
Most people nowaday should know where we came from and how the world works. The only thing we will probably never know is what happens to our concience when our bodies die. Since we will never know, why think about it?

Religion has served its purpose. It was useful in the old days to prevent people from becoming criminals/going crazy from their dull/monotonous life. Now we(most people) know better than to believe things that cannot be proven, such as god and jesus and all that.

edit: oh yeah and could you(as a christian) please explain how that whole adam and eve thing worked. It seems to me that that story was thought out by children who didnt know how inbreeding worked
To be honest i cant really explain it because i wasn't there. There are alot of ideas. It doesn't say that there weren't any other people there it just says that there was Adam an eve, and we don't don't know whether to take it literally or not. This is where faith comes in and that we will find out in the end.

You say it sounds like it was written by children. Read it again and look at what you are writing, i think you will see that compared to your obvious childish writing it wasnt written by a child.

You know better to believe in things that cannot be proven do you? Does this include evolution? Since no civilisation has been around long enough to witness it happening its rather difficult to prove it. As i said before, it is a theory. It is not a fact, ask and respectable scientist and they will tell you that. Its obvious that you are the product of a western 'sanitised' world. You have likely be fed things by the media etc that you haven't even noticed. On the TV things are always portrayed according to people own bias's.

I have been brought up to always question what I'm told, never take things at face value. Having blind faith in something isn't a clever idea at all. I did not come to being a Christian because my mum and dad said so but because i can see that it is right. You will always have more questions than i can answer, but that doesn't mean I'm wrong. That just means i don't know everything.

In another topic you said that in a couple of hundred years you think religion will have vanished from the western world. I think that is the opposite.
If you look you can see the world is on the verge of disaster. There have been wars all the way through the twentieth century, scientist are predicting that a major influenza pandemic could erupt any time soon (SARS was just a taster)
Christianity generally flourishes in times such as these not because people just need something to turn to but because they see what reality is really like.

EDIT: I suspect they originated around there, but i dont know.They probably were black yes who knows. I think i know what your getting at. But do carry on.
Christainity and religion are not the be all and end all...they cannot remove you from reality, which is what you seem to say...reality is there no matter how you hide...
On the verge of disaster? Looks fine from where im standing.

Fact is, most wars nowadays start because of religion (ex. the whole israel thing)

Could you please point me to these scientsist who predict this "influenza pandemic"?

You say im a product of this westen sanitised world... well perhaps I am but so are most people. Where I live none of the people i know my age or even our parents are christian or go to church on a regular basis. They seem to just baptize their children(some get confirmed later but thats mostly to get gifts) and then thats it. The only people who seem to go to church anymore are old people. I think its to get some sort of hope that they can continue to exist after they die.

You say that you have been brought up to always question what you are told, well start questioning christianity for a bit and look at its negative sides.

read this:
I'm not saying religion removes you from reality. I am in-fact saying it brings you into reality more. Many people who are depressed have faced up to reality and seen what life is really like and how much of a state the world is in. The world isn't moving along fine, its in a mess.

Most wars are not about religion. religion is simply the excuse people use when in.

Israel is happening because my country used to semi rule that area and after world war II basically evicted the Palestinians and put the Jews in there and there has been resentment ever since. There has been many wars in the past in the name of religion, but if religion didn't exist then it would be in the name of England, or America or chocolate, anything that. Its just certain people that rally the masses into violence. Theres a saying, there are no warlike people, only warlike leaders. This is often the case where one or a few men cause conflict because of what they want. I'm quoting Men In Black here but i don't know any other source but in that he said 'A person is rational and smart' 'People are dumb'

No i cannot point you to the scientists but if you want to just watch the discovery channel, I'm sure its mentioned on there. Or you could do some research. I never said it was the apocalypse. I didn't mean it the way it sounded. What i was saying is that everything could really bad. Look at the whole terrorism thing. People say its instigated by the US etc. That doesn't matter, the fact is that Nuclear weapons are being mentioned an awful lot. Now i don't think that a nuclear war will happen but its fast becoming a likely hood. There is so much wrong with the world at the moment. Its become somewhat of a cliché (if thats event he right word) with us Westerners living the high life and people in Africa starving everyday. Did you know if the whole world lived the life style of America, it would take 4 extra earths just to supply us. It would take 2 extra for Europe. But we only see what is shown through the media. For a few months it was popular to have 24 hour coverage of the war in Iraq, now people are losing interest the media is showing us other things. Very few people really see the world through un-sanitised eyes (including Christians but many Christians have more of an idea)

You say all the Christians you see are old. my Church is made up of around 70% students i.e. people under the age of 25. I go to a church of about 400 people. it depends very much on your area. You are seriously wrong when you say that its going to die out. Christianity is spreading around the world like wild fire (no it isn't burning people before you say that) You just don't see it because it wouldn't be popular among western audiences.

