Religion = "The Party" of 1984?


Party Escort Bot
Oct 20, 2004
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This thought popped up while I was reading 1984 by George Orwell: Religion (I'm going to take Christianity as the main religion here because I am best familiarized with it) looks a lot like The Party in 1984. I'll explain why:

In 1984, The Party has been accepted by the younger generations as something unmovable, something untouchable. It will always be there, no matter what anyone ever does. Julia (in the book) also believes this without reluctance or questioning.
Recently, I read a text during religion class about God. What it described was incredibly reminiscent to the above description. More creepy than interesting. It was about a religious philosopher who was completely convinced that no matter what you did, said or thought, God would always be there. He surpassed you in any shape, way or form. He was completely untouchable; a Big Brother, permanently watching you from the sky.

In 1984, The Party had only been in power for a few decades (for around 70 years?), and already they had indoctrinised the entire population that The Party was here to stay, forever; untouchable.
It seems to me that religion (Keep Christianity in mind here) has reached the same goal, but they had MILLENIA to get to it, and while they lacked the technological prowess that 1984 possessed, this was also their strong point: people actually believed in God because there was so much left unexplained.

There are even unreal similarities drawn between the two: In 1984, sex is not to be fun; it is suppossed to be filthy, dispicable, a necessary evil to be avoided at all costs if possible. Let's look at Christianity. Ring a bell?

Another analogy: If you openly opposed The Party in 1984, the Thought Police would get you and you would be assassinated. While Christianity didn't have any actual police of the kind, they did have the zealous followers to jump in the gap (Just like Party Members in 1984 were ever-paranoid of each other). Any discrepancy was instantly noticed and scrutinized. Nowadays, we call it "superstition". Back then, it was as correct as Big Brother meant it to be: infidels, non-believers, underminers of the system, godless heathens. They stoned people because of this, they burned "witches" because of this. Even today, people murder "In the name of God". For me, it is absolutely bone-chilling to see the crystal clear parallel between the two.

But where does it end? In 1984, people have lost the right to actually live their life to the fullest. Sex is out of the picture, food and drink is incredibly low-quality and love and compassion are soon-to-be-extinct words. Anything else is undesirable, because it undermines the permanency of The Party.

This leaves us a final question:

How have 2 millenia of religion held us back? Of course, Winston was of an older generation; he had vague memories of how it used to be. But we are hundreds of generations beyond the beginning of Christianity. We have absolutely no idea at all how life was before Christianity. Sure, it probably started out of goodwill, but it has been so abused and misinterpreted that it might have twisted certain perceptions on our reality. An example would be sex. We used to think that sex was a dirty thing, a filthy thing, only to be used for procreation and nothing else. Anyone who thought anything else was denounced as a whore, a slut, a prostitute (meaning both sexes here btw). Now, we've managed to crawl out of that dogma, but there are many others. Homosexuality is still heavily discriminated by the church, as is abortion and euthanasia.
If the church had not expelled these ideas but instead approched them in a scientific way, we wouldn't have this situation. But now that Christianity feels that its permanent reign is finally fading, it is trying to stem the revolution by trying to hold back these ideas and concepts as much as possible; an absolutely ludicrous and appalling act that would be done by The Party without remorse.

Maybe Big Brother isn't forever, but a mere figure for The Party to hide behind. And if you take down either one, the other will undoubtedly follow. I wonder how life would be like after Big Brother. I wonder how life would be like after God.
Very interesting post there Beerend.

I read an interesting Karl Marx quote this morning about religion:

  • Religious distress is at the same time the expression of real distress and the protest against real distress. Religion is the sigh of the oppressed creature, the heart of a heartless world, just as it is the spirit of a spiritless situation. It is the opium of the people.
  • The abolition of religion as the illusory happiness of the people is required for their real happiness. The demand to give up the illusion about its condition is the demand to give up a condition which needs illusions.
This thread is blasphemy!;)

Very insightful, but when you mention the similarities between the two to the religious they go ape shit...believe me, I've tried. Nobody wants to believe that what they hold so close and dear is a lie and that the majority of their lives have been wasted on a illogical ultimately dangerous ideal.

What will life be like after god?? Who knows...we certainly won't, 5/6 of all the people on this planet belong to some sort of a religion, I don't see that figure taking too big of a dent during our lifetime. And, more importantly will humans outlast religion? I imagine all "intelligent" creatures in the universe come to a remarkably similar conclusion once they hit consciousness. How else does one quickly answer "What is this place and why am i here?". I wonder if every conscious community that has, does or will exist is doomed do it alongside religion. How many by the end of their "reign" come to understand as a majority that the universe and primitive thought are mutually exclusive.
To be honest, I think it's a pretty interesting theory. But Orwell doesn't seem like the type that hides subtle hints and messages within his works. That would be more like the Wachowski brothers to do. Come to think of them, you could also argue that The Matrix was related to religion; too blind to see the truth, there are people who will always pull the lie that is religion over your head. You know, it all depends on how you look at it.
I think "religious thinking" is imprinted in our brains, something we're genetically evolved to do. I mean, look at Homeopathy - it's pretty much a religion in the way it works.

-Angry Lawyer
To be honest, I think it's a pretty interesting theory. But Orwell doesn't seem like the type that hides subtle hints and messages within his works. That would be more like the Wachowski brothers to do. Come to think of them, you could also argue that The Matrix was related to religion; too blind to see the truth, there are people who will always pull the lie that is religion over your head. You know, it all depends on how you look at it.
That's not the point Beerdude is making, I don't think.

He's showing how religion is like 1984 society. Ignorance is strength is a good example. Having 'faith' is a good thing in religious communities. There's a lot more to it, you really need to re-read 1984 a few times to really understand it I think.
Yeah, well, they don't control everything. Like the internet for example. Too wide a place for censors.
The internet is quite capable of being censored. Just look at Saudi Arabia and the Asian republics. Blocking access to opposition websites can be terribly effective at halting the political development of the younger generation.
At least they haven't shut down wikipedia's NK page. I've noticed a few sites that I regularly used to visit have now been "Cleaned" by KISCOM (Korea Internet Safety Command)
At least they haven't shut down wikipedia's NK page. I've noticed a few sites that I regularly used to visit have now been "Cleaned" by KISCOM (Korea Internet Safety Command)

I'm sure we- I mean they, had a good reason to shut down those sites.
Probably, yes. It still erks me though.