets once the door is opened. Once you open the door, either throw a grenade and go, or rush inside as fast as you can seeking immediate cover. Have everyone enter the room at once so that you have a better chance at surviving if multiple people are inside. Make sure to make use of the ability to shoot through walls, as it will come in handy for people who camp in hard to see places.

If you are cornered into a room, seek a good position to cover the entrance from, and try to create a barricade of some sort if objects are moved. More than likely, the barricades wont do much to stop bullets, but they can seriously slow people down.

Teamwork is essential to this map.

Special thanks:

Twinkie Master - For his attempt of a street sign and specular map for the cars.
MXTHE - Testing
Wolfer - Testing
Urban Assault Server ( - Testing
Krackhouse Server ( - Testing
Mad Seumas CS ( - Testing
Everyone at the Steam Powered forums
Everyone who helped at HL2World
Saw it on CDG, definitly going to be hard to put in pubs with an 80mb dl. Definitly interesting for clan games (unofficial).
Milkman said:
Saw it on CDG, definitly going to be hard to put in pubs with an 80mb dl. Definitly interesting for clan games (unofficial).

The 80mb is lessend to 30mb with the included .bz2 file servers can use.
Unbelievably amazing! Judging from the screenshots at least ;)

Going to download right now, and Alex, I know the OP of a 58 player custom map server. I'm gonna suggest crookcounty to him if you don't mind.
That looks brilliant to me. Shall definitely be downloading and trying out as soon as poss

Already found a server with this map on:
Dling now ;)

Out of curiosity: I was looking at your name and started wondering. Are you Polish? Because "Roycewicz" i pronounced in English almost identical to "Rojcewicz" in Polish, and it sounds Polish because of the "-wicz" ending. What's more the name of your hotmail accout "polskiskin" means something in Polish. "polski skin" = "polish skinhead". Just wondering... :P
stinger.aim92 said:
Dling now ;)

Out of curiosity: I was looking at your name and started wondering. Are you Polish? Because "Roycewicz" i pronounced in English almost identical to "Rojcewicz" in Polish, and it sounds Polish because of the "-wicz" ending. What's more the name of your hotmail accout "polskiskin" means something in Polish. "polski skin" = "polish skinhead". Just wondering... :P

Bingo :)
Gunner said:
Unbelievably amazing! Judging from the screenshots at least ;)

Going to download right now, and Alex, I know the OP of a 58 player custom map server. I'm gonna suggest crookcounty to him if you don't mind.

It would be great if you could suggest it there. Its got 64 playerstarts so theres more than enough for everyone.
I'd really like to play that map as a singleplayer HL2 map. Really great job on it!
Damn I just tried you map and it is bootyfull! :thumbs: It was a little farsh on my gfx card at first but after I toned down the settings it was fine. I'm so glad you didn't just encase it in a huge wall like so many mappers tend to do these days. Although some would like invisible barriers less it's fine with me.

But one thing though for three months on a single map I would've expected a whole to rip in the the explosion. But some people's graphics cards probably couldn't handle it.
Defenately going to try this one out!
The car models put me in awe!

Very, very good job on the car models. Will comment on layout and gameplay later on!
So far about 3 64 slot servers have this in their rotation, and the number 1 CS:S server in the world also has it in their rotation now. Theres a ton of 20 slot servers that have it in the rotation as well.
Maybe you should set up a server with this map 24/7 :] (yeah, ok I know tahat would cost, but it's actually not that easy to find this map on a server with ppl on it)
News about new fan made Nav file:

Originally posted by Effexx
As promised... :)

Extract the Nav file to your "Cstrike/maps" folder, and overwrite the nav that came with the map...

The bots will plant at both locations. Although the bots know enough to open simple doors they are not smart enough to know what "single file" means, and will sometimes get stuck on each other as they try to go through... It doesn't happen too often though, and I've done my best to reduce this... The bots will also now traverse all floors of bombsite B, and seem to like hiding the bomb in the upstairs bathroom of the Ammunation... lol...

Anyway... Enjoy Bot-Heads!
