Religous freaks

Teh_Poet said:
If you live in the US or any other country with free speech, then they most definately DO have the right to tell them their views.

You misunderstand me - by 'no right' I meant it's 'not the done thing' or 'not ethically permissable'

It's interesting about the saying grace thing - I'd be inclined to go along with it just to keep the peace; it's the preachy pamphlet types and Jehovas that piss me off, although a little courtesy goes a long way
And what about Harry Potter satan books. Flame them, hertics !!!! :flame:
J.K. Rowling is witch!!!

:E Those religion freaks
Pesmerga said:
I think going through with grace is respectful to other people. It's not wise to get all steamed up with something so trivial, you lose the respect of the people you're eating with and you feel bad (YES YOU FEEL BAD GOD DAMMIT, DON'T LIE TO YOURSELF) for being such a loner jerk who has this mindset on being an individual and flaunting your disbelief like some...jehovas witness? ;)

But it's respectful when they pressure me into partaking in something I don't believe in? Honestly, some of you people have a pretty imbalanced concept of courtesy.
I just don't say grace. The only people getting steamed up are those that insist on making me partake in their beliefs. So who is being unreasonable now? And if I lose the respect of people at the dinner table for having a spine and not going against my beliefs, then fine with me. If their respect for me is dependent on my faith, then I really don't care what they think of me.

And your comparison to a Jehova's Witness is switched up. People at the dinner table are the ones insisting that I practice their beliefs. Not the other way around.
Well I for one don't say grace...but I do bow my head out of respect, because I am a guest in that persons house.So say when I'm at another persons dinner table and they want to say grace then hey...nothing wrong with that.Just bow your head out of respect..don't even have to close your eyes.

Now if they want YOU to say grace, then thats a different story.Just lie and say "I don't know what to say" or something.

(No I'm not a atheist, nor am I really religious.)
Black baby Jesus will smite you if you don't say grace!
I personally find religion as a way of explaining the scientifically unexplainable.
If someone tries to convert me I simply say no; I no longer have the time for religion anymore.
jondyfun said:
You misunderstand me - by 'no right' I meant it's 'not the done thing' or 'not ethically permissable'

It's interesting about the saying grace thing - I'd be inclined to go along with it just to keep the peace; it's the preachy pamphlet types and Jehovas that piss me off, although a little courtesy goes a long way

Those guys annoy me to, even though I believe most Jehovas are very friendly (although I also believe they are going to hell). The preachy pamphlet types, they could find a more effective way to try and convert you.
I'm surrounded by christian fundamentalist fanatics in my family. It's not fun.
see the thing with saying grace is that it doesnt stop there ...they're the same people who question why you're not being married in a church, or why your kids arent being baptized ...ask a devout christian what they think about not baptizing a baby ..there's usually a look of panic on their face ...I can almost hear them saying "but the baby's soul must be saved!"

CrazyHarij: ruuuuuuuunnnn!!!!!!!!!

/me waves at Neutrino, long time no see :)
CptStern said:
see the thing with saying grace is that it doesnt stop there ...they're the same people who question why you're not being married in a church, or why your kids arent being baptized ...ask a devout christian what they think about not baptizing a baby ..there's usually a look of panic on their face ...I can almost hear them saying "but the baby's soul must be saved!"

* CptStern waves at Neutrino, long time no see :)
Actually, most of the protestant christians i know see baptizing babies as completely useless and something meant for later in life. In fact, my church doesnt do it all :/
Ikerous said:
Actually, most of the protestant christians i know see baptizing babies as completely useless and something meant for later in life. In fact, my church doesnt do it all :/

it's called christening right? which I think is more about selecting a name then washing away original sin ...protestants have always been less conservative that catholics and far less conservative than christians
CptStern said:
see the thing with saying grace is that it doesnt stop there ...they're the same people who question why you're not being married in a church, or why your kids arent being baptized ...ask a devout christian what they think about not baptizing a baby ..there's usually a look of panic on their face ...I can almost hear them saying "but the baby's soul must be saved!"

CrazyHarij: ruuuuuuuunnnn!!!!!!!!!

* CptStern waves at Neutrino, long time no see :)
I only know one person like that, and he always asks me why I don't believe in god and if I know where I am going to go if I don't go to church.
CptStern said:
tell him to "go to hell" :)
Lol, I usualy just bring up evolution and then he says "Oh my! You must be so dumb, evolution doesn't make any sense at all. How do deformities in amoebas make humans?"
When it comes to religion, i sit happily on the conglomerate-corner of the 1000 way fence that seperates them all, occassionally dropping empty wrappers and beer cans.

I really think that argueing over religion is pointless. All religions are merely stop-gaps, something to tire you over until you die, and learn the >>ultimate truth<<

But until then, we can put up with those who believe in the notion of a 'God' or 'Gods'. Of course, the occassional wide-eyed fundamental looney who insists on forcing his beliefs on you can be ignored.

