Release - dm_watergate redux!

Pi Mu Rho said:
No, I don't. I have no clue why you decided to try and attack me, my work methods and all my work after only having seen one of my maps. Regardless, it's not going to keep me awake at night.

Minor visual errors I can live with - I could through damn near every Valve map and show you some. As for atmosphere, it's subjective. If I put props in those areas, I guarantee that I'd get several messages asking me why they can't get to those objects.

There won't be a next release. The map is done. While I could easily do revision after revision after revision to it, you have to let it go at some point.

You were simply the focus of my colleague and i's evaluation of maps not being distinct enough in their own way. I'd like to see more maps--separate of the hl2 environments. This isnt about my work, its about mapping in general. Look at dm_void...a fine example.

I think all the points have been made that need to be made, case closed?

bi0_gauss said:
they are minor visual problems that most people will miss while they are playing the map vs all the glaring problems with your maps that people refuse to download...hmmm :thumbs:

You are weak. Why attack me? The focus is pie mud in this instance...this isnt 1st grade where someone says something and you spin it back around on them.

For the record, my maps are all R&D ventures as of yet, each offering a new concept. The only reasons some of my maps have been successful is because they offer something more than face-value. For example, my latest map offers my first attempt at cubemaps, as well as a....‘unique’ spawn system (releasing wednesday).

The way i map, is by releasing simple maps, and looking at people's reactions....eventually i will take all these maps, and combine the well-received concepts into a serious map. For example, my latest map takes concepts from cubix, kingofthestairs, and thecage….as well as a couple maps that are not mine.

I am now done in this thread.
I am now done in this thread.

Oh, thank God!

this isnt 1st grade

True statement.

The focus is pie mud

Make up your mind. Are we in 1st grade or not?

It is painfully obvious that you just don't lie Pi. You didn't have any of this to say when he released his map the first time. Only now, after he has rendered an opinion on your 'map', do you have something to say about his.

Your only real complaint has nothing to do with the playability of his map or the overall design. You just say it isn't different enough.

Curse you, Pi, for making a HL2 themed map! Curse you!
DoctorGordon said:
The way i map, is by releasing simple maps, and looking at people's reactions....eventually i will take all these maps, and combine the well-received concepts into a serious map. For example, my latest map takes concepts from cubix, kingofthestairs, and thecage….as well as a couple maps that are not mine.

I am now done in this thread.

taking shit and putting it into a pile of shit..does not make it anything other than shit
cool map, but i think you should add some more buildings around the skybox, so that tall one doesn't look alone, or maybe make some more hills around the skybox...