At the moment we are living in a time when they say you should accept everyone as they are. I don't disagree with this. But it is blatantly not happening. At college i got shouted at because i said i don't think homosexuality is natural*. That same day someone made fun of me for being a Christian, but they weren't told off.

The thing about Christianity , is its unlike other things, such as evolution. In that you cant just 'research' it in the traditional sense of reading books and stuff. You have to talk to some Christians, face to face preferably, with the intent of finding out answer rather than trying to prove yourself right, or proving them wrong.

*I don't have a problem with anyone who is gay because they are gay. But i do believe that it is the spirit of Homosexuality that comes down on people and they. A Bi sexual person already said that it wasn't love they felt, but it was lust.

EDIT:Having just read what is behind that link i notice that i said some similar things to him. Such as religion is used by leaders to rally people into conflict. However i also said that if religion wasn't there they would only use a different excuse.

I question my faith everyday, many a time have i almost given it up when something has come along to reinforce what i believe. I don't see any negative sides if you could point them out i would like to see them. I suspect these so called negative aspects of Christianity are more to do with specific people.

There are alot of religions that say their's is the right one. Its difficult for me to explain without you having lived my life. But i have seen too many things in support of my faith to doubt that Christianity is right.
But i do believe in satan and i know that he is remarkably adept at deceiving people. His greatest trick is in-fact making you believe HE doesn't exist, let alone God.

Islam is only growing in Britain because there are so many Muslims coming into the country, and i know that Christianity is growing because the size of my church has doubled in the past year. It is the same in a church that i visited recently they have had many new people. Statistics are all well and good but. Many thousands of people are becoming Christians around the world all the time. In fact on the TV (The Discovery channel actually) there was a survey and they stated that 1 in 6 people is a Christian. That makes it the biggest religion in the world. Now then because its a majority doesn't mean its right but it should give a hint.

75% of statistics are pulled out of thin air
17% of statistics are drawn from too small a base
4% of statistics are taken in an inaccurate way
4% of statistics don't add up

(That was a joke.)

Why would you believe in satan and not God? I never thought for a moment you believe satan existed.
i hate all religions...religion are just some bullshit some rich guys came up with back in the days to control and earn money on poor people..just cuz they couldn´t explain things then. Like if a meteor was falling from the sky..ohh that must be god! Another thing that proofs religion is bs is that all religions world wide have gods based on how the things are where they live, like in the north they belived in Thor , and other Viking like gods. And in India the Hinduisms gods looks like elephans and stuff etc etc.. its just bs i cant belive how people still belive in that kinda crap!...oh wait i forgot.they belive in it becuz most christians are brainwashed by their parents since birth..

im an Ateist..i belive in what can be proofed.
Try believing in what can be proved. It may help sway your views.
*sigh* :rolleyes:

Its funny you should say that all these religions have gods based on where they are. Because none has seen God's face without dieing. Nobody knows what he looks like. He doesn't carry any 'cultural baggage' as my history teacher says. He isn't specifically tied to any region in that he is 'black' or anything.

Its true that in past times people believed that 'heavenly bodies' such as meteors were from God. They didn't know that they were hunks of metal rock and ice. But as i have said before, the actually event isn't always the miracle it is often timing. Its apparent that God often uses natural things to work with his plan.
There are many things we don't understand today and i don't attribute them all to God as such. Let me put it this way. God has set up a system. Hes has if you will, done what valve has done only a larger scale. Basically the universe is a giant game engine, with rules that dictate it. It can function on its own so long as someone is there to turn it on and keep it running (namely God) without him there it wouldn't work.
'In the old days' people did use religion to bully people into things. In medieval times the catholic church was more powerful than any European sovereign. That isn't to say that there weren't true Christians living their lives. its was more like some misguided or corrupt people in high places.

I do believe in what can be proven. My faith has been proven to be correct on many occasions. What do you believe? Its is obvious you are not a 'religios' person. What do you believe that has/can be proven?

EDIT: Funny how people said i had a, what was the phrase, 'Closed mind' or something. Then i read hoodlum's post...
Its a shame that you hate anything. I dont hate anything. (Heres the so called happy clappy bit) Christians are tought to love everyone (and now the left out bit) even if you don't like them. Hate however is a very strong word. Something that is used all to often. Trues its probably not as 'strong' as it used to be but hating a person isn't right because that must mean you don't love them. (its a pity English doesn't have all the different words for love that other languages do because it would make this so much easier.