If you are at someones home, then conform to their customs (to an extent), but in a public place, you can keep your own views.

I repel Jehovas Witnesses with an engraved sign on the wall in front of the door:

"Will all Jehovas Witnesses please note that Belief is not a subject up for discussion. If you try, you will be faced with awkward questions involving: Animal sacrafice, gods views on computer games, and the current state of the church."

Of course, a series of bloody and smeared hand prints up the inside of the glass door always does the trick.
Ikerous said:
Actually, most of the protestant christians i know see baptizing babies as completely useless and something meant for later in life. In fact, my church doesnt do it all :/

My cousin was baptized recently when she was 16. It made more sense too because it was something she actually wanted to do, so it had more personal meaning, and wasn't just about her parents beliefs.
cabbs said:
"Will all Jehovas Witnesses please note that Belief is not a subject up for discussion. If you try, you will be faced with awkward questions involving: Animal sacrafice, gods views on computer games, and the current state of the church."

that's one big ass sign ;)
ACLeroK212 said:
My cousin was baptized recently when she was 16. It made more sense too because it was something she actually wanted to do, so it had more personal meaning, and wasn't just about her parents beliefs.

a friend from high school was circumcised at 16 because he became a devout catholic (although circumcision isnt a requirement) :eek:
CptStern said:
it's called christening right? which I think is more about selecting a name then washing away original sin ...protestants have always been less conservative that catholics and far less conservative than christians

Protestants and Catholics are christians.
ACLeroK212 said:
Protestants and Catholics are christians.

nah ...chrisitans are non catholics and non protestants :E

btw why do christians believe they are the "true" form of christianity? ...IMHO rastafarianism is closest of the christian religions to follow jesus' teachings
CptStern said:
nah ...chrisitans are non catholics and non protestants :E

I don't get what you mean by that. Catholic, Protestant, Lutheran, Methodist etc. are just different denominations of Christianity.

CptStern said:
btw why do christians believe they are the "true" form of christianity? ...IMHO rastafarianism is closest of the christian religions to follow jesus' teachings

Pretty much all denominations believe they are the "true" form of christianity. It wouldn't make much sense otherwise. I mean if you followed Catholicisim and believed that Methodist was a more "true" form, wouldn't you think that you'd switch to Methodist instead. It wouldn't make a whole lot of sense to believe in one thing while at the same time believing that another thing was a more true or complete form of your original beliefs.
This reminds me of the hell I caught from my family for not being confirmed. For those of you who don't know what confirmation is, the idea is basically this: your parents bring you in to the church when you're a young child and raise you in the faith. Then, when you're about 15 or 16, you confirm that you're really a believer by going through a sort of second baptism. I'd had my fill of Catholicism by about 12, and decided I would never be confirmed. My family is composed of devout Catholics, many of whom either serve in the church somehow or have actually become priests. They are truly the weirdest people alive. For example, we don't just "say grace", we have to hold hands, and repeat the Our Father. Our little get-togethers must always be preceded by an ad-hoc mass service which normally takes place in someone’s backyard or living room. And they always, always, always start religious debates with anyone they view to be a non-believer (me!). I mean, they gang-up on me and start belting out their rhetoric about anything and everything (well, there is one thing they really love to harp on). And if you don't agree with them, why they simply push you off to the side and pretend you don't exist. For example, one time we had our little mass the priest (my uncle) said "Any one voting for John Kerry is not allowed to receive communion", this of course came right after we had a debate about politics (I was obviously in Kerry’s corner). Oh and don't get them started on the topic of gay marriage...actually, it's best not to talk about gay people at all, since being gay is, of course, the worst thing in the world. Not like it matters though. I don’t have to say a word. I don’t even have to be sitting with them. They’ll come to me and start that up with a sinister little smirk on their face. I swear if I hear one more thing about burning in hell, I'll strangle my uncle with his ceremonial sash.
dear god!! (pun intended!) and I thought my dad asking once if my son will baptised was bad!

must be tough when you're own family tries to cram religion down your throat're literally the black sheep in so many ways ...which in this case is a good thing :)
qckbeam said:
This reminds me of the hell I caught from my family for not being confirmed. For those of you who don't know what confirmation is, the idea is basically this: your parents bring you in to the church when you're a young child and raise you in the faith. Then, when you're about 15 or 16, you confirm that you're really a believer by going through a sort of second baptism. I'd had my fill of Catholicism by about 12, and decided I would never be confirmed. My family is composed of devout Catholics, many of whom either serve in the church somehow or have actually become priests. They are truly the weirdest people alive. For example, we don't just "say grace", we have to hold hands, and repeat the Our Father. Our little get-togethers must always be preceded by an ad-hoc mass service which normally takes place in someone’s backyard or living room. And they always, always, always start religious debates with anyone they view to be a non-believer (me!). I mean, they gang-up on me and start belting out their rhetoric about anything and everything (well, there is one thing they really love to harp on). And if you don't agree with them, why they simply push you off to the side and pretend you don't exist. For example, one time we had our little mass the priest (my uncle) said "Any one voting for John Kerry is not allowed to receive communion", this of course came right after we had a debate about politics (I was obviously in Kerry’s corner). Oh and don't get them started on the topic of gay marriage...actually, it's best not to talk about gay people at all, since being gay is, of course, the worst thing in the world. Not like it matters though. I don’t have to say a word. I don’t even have to be sitting with them. They’ll come to me and start that up with a sinister little smirk on their face. I swear if I hear one more thing about burning in hell, I'll strangle my uncle with his ceremonial sash.

