[RELEASE] MakePakGUI.exe



One of the coders on my 'staff' wrote this little program to take the hassle out of makepak.exe. It integrates makepak.exe into shell and saves quite a bit of time and hassle. Hopefully it is only one of many tools to be featured in the HL2oolPak we are putting together. A special thanks goes out to Tully(Skitzo) from the rest of the XPG staff

Here's the link, and enjoy: MakePakGUI.exe

This is the included readme file
MakePakGUI - November 22, 2004 v1.0

The following program adds an entry to the Windows Explorer context menu, allowing the user to right click on a folder in Windows explorer and click "MakePak", and have a Steam gcf file produced.

To install, simply unzip and run install.exe
You will be prompted for the install path.
Enter the install path and press enter, and click 'yes' when prompted about by Registry Editor.

MakePakGUI is now installed. To create a .gcf file, simply right click on the folder containing the files you want added to the gcf package, and click 'MakePak' from the Explorer menu.

The gcf file is created in the root folder of the drive containing the folder being added to the gcf.


MakePakGUI is copyrighted by Tully Hillenbrand, sifnt.org
makepak.exe is copyrighted by Valve Software


-Greg Johnson, XplayGames.com
Where'd you get makepak.exe from?

[edit]Ahh found it now nm[/edit]
There seems to be a problem with makepak.exe, as I got this error:

'Assertion failed: packfiles.filelen, file U:\HL1\GOLDSRC_MAIN\common\packfile.cpp, line 363'

Not sure what caused it. Just thought I'd bring this to the attention of .. anyone.. Hopefully it'll be fixed soon. (because I'm sure valve reads these forums. :))

I downloaded this a couple of days ago and the zipped exe was a Macromedia Flash port of Space Invaders, purportedly by "Neave". The exe contained a keylogger trojan. I reinstalled Windows last night because of this. Not cool!
After checking the server logs I can assure you the file in question did not change from the time it was posted to the time you downloaded it. I would reccomend you do a full scan using your default software as well as AVG and an online scan from Trend Micro (both are free and quite efficient). Do check your facts next time before jumping to such conclusions, thanks.

I can't refute your server logs but I also can't explain how what I saw launched when the exe was executed. I guess it was another trojan that was hijacking onto the exe launch protocol I suppose you could call it.