EDIT#2: This is probably your greatest contribution hoodlum
I am Christian, not one for church much anymore, but thats since I moved to America.
Lets make out OWN religion, We can be, half-lifeians
Originally posted by Farrowlesparrow
I do believe in what can be proven. My faith has been proven to be correct on many occasions.
Now this is interesting!
You say that your faith has been proven to be correct.
Would you be so kind as to tell us how this have been proved?

Religious people are often very quick to call everything, modern science can't explain, proof of god.

Sorry if i sound aggresive... I really believe that everybody has the right to believe in what they want to. But not without hope that they one day will understand how wrong they are. Too many have wasted their lives on nothing. Too many lives have been spilled for nothing.
The message that most religions spread are peaceful but religious people are no different from the rest. And for them, like the rest, its very hard to accept the beliefs of others. especially christians.
The word crusade states that fact.
Its partly thanks to these crusades that christianity is the largest religion in the world. (That and that they promise to forgive anything and offcourse eternal life...)
most of the crusades were just excuses to plunder anyway.
And few wars comes close to the large crusades during the 12'th century where countless jews, arabs and christians died. And for what? Because all three religions shared the same god and the same important religious places. but no-one could accept each-others believes...
Its sad...

Religion will not just disappear anytime soon.
And its likely that it will be our doom...

Theres nothing more dangerous than an religious fanatic...

Damn... half past two... better go to sleep...
EDIT: Funny how people said i had a, what was the phrase, 'Closed mind' or something. Then i read hoodlum's post...
Its a shame that you hate anything. I dont hate anything. (Heres the so called happy clappy bit) Christians are tought to love everyone (and now the left out bit) even if you don't like them. Hate however is a very strong word. Something that is used all to often. Trues its probably not as 'strong' as it used to be but hating a person isn't right because that must mean you don't love them. (its a pity English doesn't have all the different words for love that other languages do because it would make this so much easier.

ok i dont hate religions..but i dont like them i think its crap..and dont give me that bs about "you die if u see god", have u never seen a paitning of a god? Well if u dont i will shot u some samples of how people have painted their gods.. <- Thor the northic god of thunder( and this is not some game cover or something) <-- Odin another nothic god <-- another hindu god

well i wont even bother to find a pic of the christian god Jehova, Jahve or whatever u call it, cuz those pics are just fictions of how he would look like..well the others are to but i know taht there is no god.

i wont even bother to collect more info becuz i know how belivers are..ignorant, and close their ears when u confront them. Well have fun with your creative holy wars belivers out there!!

and P.S dont be dissin my monkey :P D.S

EDIT: Another thing about religions is that u can easyliy manipulate people i saw a documentary about two guys who traveled the world and was healing people and stuff, and @ everyone of those meetings they collect money (the lowest amount to donate was $100 i think)and some asshole stod there on the stage and shouted like "a brain tomour has been healed to my right" and the reporters followed a boy who had been "healed" and the family of that boy kept on sending like half their pay check to that organisation, certain of that the boys tomour had stopped growing, the boy died 9 weeks later. And of course the parents of the boy said something like "It was gods will, hes happy with the lord now" or something like that..i cant belive how u can use people like that! i get so pissed off! i cant remember the names of those 2 healers if anyone here know please post them i know that one of them was german and the other guy was Israeli or something. Well im to tired for this

My opinion of Religion is something that would offend too many people and take too long if I went into it deeply.
"Religion is the opiate of the masses" - Karl Marx.....and my god, he's right

EDIT: Karl Marx is not infact my god, it's just a unfortunate turn of phrase
Although not a religion in the true sense of the word, i tend to follow the chinese principles and teachings of Taoism and Confusism when possible
Religious people are often very quick to call everything, modern science can't explain, proof of God

Thats certainly possible. But I'm too clever for that. Science was always my favourite subject after art and I'm taking up Physics in September.

and don't give me that bs about "you die if u see god", have u never seen a painting of a god? Well if u don't i will shot u some samples of how people have painted their gods..

I have seen paintings of god's and i am still alive. I'm talking about seeing God in person. Trying to explain this is like trying to explain how a 4D would would look. Can you imagine seeing to whole universe at once from every point including from outside as well. Then times that by infinity and i think that your brain might get slightly overloaded. Its really hard to explain. But since God is in fact omnipresent then it would be difficult to take it all in.

well i wont even bother to find a pic of the Christian god Jehovah, Jahve or whatever u call it, cuz those pics are just fictions of how he would look like..well the others are to but i know that there is no god.

I could say the very same thing to you.
I am not in ignorant person. I have not closed my ears,(or should i say eyes) i have read everything that people have written. I suspect that you have been ignorant not just towards what i have been saying but towards anything to do with religion.