I'm sorry to hear that. It must be very tough living in that situation. :(
qckbeam, Jesus did not mean such creations as your avatar to be seen by mortal eyes!

"We all float down here!"

Religion is perfectly good to stand in front of, as a foundation for faith and belief in cause. But to cower behind it, as an excuse or false hope, leads only to failure. Forcing it on others is retarded, as most religions share the same fundamental concepts of "Don't murder lots of people (and no, the Koran does not encourage this), live a responsible life and care for others as they would care for you, ect ect.
this is all i see these days.. parents forcing thier child too religion, or simply the child thinking he has to go along with the religion to please his family/parents.

im not an athiest, and neither am i religious.. why dedicate your life to a belief that you cant prove, can christians prove there is a heaven and hell, a god and a jesus that walked on water? ... doubt it.
Ouch qck. My girlfriend just learnt not to bother religious expectations. Her parents don't quite seem as extreme as your family do (no offence intended) but they certainly expect her to go to a catholic community event at least a few times a year. They told her that once she's living away from home she's free to never attend a religious service again, thankfully.

I guess it'd be better than upsetting them forever, although sometimes I doubt it. :/
My family are strong Christians (my dad by upbringing and my mum through mid-life conversion) and thus, combining that heritage with my generic apathy, contempt for all life and my scientific leanings, I like to think of myself as a Protestant Agnostic. In the sense that if I sat down and decided that God existed, I'd be Protestant.

I do hate people that try and force their religion down my throat, however. And although it detracts from the moment, please note that that link contains profanity, but it does represent how confused and angry the subject makes me: everyone's entitled to their own beliefs, but when they start deriding those of others, or actively trying to convert people happy with their own way of life, or even indulging in crass hypocrisy- then I loose my respect for them.
Being jewish in a wonderbread community is hard. I don't even go to synagog(sp) Except high holidays. Yet those holy rollers still come up to me occasionally calling me "christ killer" or telling me I'm going to go to purgatory or hell. I find it funny yet at the same time sad. Sad, because people still teach thier children to impose thier religion on others.
If any "Christians" call you a Christ-killer, tell the buggers that you hold them personally responsible for the immolations of millions of innocent women and men accused of witchcraft.

Besides, Jesus's death is an integral part of the faith. He needed to die to save us from our sins.
Edcrab said:
If any "Christians" call you a Christ-killer, tell the buggers that you hold them personally responsible for the immolations of millions of innocent women and men accused of witchcraft.

Besides, Jesus's death is an integral part of the faith. He needed to die to save us from our sins.

Oh oh, don't for get the inquision and the crusades!

There's some bible dude (that's what I call him) that stands out front of one of my University's food courts sometimes. He's actually a bit entertaining because he's one of those apocolyptic nuts, spouting things like "read your bible or you will go to hell" or "the end is near, do you know Jesus?" He even wears (no joke) one of those placard things that you wear like a vest, and on the front it says "read your bible" and on the back it says "say no to homo's". Most of the time everyone just ignores him, but every once in a while some people will have some fun with him. What a sad, pathetic man.
You know what I hate. Me dont beilieve in anything execpt the theroy of evelution. You know right!? Ape---Man :burp:. Well anyways it's annoying,
theres these guys I told them who do you think made us...God God God.
Ding! I whip out the Charles Darwin evelution paper I wrote and voilia!
I love being me :afro:
Also some guy handed me a bible and i refused to acept it and he told me i was a "fag that was going to hell"...WTF?
I can't stand these lame ass flyers that i recently found around campus that just said

"Who killed jesus???" and you open it up and it says YOU DID WITH YOUR SINS!" and has a picture of bloody hands praying, then all these words around it like "masterbation, adultry, murder," and stuff........i couldn't believe these people were passing this bs around.
Homless Snark said:
I can't stand these lame ass flyers that i recently found around campus that just said

"Who killed jesus???" and you open it up and it says YOU DID WITH YOUR SINS!" and has a picture of bloody hands praying, then all these words around it like "masterbation, adultry, murder," and stuff........i couldn't believe these people were passing this bs around.

The jews killed Jesus
Whenever I see the phrase "religious freaks" I always get a picture of the bearded lady holding a bible. Dunno why.