RELEASE: Pilotable Strider Alpha Mod 0.2.75

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Either do I, it says im unauthorized for some reason? Anyway to disable that?
Well i downloaded it and i already crashed it. If you play coastline drive a APC through the tunnel (The tunnel that takes you to the next section of the map) the game will crash. Any way i am not saying this to complain just to tell you that this happens. Other wise this mod is a lot of fun i spent 15 min killing ant lions with a Strider :)
It's a very fun mod, no doubt about it, just a few bugs

I found that I couldn't drive the buggy, I just got in and nothing happened. When I tried to walk a strider off the cliff, it flew up out of the map.

It's great though, a lot of fun (the antlion guard slam thing is so powerful, fun to ragdoll things with it!)
I like how the belly cannon on the Gunship pushes you up into the air a little simply from the things recoil. My fav is the APC, thing can rocket spam anything.
Thank you very much good sir. I enjoyed this mod.

constructive note:

I had a blast in the APC and the Hover ship, especially in 3rd person mode. The two bugs I spotted included:

Jeep has no controls (doesn't even allow exit / look around)
Try exiting a strider in the middle of the alternate attack :)
(when I tried this it just sat there with the beam all charged up)
Yeah, this mod is great. I love how I can....not download it.

I really want to drive a gunship =(
Still DOwnloading(98%). Cant wait to try this out! I want to see how everything is controled. Ohh! 100%

Stay tuned. I will post more mirrors in the strider mod english forum and soon in

Thanks to all!!
I love the APC and Antlion Gaurd, I LOVE the Gunship even though it has no sounds.

As a request, I think that the belly cannon should be in a fixed downward position, as its quite hard to get the right angle without being a distance away.

Also, if possible, have the crouch button sound the siren on the APC, that would be really sweet.

Im loving it though. Great work.
d/l and unzipped, doesn't work at all, keys that are sposed to spawn the vehicles don't, takes an age to load a new map, but the buggy still stops responding when you get in, any ideas?
Now to pilot the helicopter correctly you must play Fortunate Son on WinAMP in the backround or something.

Or at least I do.


But yeah, flying the chopper kicks ass!
i worked out why some people cant download it from hl2spain. the site checks your HTTP_REFERER tag to in order to stop people from linking to their files from other sites.

anti-virus software such as norton will block your HTTP_REFERER tag, and because of that the site wont let you access the file.

so turn off you anti virus software then click the link.

PS: cool mod, heaps of fun :thumbs: :thumbs: killing antlions never gets boring, hehe
Is it just me or the gunship have no sounds for it? :O And is it just me or did the secondary fire of the gunship is unable to harm other gunships? :O
Theres only one real peave I have with this almost perfect mod.

The Helicopter/gunship lacks the ability to move backwards. Now I can understand why if your using the basic car coding (Which doesn't have a back) but you should be able to use the airboat coding for backwards surely? (However I do lack coding know-how so I could be talking out my ass here!)

Thats all it needs, the ability to fly back. Then I could be happy strafing Combine with Fortunate Son playing in the backround.

Also strafing would be fun but I have no idea how you'd pull that off....

Oh and the APC's great to drive.
I would like to see the vaporizing cannons replaced. I hate how the bodies disappear. To replace it I was thinking you could use fire instead of vaporization. the vaporizer gets so damn old after using it about three times. also the antlion guard will sometimes hit an invisible barrier, which is frustrating. My main suggestion though is for you to replace the effects on the strider and gunship.
Wow Quartz. You have accomplished making this mod. Is it possible for you to make a mod for Dog?
Combine Hybrid said:
Wow Quartz. You have accomplished making this mod. Is it possible for you to make a mod for Dog?

Dog Mod? :dozey: Sounds.....weird :dork:
I know I'm probably an idiot but I just downloaded the mod and I don't know how to get it started. When I click it it opens with winzip and there's just lots of file names. Any suggestions?
Very cool mod, good job TheQuartz.

I would though like to complain that the APC is very weak, it's very hard to drive up on a little hill. And the camera angels are put on some weird locations, like on the Ant lion Guard, Strider and Gunship. The APC and Helicopter are good though.
Also, the loading times are slow like a turtle.

Apart from that, very very cool mod. The Strider rocks, love the belly cannon. :E
mk17 said:
I know I'm probably an idiot but I just downloaded the mod and I don't know how to get it started. When I click it it opens with winzip and there's just lots of file names. Any suggestions?

Just unzip all the files that are in the .zip directly to your \Steam\SteamApps\SourceMods\ folder.
First. Sorry if you find bugs in this release. Pilotable Strider Mod still is an alpha mod. I opened a poll in the Strider Mod English Forum asking everybody if you want a patch with bugs solved, or you want that i work with the 0.3 version (the multiplayer version) and solve the bugs here.

Second. Thanks to all for your emails and greetings. In i add a new mirror. If you have problems with the hl2spain mirror, you can use the hl2files mirror. Also is mirrored in fileplanet too.

I will change the web with all mirrors soon.

Thanks to all!!
TheQuartz said:
Second. Thanks to all for your emails and greetings. In i add a new mirror. If you have problems with the hl2spain mirror, you can use the hl2files mirror. Also is mirrored in fileplanet too.

I will change the web with all mirrors soon.

Thanks to all!!

I've put a mirror up on for the mod.
Combine Hybrid said:
Wow Quartz. You have accomplished making this mod. Is it possible for you to make a mod for Dog?
That would be very hard, because all of Dog's parts were completely scripted.