Another thing about religions is that u can easily manipulate people i saw a documentary about two guys who travelled the world and was healing people and stuff, and @ everyone of those meetings they collect money (the lowest amount to donate was $100 i think)and some asshole stod there on the stage and shouted like "a brain tumour has been healed to my right" and the reporters followed a boy who had been "healed" and the family of that boy kept on sending like half their pay check to that organisation, certain of that the boys tumour had stopped growing, the boy died 9 weeks later. And of course the parents of the boy said something like "It was gods will, hes happy with the lord now" or something like that..i cant believe how u can use people like that! i get so pissed off! i cant remember the names of those 2 healers if anyone here know please post them i know that one of them was German and the other guy was Israeli or something

It is sad that people do this. But it is the people themselves, not God or Christianity. There was a phase (especially in the US) of these Tele Evangelists which were just out to get money and they played on peoples belief to get it off them.
I have seen people healed. I know a person who had cancer in his gut and ended up losing his digestive system. For 4 years he went around with no stomach and had to live of I.V's. One day he found out about this new surgery that although wouldn't give him his digestive system back would allow him to eat food. However, at the end of the 10 hour operation he died. For about 15 minutes he was clinically dead (and it definitely wasn't catalepsy before someone mentions that) After 15 minutes he woke up again. He was alive, he still had no stomach but he was alive. I'm not sure exactly how much longer after that it was but he was at a meeting talking about what he had seen while he was dead. He got prayer at that meeting and low and behold all of a sudden he had a new digestive system. He then at several days worth of food in about 2 hours because he hadn't eaten anything in so long.

"Religion is the opiate of the masses" - Karl Marx.....and my god, he's right

You do realise that although he wasn't the founder of it, but communism sprouted out of his works?
Anyway. If not religion then something else. At the time that was what it may have seemed, but if he were alive today i believe he wouldn't have been saying that. He likely would have been talking about massmedia being as that has become some what of a drug to people. Christianity used to have a dominance over people that was wrong i will admit. It was down to some corrupt people in very high places. Its was used by them to have control over 'the masses'.

Its partly thanks to these crusades that Christianity is the largest religion in the world.

Catholic countries set out on crusades mainly to gain favour with the Papacy which in turn would give them more power. The crusades failed, they didn't liberate to Holy land. If anything the crusades would have stunted Christian growth. After all would you believe in the god of some guy that killed your brother or your father and then stole all your possessions? Muslims and Catholics were fighting during medieval times, all the time. Catholics were fighting catholics. Muslims fighting Muslims. It wasn't about who's religion was right, it was about being the most powerful country. That is all. As i said religion was just the excuse, it wasn't the reason.
War is a terrible thing, but it is sometimes necessary. For instance the recent war in Iraq. Many people question the motives of the US and Britain. That doesn't matter. What matters is that Saddam is gone. He had killed literally millions of people. Now that he is gone it can only be better.

I really believe that everybody has the right to believe in what they want to. But not without hope that they one day will understand how wrong they are. Too many have wasted their lives on nothing. Too many lives have been spilled for nothing.

You know what. If indeed i am wrong, and that all my belief is for nothing. That i have been mistaken, then do pity me. But if i am right if when we die we will go to heaven or hell. If living as a Christian is the right thing to do. Then i feel pity for you with a great sadness you cant understand. I don't like seeing people hurt, i especially don't like to know that people are going to hell.

Religion will not just disappear anytime soon. And its likely that it will be our doom...

Religion will not vanish full stop. How exactly is it going to be our doom? It gets said all the time and people may be sick of it but God is in-fact our salvation.

Theres nothing more dangerous than an religious fanatic

Its all in the word fanatic. Forget the religion part. There is nothing more dangerous than a fanatic no matter what they believe.

EDIT:I really don't like arguing with you people about this. Not because I'm scared you might prove me wrong but because argument will only serve to turn you away. Very few people come to being a Christian simply by thinking it through. More often it comes from feeling God. Most of the time the understanding come after the faith.
Wow, I'm glad you say that about Christianity manipulating people's lives was wrong....and the massmedia is now the opiate of the masses indeed.....for example I am disgusted at the BBC's blatent anti-war status.....sheduling the UN's documentary about what they found in Iraq after midnight.... refusing to put both sides of the argument.....I actually had a healthy respect for the BBC as the mouthpiece of the nation....but now I believe the BBC is too baised towards the stupid people who belive that there was no justification for war...despite the fact that history would ahve repeated itself....rant over.....
Why do I believe in a religion if I believe? Religion sucks anyway.
Im a Christian. (Babtist) but I do not have the same convictions as most babtist do.
Me = Scientist through and through.

Until someone can give me absolutely 100% water-tight proof that a god exists, i will stick to believing that there is something 'up there' that created everything before the big bang, and that this entity should not be worshiped.